As in the past, I propose to devote this first page of the Brough Superior catalogue to blowing my own trumpet., or, rather, the several trumpets of all who devote themselves to building The Rolls-Royce of Motor Cycles (vide The Motor Cycle). 
Designer - Manufacturer - Rider of the Brough Superior, who has won over 200 Cups and Gold Medals in Open Competitions, Hill Climbs, and Races in all parts of the World.
    If this lack of modesty offends you, let me say that at one time we tried - really quite hard - to be modest.  It couldn't be done.  The lads who bought and rode my bikes systematically set about giving us swollen heads.   Whenever we lay our trumpets down for a spell, B.S. enthusiasts take them up and blow themselves hoarse. See page 12 if you'd care to face their music . . . 
    Modesty is all very well up to a point, but one mustn't lose a sense of realities.  If I, after 27 years as Designer - Manufacturer - Rider, couldn't offer you something pretty exceptional in the way of fast, luxurious motorcycles, the time would obviously have come for me to study the "Situations Vacant" column.   You see nobody on earth has been designing and manufacturing and riding bikes as long as yours truly, G.B.   Experientia docet and all that.   A year ago the S.S. 100 and 11.50 Brough Superiors were brought bang up to date by the standardisation of a rear springing system which is still unrivalled for neat appearance, lack of lateral motion, and sheer armchair riding comfort.  The S.S. 80 Special, specially launched to make B.S. ownership possible for hundreds, who formerly could only heave covetous sighs, is the sole member of the "Brufsup" family without rear springing. 
    During the past twelve months I have racked my brain in vain for some way of producing finer motorcycles than the S.S. 100, S.S. 80 and 11.50.   Press critics and ordinary riders alike have been unable to find fault with those three lusty motors ;   therefore they stand unchanged for 1939.   The newcomer to my range deserves and gets special literature to itself, although the preliminary introduction to the super-machine, bu which this year's Show will long be remembered, will be found on pages 8 and 9.   Here at last is the answer to the prayer of those fastidious idealists whose prose never ceases to adorn the Dear Sir pages of the technical Press.  Read about this amazing new Four in my separate folder. 
    And don't forget that in matters of after sales service the men who Brough it are the pampered darlings of motorcycledom. 
    As a customer of mine said the other day : You know, George, I think I'd go on buying your bikes even if they were bad - it's such a pleasure to deal with you and your Haydn Road boys.

  Telephones : 65535/6 Nottingham  Telegrams and Cables : Brufsup,  Nottingham
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