Brough's Books - Lego Mindstorms

Lego Mindstorms

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Building Robots With Lego Mindstorms : The Ultimate Tool for Mindstorms Maniacs
by Mario Ferrari, et al
Paperback: 656 pages
Syngress Media Inc; ISBN: 1928994679; 1st edition (December 15, )

Creative Projects with LEGO Mindstorms
by Benjamin Erwin
Paperback: 336 pages
Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0201708957; 1st edition (April 9, )

Jin Sato's Lego Mindstorms: The Master's Technique
by Jin Sato, Arnie Rusoff (Translator)
Paperback: 364 pages
No Starch Press; ISBN: 1886411565; (April )

Extreme Mindstorms: an Advanced Guide to Lego Mindstorms
by Dave Baum (Editor), et al

Core LEGO MINDSTORMS Programming: Unleash the Power of the Java Platform
by Brian Bagnall
Paperback from Prentice Hall PTR

Creative Projects with LEGO Mindstorms
by Benjamin Erwin
Paperback from Pearson Educational

Building Robots With Lego Mindstorms : The Ultimate Tool for Mindstorms Maniacs
by Mario Ferrari, Giulio Ferrari, Ralph Hempel
Paperback from Syngress

Definitive Guide to LEGO MINDSTORMS, Second Edition
by Dave Baum, Dave Dave Baum's Definitive Guide to Lego Mindstorms Baum
Paperback from APress

Lego Mindstorms Interfacing
by Don Wilcher, Matta
Paperback from McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics

Extreme Mindstorms: an Advanced Guide to Lego Mindstorms
by Dave Baum, Michael Gasperi, Ralph Hempel, Luis Villa, Ralph Hemple, David Baum
Paperback from APress

Programming Lego Mindstorms with Java (With CD-ROM)
by Dario Laverde (Editor), et al
(Paperback -- May )

10 Cool LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System 2 Projects: Amazing Projects You Can Build in Under an Hour
by Jeff Elliott, Dean Hystad, Luke Ma, C. S. Soh, Rob Stehlik, Tonya L. Witherspoon
About the Author
Dr. Soh Chio Siong (commonly known as CSSoh on the Internet) is a Public Health Physician who has a penchant for things scientific, mechanical, and electronic. Since he was a child, he has built crystal sets, microscopes, telescopes, steam engines, digital clocks, and computers, among other things. Dr. Soh became interested in using LEGO as a tool for creative learning in 1998, with the purchase of some LEGO Dacta sets and, later on, the MINDSTORMS RIS set. He developed a special interest in pneumatics, particularly pneumatic engines, and is author of the world-renowned site on LEGO Pneumatics. He is an active member of the LUGNET community and has led many interesting discussion threads. 
His current interest is the use of LEGO in the teaching of science and creativity. 

Giulio Ferrari is a student in economics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where he also studied engineering. He is fond of computers and has developed utilities, entertainment software, and Web applications for several companies. Giulio discovered robotics in 1998, with the arrival of MINDSTORMS, and held an important place in the creation of the Italian LEGO community. He shares a love for LEGO bricks with his oldest brother, Mario, and a strong curiosity for the physical and mathematical sciences. Giulio has contributed to two other books for Syngress Publishing, Building Robots with LEGO MINDSTORMS (ISBN: 1-928994-67-9) and Programming LEGO MINDSTORMS with Java (ISBN: 1-928994-55-5). 

Luke Ma is a student at Brown University in Providence, RI. He is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Music and Computer Science. Luke has worked for Latitude Communications, Inc. as an engineering intern, helping the company develop and expand its Web-conferencing platform. He also has extensive experience in designing Web pages. He is fluent in C/C++, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, Chinese, English, and hopefully French and German sometime in the future. 

Mario Ferrari received his first LEGO box around 1964, when he was four-years-old. LEGO was his favorite toy for many years, until he thought he was too old to play with it. In 1998, the LEGO MINDSTORMS RIS set gave him reason to again have LEGO become his main addiction. Mario believes LEGO is the closest thing to the perfect toy. He is Managing Director at EDIS, a leader in finishing and packaging solutions and promotional packaging. The advent of the MINDSTORMS product line represented for him the perfect opportunity to combine his interest in IT and robotics with his passion for LEGO bricks. Mario has been an active member of the online MINDSTORMS community from the beginning and has pushed LEGO robotics to its limits. Mario holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Turin and has always nourished a strong interest for physics, mathematics, and computer science. He is fluent in many programming languages and his background includes positions as an IT Manager and as a Project Supervisor. With his brother Giulio Ferrari, Mario is the co-author of the highly successful book Building Robots with LEGO MINDSTORMS (Syngress Publishing, ISBN: 1-928994-67-9). Mario estimates he owns over 60,000 LEGO pieces. Mario works in Modena, Italy, where he lives with his wife, Anna, and his children, Sebastiano and Camilla. 
Paperback from Syngress

LEGO Mindstorms Mechatronics : Using Systems and Controls to Build Sophisticed Robots
by Don Wilcher
Paperback from McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics

10 Cool LEGO Mindstorms Ultimate Builder Projects: Amazing Projects You Can Build in Under an Hour
by David Astolfo, Stephen Cavers, Kevin Clague, C.S., Dr. Soh, Larry, Dr. Whitman, Tonya Witherspoon, Mario Ferrari, Giulio Ferrari
Paperback from Syngress

LEGO Mindstorms Masterpieces: Building Advanced Robots
by Doug Carlson, Kevin Clague, Giulio Ferrari, Mario Ferrari, Ralph Hempel, Miguel Aagullo, J. P. Brown
Paperback from Syngress

Building and Programming Lego Mindstorms Robots Kit
by Mario Ferrari, Giulio Ferrari
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