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Middle East History

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Arabia and the Gulf in Original Photographs, 1880-1950
by Andrew Wheatcroft
Hardcover from Kegan Paul
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Bravo Two Zero
by Andy McNab

The Body and the Blood: The Holy Land at the Turn of a New Millennium: A Reporter's Journey
by Charles M. Sennott

Dream Palace of the Arabs : A Generation's Odyssey
by Fouad Ajami
What constitutes the dream palace of the Arabs? "On their own, in the barracks and in the academies," Fouad Ajami writes, "in the principle cities of the Arab world--Beirut, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo--Arabs had built an intellectual edifice of secular nationalism and modernity." What has happened to the dream over the past quarter century is the focus of Ajami's brilliant and controversial inquiry. Born in Lebanon and currently a professor of Middle Eastern studies at Johns Hopkins University (his work in Middle Eastern politics and culture has garnered Ajami the distinguished MacArthur Fellowship), Dream Palace presents a compressed history of the Middle East and, equally engaging, a highly personal account of the post-World War II Arab world which modern Arabs, like himself, have inherited.

Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789-1923
by Efraim Karsh, Inari Karsh
Empires of the Sand presents the diplomatic and military history of the Middle East, beginning with France's Egyptian campaigns during which Napoleon startled Europe by claiming to have converted to Islam. The conventional wisdom has been that during the 19th century, the Great Powers of Europe actively sought the dismemberment of the region's preeminent power, the Ottoman Empire, finally using its alliance with Germany during the First World War as an excuse to carve it up into artificial entities and thus sow the seeds for the Middle East's problems today. This is not how London-based historians Efraim and Inari Karsh approach their subject. They see a constant interplay of interests and intrigue, with pressures from regional forces, such as the Hashemites, as the main impetus for the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. When they needed support and protection, local states and rulers didn't hesitate to call on infidels they had previously vilified. The West played similar diplomatic games, for example, preventing Bulgaria from taking Istanbul in 1912 for fear of upsetting the overall European balance of power. In the Crimean War of 1854, France and Britain actually went to war with Russia to defend Turkish interests. Though it is fashionable for relations between the Christian West and Islamic Middle East to be presented in terms of a "clash of civilizations," the well-researched analysis of Empires of the Sand convincingly reinterprets the turbulent diplomacy of this endlessly fascinating region. --John Stevenson -
Paperback: 448 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.15 x 9.25 x 6.12
Publisher: Harvard Univ Pr; (April )
ISBN: 0674005414

Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
by Mitchell Geoffrey Bard

The Palestine-Israeli Conflict
by Dan Cohn-Sherbok, et al

The Reckoning : Iraq and the Legacy of Saddam Hussein
by Sandra MacKey

Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East
by Michael B. Oren

War Without End : Israelis, Palestinians, and the Struggle for a Promised Land
by Anton Laguardia, Anton La Guardia

The Missing Peace : The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace
The Missing Peace : The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace
by Dennis Ross
Hardcover from Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror
Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror
by Anonymous
Hardcover from Brassey's Inc

Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
by Marjane Satrapi
Hardcover from Pantheon
The War for Muslim Minds: Islam and the West
The War for Muslim Minds: Islam and the West
by Gilles Kepel
Hardcover from Belknap Press
Churchills Folly: How Winston Churchill Created Modern Iraq
Churchill's Folly: How Winston Churchill Created Modern Iraq
by Christopher Catherwood
Hardcover from Carroll & Graf Publishers
What Went Wrong? : The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East
What Went Wrong? : The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East
by Bernard Lewis
Paperback from Perennial
A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East
A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East
by David Fromkin
Paperback from Owl Books
Raid on the Sun : Inside Israels Secret Campaign that Denied Saddam the Bomb
Raid on the Sun : Inside Israel's Secret Campaign that Denied Saddam the Bomb
by Rodger Claire
Hardcover from Broadway
From Beirut to Jerusalem (Updated with a New Chapter)
by Thomas L. Friedman

The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years
by Bernard Lewis
To gain a better understanding of contemporary Middle Eastern culture and society, which is steeped in tradition, one should look closely at its history. Bernard Lewis, Professor of Near Eastern studies at Princeton University, considered one of the world's foremost authorities on the Middle East, spans 2000 years of this region's history, searching in the past for answers to questions that will inevitably arise in the future. 

Drawing on material from a multitude of sources, including the work of archaeologists and scholars, Lewis chronologically traces the political, economical, social, and cultural development of the Middle East, from Hellenization in antiquity to the impact of westernization on Islamic culture. Meticulously researched, this enlightening narrative explores the patterns of history that have repeated themselves in the Middle East. 

From the ancient conflicts to the current geographical and religious disputes between the Arabs and the Israelis, Lewis examines the ability of this region to unite and solve its problems and asks if, in the future, these unresolved conflicts will ultimately lead to the ethnic and cultural factionalism that tore apart the former Yugoslavia.
Paperback: 448 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.08 x 9.26 x 6.16
Publisher: Touchstone Books; Reprint edition (August )
ISBN: 0684832801

Finding Palestine
by Liza Elliott

Righteous Victims : A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1999
by Benny Morris

War and Peace in the Middle East : A Concise History
by Avi Shlaim

Sinai Tapestry
Sinai Tapestry
A novel by Edward Whittemore
Paperback from Old Earth Books
The Struggle for the Holy Land : Arabs, Jews, and the Emergence of Israel
by William Hare

The Ottoman Gulf
by Frederick Fallowfield Anscombe
The history of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar between 1870-1914
Paperback: 288 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.65 x 9.04 x 6.04
Publisher: Columbia University Press; ; 0 edition (October 15, )
ISBN: 0231108397

The Persian Sphinx : Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution
by Abbas Milani
Listed under Iranian History

What Went Wrong? : The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East
by Bernard Lewis
Bernard Lewis is the West's greatest historian and interpreter of the Near East. Books such as The Middle East and The Arabs in History are required reading for anybody who hopes to understand the region and its people. Now Lewis offers What Went Wrong?, a concise and timely survey of how Islamic civilization fell from worldwide leadership in almost every frontier of human knowledge five or six centuries ago to a "poor, weak, and ignorant" backwater that is today dominated by "shabby tyrannies ... modern only in their apparatus of repression and terror." He offers no easy answers, but does provide an engaging chronicle of the Arab encounter with Europe in all its military, economic, and cultural dimensions. The most dramatic reversal, he says, may have occurred in the sciences: "Those who had been disciples now became teachers; those who had been masters became pupils, often reluctant and resentful pupils." Today's Arab governments have blamed their plight on any number of external culprits, from Western imperialism to the Jews. Lewis believes they must instead commit to putting their own houses in order: "If the peoples of Middle East continue on their present path, the suicide bomber may become a metaphor for the whole region, and there will be no escape from a downward spiral of hate and spite, rage and self-pity, [and] poverty and oppression." Anybody who wants to understand the historical backdrop to September 11 would do well to look for it on these pages. --John Miller -
Paperback: 208 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.55 x 8.02 x 5.30
Publisher: Harperperennial Library; (January 7, )
ISBN: 0060516054

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