Brough's Books on Mathew Brady

Mathew Brady

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Mathew Brady and the Image of History
Mathew Brady and the Image of History
by Mary Panzer
Paperback from Smithsonian Books
Media Published: 2004-
ISBN: 1588341437

Modern memory of the Civil War owes much to the lens of Mathew Brady, one of the most famous and paradoxical figures in American photography. During a career that spanned the 1840s to the 1890s, Mathew Brady consciously set out to capture the pivotal moments of the second half of the nineteenth century. The best of his brilliant work is here, including his famous portraits of President Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, the Union dead, and Robert E. Lee--haunting images that strove to create the vision of a stable, purposeful republic even as national identity was fragmenting.

Much of our image of the Civil War era comes from the photographs of Matthew Brady, and in Matthew Brady and the Image of History Mary Panzer, curator of photographs at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D. C., examines the work of this American icon. Brady, she writes, "used art to forge a relationship between photography and history, but when the memory of Brady the artist vanished, we came to accept his images as facts." Brady composed his photographs along classical models, always seeking the heroic in his subjects--who, until the advent of the Civil War, tended to be the business and social leaders who could afford his fees. Panzer's account of Brady's wartime work is especially revealing: where assistants like Timothy O'Sullivan and Alexander Gardner favored realistic studies of the dead in battle, Brady favored sweeping panoramas that obscured individual soldiers. For all that, it is Brady we remember as the man who, a contemporary journalist observed, "has done something to bring home to us the terrible reality and earnestness of war." The book is richly illustrated with the work of Brady and his carefully credited assistants, and it deserves a place in the library of anyone with an interest in 19th-century American history.

Reading American Photographs: Images As History, Mathew Brady to Walker Evans
Reading American Photographs: Images As History, Mathew Brady to Walker Evans
by Alan Trachtenberg
Paperback from Hill and Wang
ISBN: 0374522499
Winner of the Charles C. Eldredge Prize
In this book, Alan Trachtenberg reinterprets some of America's most significant photographs, presenting them not as static images but rather as rich cultural texts suffused with meaning and historical content. Reading American Photographs is lavishly illustrated with the work of such luminaries as Mathew Brady, Timothy O'Sullivan, and Walker Evans--pictures that document the American experience from 1839 to 1938. In an outstanding analysis, Trachtenberg eloquently articulates how the art of photography has both followed and shaped the course of American history, and how images captured decades ago provocatively illuminate the present.
Mathew B. Brady: America s First Great Photographer
Mathew B. Brady: America's First Great Photographer
by Wayne Youngblood, Ray Bonds
Hardcover from Chartwell Books, Inc.
ISBN: 0785826661
Brady was a celebrated American photographer remembered for his work in the years before and during the American Civil War. He took his studio onto the battlefields and created over 10,000 glass-plate negatives using many photographers. His heritage is a remarkable collection, one of the first to show the grim horrors of war realistically.
Mr. Lincoln s Camera Man: Mathew B. Brady
Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man: Mathew B. Brady
by Roy Meredith
Paperback from Dover Publications
ISBN: 048623021X
Over 300 Brady photos reproduced directly from original negatives. Photos, lively commentary on Jackson, Webster, Grant, Lee, Carnegie, Barnum, Lincoln, Battle Smoke, Death of Rebel Sniper, Atlanta Just After Capture, more.
In the Wake of Battle: The Civil War Images of Mathew Brady
In the Wake of Battle: The Civil War Images of Mathew Brady
by George Sullivan
Paperback from Prestel Publishing
ISBN: 3791329294

A comprehensive visual record of the American civil war as seen by Brady and his cameramen, arranged according to battlefield site.

Mathew Brady (55)
Mathew Brady (55)
by Mary Panzer
Paperback from Phaidon Press
ISBN: 0714840653

This volume - investigating the work of a particular photographer, in this case, Mathew Brady - comprises a 4000-word essay by an expert in the field, 55 photographs presented chronologically, each with a commentary, and a biography of the featured photographer.

Mathew Brady and His World: Produced by Time-Life Books from Pictures in the Meserve Collection
Mathew Brady and His World: Produced by Time-Life Books from Pictures in the Meserve Collection
by Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt, Philip B. Kunhardt Jr.
Hardcover from Little Brown & Company
ISBN: 0316849030
Ransoming Mathew Brady
Ransoming Mathew Brady
by John Ransom Phillips
Hardcover from Hudson Hills Press
ISBN: 1555953263

--This study includes more than 50 oil paintings, 200 watercolors, and 40 late nineteenth-century photographs In a series of oils, watercolors, and prose rich with historical allusion, John Ransom Phillips portrays the complexity of nineteenth-century pho tographer Mathew Brady. The photographs Brady made have long served to illustrate an era in American history, most notably his portraits of Abraham Lincoln and the images from the Civil War battlefields he captured. Pairing these photographs with his own work, Philips explores the career of this artist who wanted to make history and who had the genius to look beyond his New York portrait studio to the Civil War battlefields. Paradoxically, Brady sent assistants to photograph his most famous scenes, the battlefields at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Antietam, instructing them to re-arrange the dead to create images that would capture the public's interest.
Mathew Brady's Portrait of an Era
by Roy Meredith
Hardcover from W W Norton & Co Inc
ISBN: 9991597689
Mathew Brady (Masters of Photography)
by George Hubert
Paperback from Macdonald
ISBN: 0356105016


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