Brough's Books - Eritrea


Books on the Horn of Africa
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Against All Odds: A Chronicle of the Eritrean Revolution With a New Afterword on the Postwar Transiton
by Dan Connell

Beyond Survival : The Economic Challenges of Agriculture & Development in Post-Independent Eritrea
by Tesfa G. Gebremedhin
Paperback: 312 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.25 x 8.75 x 5.75 
Publisher: Red Sea Pr; (March )
ISBN: 1569020310 

Bibliography of the Earth Sciences for the Horn of Africa : Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti, 1620-1993
by Jon E. Kalb
Listed under Earth Sciences

Blood, Land, and Sex: Legal and Political Pluralism in Eritrea
by Lyda Favali, Roy Pateman

Emergent Eritrea : Challenges of Economic Development
by Gebre Hiwet Tesfagiorgis (Editor)

Eritrea Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide
by USA International Business Publications

Eritrea's War
by Paul B. Henze, et al
Book Description: One of the foremost political experts on Ethiopia has written a first-hand account of the conflict at the forefront of Ethiopia's recent history. Ranging from personal interviews with Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki to reports from the front line, Paul Henze analyses the confrontation Eritrea provoked by invading Ethiopia in May 1998 and explores the deep background of the conflict and the tendentious mythology of the EPLF. He also examines the dilemmas Isaias Afewerki's continued rule poses for the region and, above all, for Eritrea's own future. This is the story of the Ethiopian - Eritrean conflict in its entirety, from the invasion of Ethiopia in 1998, to the attack at Badme, to the accepted cease-fire in June of 2000. Eritrea's War is a gripping account of the situation, which cuts to the core of the issues facing the Horn of Africa. 
Paperback: 290 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.61 x 7.10 x 4.52
Publisher: Shama Books; (May 10, )
ISBN: 1931253064

Identity Jilted or Re/Imagining Identity: The Divergent Paths of the Eritrean & Tigrayan Nationalist Struggles
by Alemseged Abbay

Eccentric Graces: Eritrea and Ethiopia Through the Eyes of a Traveler
by Julia Stewart

Eritrea (World Bibliographical Series, Vol 181)
by Randall Fegley (Compiler)

Eritrea : Even the Stones Are Burning
by Roy Pateman

Ethiopia Eritrea & Djibuti (Map)
by Cartographia

Eritrea (Cultures of the World)
by Roseline Ngcheong-Lum

Eccentric Graces : Eritrea and Ethiopia Through the Eyes of a Traveler
by Julia Stewart

Eritrea and Ethiopia : The Federal Experience

Historical Dictionary of Eritrea
by Tom Killion

Historical Dictionary of Ethiopia and Eritrea
by Chris Prouty, Eugene Rosenfeld
Book Description:
Few countries in Africa have a more glorious history than Ethiopia; few have had as tragic a past. These two aspects of a nation that has struggled to survive over centuries have never been more poignant than today. In the dozen or so years since the first edition, rapid change both worldwide and in Ethiopia necessitated this revised edition. New entries as well as revised and expanded existing ones bring this work up to date. It should be noted that this book was completed shortly before Eritrea withdrew from Ethiopia and became an independent state on May 24, 1993, and therefore contains considerable material on Eritrea as well as Ethiopia, although the former is only treated as a region. It is not unusual in such a time of flux that less should be known about Ethiopia now than two decades ago when things were more settled. This dictionary will help trace some of the people and institutions whose fate was not easy to follow. It also informs us about new leaders and groups that have risen, sometimes quite suddenly, to take their place. However, despite the amazing comprehensive view of Ethiopia as it was until recently, is today, and may perhaps be tomarrow, great attention is paid to more remote history. Added to this are useful entries on the ethnic groups that inhabit the land and their customs and practices, plus an overall view of the economic and cultural situation. The author's introduction provides an overview of the country and its people, religion, languages, education, health conditions, economy, and the like. The dictionary proper gives information succinctly on prominent persons, important historical events, customs, places, and other topics. There is a 200-page bibliography arranged in 20 categories. An unusual feature is an index to the dictionary, multiplying its usefulness by interconnecting related fields. 
Hardcover: 644 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.58 x 8.64 x 5.48
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield (Non NBN); 2nd Edition edition
ISBN: 0810826631

Mai Weini, a Highland Village in Eritrea: A Study of the People, Their Livelihood, and Land Tenure During Times of Turbulence
by Kjetil Tronvoll

Property Rights & Political Development in Ethiopia & Eritrea (Eastern African Studies (London, England).)
by Sandra Fullerton Joireman

Ras Alula and the Scramble for Africa: A Political Biography: Ethiopia & Eritrea 1875-1897
by Haggai Erlich

Ras Alula and the Scramble for Africa : A Political Biography : Ethiopia & Eritrea 1875-1897
by Haggai Erlich

Shattered Illusion, Broken Promise: Essays on the Eritrea-Ethiopia Conflict (1998-2000
by Tekie Fessehatzion

To Fight and Learn: The Praxis and Promise of Literacy in Eritrea's Independence War
by Les Gottesman

Suffering Strong : The Journal of a Westerner in Ethiopia, the Sudan, Eritrea, and Chad (Current Issues Series, No. 3)
by Nichols Mottern

Refugees and Development in Africa the Case of Eritrea
by Gaim Kibreab

Surrender or Starve: Travels in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Eritrea
by Robert D. Kaplan
Listed under Somalia

Tigrinya-Eritrea Bible
Publisher: American Bible Society; (December )

Without Troops & Tanks : The Emergency Relief Desk and the Cross Border Operation into Eritrea and Tigray
 Mark Duffield, John Prendergast

Italian Colonialism in Eritrea, 1882-1941 : Policies, Praxis, and Impact (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Historica Upsaliensia, 148)
by Tekeste Negash
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