Brough's Books on Caravaggio


Books on Michelangelo Caravaggio (1573-1610)
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M : The Man Who Became Caravaggio
by Peter Robb
Sometimes known simply as M, Caravaggio threw out Renaissance dogma to paint with dazzling originality and fierce vitality--qualities that are echoed in Robb's prose as he suspends time to capture the artist's wild and tempestuous life.

Book Description: A bold, fresh biography of the world's first modern painter 

As presented with "blood and bone and sinew" (Times Literary Supplement) by Peter Robb, Caravaggio's wild and tempestuous life was a provocation to a culture in a state of siege. The end of the sixteenth century was marked by the Inquisition and Counter-Reformation, a background of ideological cold war against which, despite all odds and at great cost to their creators, brilliant feats of art and science were achieved. No artist captured the dark, violent spirit of the time better than Caravaggio, variously known as Marisi, Moriggia, Merigi, and sometimes, simply M. As art critic Robert Hughes has said, "There was art before him and art after him, and they were not the same." 

Caravaggio threw out Renaissance dogma to paint with dazzling originality and fierce vitality, qualities that are echoed in Robb's prose. As with Caravaggio's art, M arrests and suspends time to reveal what the author calls "the theater of the partly seen." Caravaggio's wild persona leaps through these pages like quicksilver; in Robb's skilled hands, he is an immensely attractive character with an astonishing connection to the glories and brutalities of life. 
Hardcover - 570 pages
Henry Holt & Company, Inc.; ISBN: 0805063560

by Howard Hibbard
Paperback - 404 pages
Reprint edition (February 1985) Icon (Harpe)
by John T. Spike

Caravaggio : Quadrifolio (Rizzoli Quadrifolio)
by Stefano Zuffi, Michelangelo Merisi Da Caravaggio

Caravaggio: Master of Light and Dark--His Life in Paintings
by Michelangelo Merisi Da Caravaggio, Rosa Giorgi

Caravaggio (Library of the Great Masters)
by Giorgio Bonsanti, Paul Blanchard (Translator)
Special Order

by Catherine Puglisi
As Catherine Puglisi points out in the most beautiful Caravaggio book ever, the soulful, tormented, ethereally talented painter has become a pop icon, with a "full-blown industry of Caravaggio publications." Puglisi's book is a standout in this crowded field. With remarkable evenhandedness, she sifted through the scholarship and discoveries--and the trash--of the past 20 years and wrote a Caravaggio book that does justice to the painter's glorious work. She doesn't skimp on the juicy parts of his life, however: she candidly but coolly recounts and appraises the bits of historical evidence for his sexuality (both hetero and homo), his use of whores and ruffians as models, and his many scrapes with the law.
Paperback - 448 pages
Phaidon Press Inc.; ISBN: 0714839663

Caravaggio: A Life by Helen Langdon
Hardcover - 432 pages
Farrar Straus & Giroux (Juv)

Caravaggio's Secrets
by Leo Bersani, Ulysse Dutoit
Caravaggio's Secrets begins with the painter's supposedly homoerotic work and moves from there into a discussion his art in a psychoanalytic context. One of the coauthors is a professor of French, the other, a teacher of film, and they join many other non-art historians who have offered critical commentary on Caravaggio's work. "Castration/decapitation has left David in a state of between-ness," they write of David with the Head of Goliath (1609-10), "not only between gendered identities but also between existential violence and what Caravaggio appears to conceive of as the aesthetic consequence of that violence.... In Goliath's head, David-Caravaggio has painted his own castration." 
This book is probably not for general readers, but those whose interest in Caravaggio is not fully sated by some of the other, more general books on the market will likely find their fill here. --Peggy Moorman 
Hardcover - 140 pages
MIT Press

Caravaggio (Colour Library)
by Timothy Wilson-Smith
Paperback - 80 pages 1 Ed edition
(December ) Phaidon Press Inc.

Caravaggio (Masters of Art)
by Alfred Moir
Hardcover - 128 pages Reprint edition (October 1989)
Harry N Abrams

Quoting Caravaggio : Contemporary Art, Preposterous History
by Mieke Bal
Mieke Bal's primary object of investigation in Quoting Caravaggio is not the great seventeenth-century painter, but rather the issue of temporality in art. In order to retheorize linear notions of influence in cultural production, Bal analyzes the productive relationship between Caravaggio and a number of late-twentieth-century artists who "quote" the baroque master in their own works. These artists include Andres Serrano, Carrie Mae Weems, Ken Aptekar, David Reed, and Ana Mendieta, among others.
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Caravaggio: A Passionate Life
by Desmond Seward
Hardcover - 224 pages (November )
William Morrow & Company
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Caravaggio Movies

from Increase Video
(VHS Tape)
- Special Order 

The Great Masters: Caravaggio
from Kultur Video
(VHS Tape)
- Special Order 

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