Brough's Books on Alison Weir

Alison Weir

Books on English History
Home > History > Alison Weir
The Children of Henry VIII
by Alison Weir
Listed under Elizabeth I

Henry VIII: The King and His Court
by Alison Weir
Listed under Henry VIII

The Life of Elizabeth I
by Alison Weir
Listed under Elizabeth I

Six Wives of Henry VIII
by Alison Weir
Listed under Henry VIII

Mary Queen of Scots and the Murder of Lord Darnley 
by Alison Weir
Listed under Mary Queen of Scots

Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Life
by Alison Weir

The Wars of the Roses
by Alison Weir, et al
Listed under Wars of the Roses

The Princes in the Tower
by Alison Weir
Alison Weir goes to contemporary sources to unravel the fate of the sons of Edward lV, the princes in the Tower of London. These sources include the account of Dominic Mancini, an Italian monk who was in England from 1482-July 1483 as part of a French delegation and the Croyland Chronicles. Other writers, including novelists Josephine Tey and Sharon Kay Penmann, have examined the disappearance of Edward V and his younger brother. I won't tell you Weir's conclusions, but I will say that she is very persuasive in her reasoning. I highly recommend PRINCES IN THE TOWER to any fans of British Royal history. The Publisher.
Paperback: 304 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.80 x 8.26 x 5.50
Publisher: Fawcett Books; Reprint edition 
ISBN: 0345391780

The Life of Elizabeth I
by Alison Weir
Listed under Elizabeth I

The Expansion of Elizabethan England
by A. L. Rowse, Alison Weir

Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy 
by Alison Weir
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Elizabeth the Queen
by Alison Weir
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Books by Alison Weir

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