Brough's Books - Luger Pistols

Luger Pistols

Books on German Handguns
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The Luger Handbook
Aarron Davis
One of the most difficult aspects of buying and selling Lugers is their almost legendary number of variations. Here's a decision tree approach to classifying all of them. Pick up this book and in seconds you can name the very Luger model in your hands. Each model and variation listed includes pricing information, proof marks, and detailed attributes on one single page in a handy, user-friendly format. Plus, it's fully indexed. Travel the gun show or auction circuit with this book in hand.
The Luger Story
by John Walter
Hardcover - 256 pages (Nov. 1995)

Luger Tips
by Michael II, Reese
Paperback - 120 pages (Dec. 1992)

Lugers at Random
Lugers at Random
by Charles Kenyon
Hardcover from Hand Gun Pr
Luger P'08 Pistol, 9mm Assembly, Disassembly Manual
by Skennerton, Riling
Paperback from Ray Riling Arms Books
The Luger Snail Drum and Other Accessories for the Artillery Model Luger
The Luger Snail Drum and Other Accessories for the Artillery Model Luger
by Edward C. Sayre
Paperback from Andrew Mowbray Publishers, Inc.
Standard Catalog of Luger
Standard Catalog of Luger
by Aarron Davis
Paperback from Gun Digest Books
The P-08 Parabellum Luger Automatic Pistol
The P-08 Parabellum Luger Automatic Pistol
by David J. McFarland
Paperback from Desert Pubns
Luger Story (Greenhill Military Paperback)
Luger Story (Greenhill Military Paperback)
by John Walter
Paperback from Greenhill Books
The Luger Handbook
The Luger Handbook
by Aarron Davis
Paperback from Krause Publications
[no image]
The Luger Pistol; (pistole parabelllum) Its History and Development from 1893 - 1945. Enlarged Revised Edition
by Fred A. Datig
Hardcover from Borden

Luger Book: The Encyclopedia of the Borchardt and Borchardt-Luger Handguns, 1885-1985
by John Luger Walter
Paperback from Arms & Armour
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Lugers at Random
by Charles Kenyon
Lugers At Random has long been considered the top reference book on Luger pistols by collectors and researchers alike. It covers hundreds of models and variations from 1898 prototypes through the end of WWII. 420 8 1/2 x 11 pages, profusely illustrated with hundreds of photos. A must for anyone interested in this famous German pistol of two World Wars
Hardcover (September 1990)
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Imperial Lugers
by Jan C.Still
Covered in detail are the Army and Navy Lugers of Imperial Germany, their holsters, magazines, loading tools, cleaning rods and literature. For the first time these accessories are related to the Luger variations with which they were originally issued. Unit marked Lugers issued to infantry, riflemen, machine gun crews, cavalry, combat engineers, artillery crews, air ships, railway crews, munitions columns, Army staff, Kaiser's Headquarters, ambulance units and the III Seebattalion are described with photographs and related World War I battle scenes. Also covered are Lugers used by Germany's ally, Bulgaria, and the Lugers tested by the U.S. Army that influenced the Luger design adopted by the Germany Army in 1908. Over 55 Luger variations are described with 460 photos and battle scenes. Replaces all previous references on DWM and Erfurt Lugers.
Hardcover - 219 pages (September 10, )
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Weimar Lugers
by Jan C.Still
Finally someone has taken a serious look at the truly unique arena of the Weimar Era Lugers. Although ever present, this group of mysterious Lugers has caused confusion and conflict among the collecting fraternity. This book points out the historic importance of these Lugers and brings order out of chaos with the practical application of new documentation to observed data. Weimar Era Lugers hold a distinct place of importance to any serious collector of German arms. Each pistol has its own character and many have a rich history. Jan Still has added yet another classic to his fabulous series of reference works. The Publisher
Hardcover - 291 pages (September 10, 1988)
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Third Reich Lugers
by Jan C.Still
A new classic book prepared with the help of the world renowned members of the National Automatic Pistol Collectors Association. It contains information and photographs from the world's most important Luger collections. Covered in detail with much new information are the Army, Navy and police Lugers of Weimar Germany, their holsters, magazines, loading tools, cleaning rods, conversion units and literature. Imperial and Weimar Lugers reworked during the Nazi Era, Weimar commercial Lugers and Dutch Lugers are also covered. New historic information and the turmoil of the Weimar and Early Nazi Eras are related directly to the production of Lugers at DWM, BKIW and Mauser. Weimar Era Lugers remained in service during the Nazi Era and were used by the German military and police during World War II. Over 130 Luger variations are described with text and over 550 photos.
Hardcover - 312 pages (September 10, 1993)
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Axis Pistols
by Jan C.Still
This book covers the Army, Luftwaffe, Kreigsmarine, police and NSDAP pistols of Nazi Germany and the pistols of her Axis allies: Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia and Finland, with historic background. A summary fold-out map shows this rich array of pistols distributed across a world at war and battle photographs show these pistols in action. Over 300 pistol variations from 20 nations are described in detail with 600 photos. 
Hardcover - 360 pages (September 10, 1989)
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Lugers of Ralph Shattuck
by Russel C. Keep III
LUGERS of Ralph Shattuck is a 48 page, high quality, full color pictorial review of the Luger pistol regarding its evolution in design and its place in history. Every page is a beautiful picture of a Luger and its history. It is hot stamped in 24K gold foil on a solid black hard cover binding with a library hard spine. The special introduction, GUNS OF BATTLE, by Tom Johnson historian and collector, sets the pace for this wonderfully authored book by Russell C. Keep III, and is both interesting to read and historically graphic in content. Detailed information describing manufactures, variations, usage in war, commercial production and a guide to values, provides the novice and collector alike with a handsome and easy to read 5" x 7" book for invaluable reference. LUGERS of Ralph Shattuck contains vivid scenes of battle and full color pictures of privately owned Lugers never before published. 
Ralph and Nancy Shattuck of Phoenix, Arizona have shared their unique collection of Lugers to provide a reliable source of information and weapons, representative of truly great periods of conflict in world history. Their contribution to this books provides a truly great legacy in collecting and perpetuating the German guns of battle!
Library binding
48 pages (Sept )
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