Brough's Books - Canoe Building

Canoe Building

Books on Construction of Kayaks and Canoes in Wood and Composites
Home > Nautical > Canoe Building
Baidarka: The Kayak
Baidarka: The Kayak
by George Dyson
Paperback from Alaska Northwest Books
Building a Birchbark Canoe: The Algonquin Wabanaki Tciman
by David Gidmark, Denis Alsford
Paperback from Firefly Books

Building Your Kevlar Canoe: A Foolproof Method and Three Foolproof Designs
by James Moran 

Canoecraft: An Illustrated Guide to Fine Woodstrip Construction
by Ted Moores
Paperback: 208 pages
Firefly Books; ISBN: 1552093425; Rev. & exp edition (September 2, )

The Canoe Shop: Three Elegant Wooden Canoes Anyone Can Build
by Chris Kulczycki
Paperback: 161 pages
McGraw Hill Text; ISBN: 007137227X; (March 30, )

Hooper Bay Kayak Construction (Mercury Series)
by David W. Zimmerly 

Kayakcraft: Fine Woodstrip Kayak Construction
by Ted Moores (Illustrator), Jennifer Moores (Photographer)

The Strip-Built Sea Kayak: Three Rugged, Beautiful Boats You Can Build
by Nick Schade
Contains complete plans and measurements for three different kayaks: a simple solo craft for beginners, a high-performance solo kayak for intermediate paddlers, and a tandem design for two paddlers. 
Paperback: 176 pages 
McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing; ISBN: 007057989X; (March 31, )

Wood and Canvas Kayak Building
by George Putz

The Story of the Chestnut Canoe: 150 Years of Canadian Canoe Building
by Kenneth Solway 

Building a Strip Canoe
by Gil Gilpatrick
Paperback: 128 pages
DeLorme Publishing; ISBN: 0899331181; Revised edition (April )
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The Aleutian Kayak: Origins, Construction, and Use of the Traditional Seagoing Baidarka
by Wolfgang Brinck
For true traditionalists, here are the first complete plans and detailed building instructions for authentic Aleutian Kyak--the ancient voyaging and hunting craft of the nomadic Unangan of Alaska. Based on originals in museums in Oregon and California, these lightweight (35 Pounds, 17 feet long) skin-on-frame sea kayaks can be built to fit the owner's exact dimensions, using simple hand tools and readily obtainable materials, for less than $200, including paddles, spray skirt, and traditional paddling jacket. Known as Baidarkas among the Russian settlers of Alaska, these unique native American craft evolved over centuries to carry heavy loads swiftly over long distances in wind and wave--ideal for modern sea kayakers looking for an alternative to plastic replicas of short-range Greenland-style boats. 
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