Brough's Books - Coal Mining

Coal Mining

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Growing Up in Coal Country
Growing Up in Coal Country
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Paperback from Sandpiper
ISBN: 0395979145
Inspired by her in-laws' recollections of working in coal country, Susan Campbell Bartoletti has gathered the voices of men, women, and children who immigrated to and worked in northeastern Pennsylvania at the turn of the century. The story that emerges is not just a story of long hours, little pay, and hazardous working conditions; it is also the uniquely American story of immigrant families working together to make a new life for themselves. It is a story of hardship and sacrifice, yet also of triumph and the fulfillment of hopes and dreams.
Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America s Energy Future
Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future
by Jeff Goodell
Paperback from Mariner Books
ISBN: 0618872248
Long dismissed as a relic of a bygone era, coal is back -- with a vengence. Coal is one of the nation's biggest and most influential industries -- Big Coal provides more than half the electricity consumed by Americans today -- and its dominance is growing, driven by rising oil prices and calls for energy independence. Is coal the solution to America's energy problems?
On close examination, the glowing promise of coal quickly turns to ash. Coal mining remains a deadly and environmentally destructive industry. Nearly forty percent of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere each year comes from coal-fired power plants. In the last two decades, air pollution from coal plants has killed more than half a million Americans. In this eye-opening call to action, Goodell explains the costs and consequences of America's addiction to coal and discusses how we can kick the habit.
Mining Economics and Strategy
Mining Economics and Strategy
by Ian Runge
Paperback from Society for Mining Metallurgy & Exploration
ISBN: 0873351657

Economic skill is an essential partner to technical skill in every step of the mining process. An economic "mindset" begins before the first drill hole. This new book will help you effectively direct mining operations through the use of innovative economic strategies.

The text covers what is meant by a cost-effective mining scheme, the economics of information, and the procedures for rational evaluation of uncertain projects. It defines "ore" from an economic perspective and covers the influence of scheduling on ore reserves.

Discounted cash flow techniques, the most widely used evaluation technique for investment decision making, is covered in detail. The assumption of the use of spreadsheets is unique to this book. The application of DCF techniques in an operating mine environment is given expanded coverage and examples are drawn from real-life studies.

The differences between economic decision-making--a forward-looking task--and the reporting of results via accounting methods--a backward-looking activity are reviewed. Capital and decision-making procedures associated with capital investments in a risk environment are given extensive coverage. Case studies for capital investment in an operating mine are included. Comprehensive examples investigate "value" from a risk-reduction perspective and from an "expected return on investment" perspective.

This book offers solutions to the problem that many mining projects fail to achieve expectations because of their inability to adapt to change. A new technique is explained that allows calculation of capital that is "at risk" from capital that is not at risk. This promises significant advances in the way that investments are made and capital is valued in the industry.

The book concludes with a brief review of the historical setting and knowledge difficulties in any mining-related investment, and how these issues might also influence the success of investments in the future.

The Day the Earth Caved In: An American Mining Tragedy
The Day the Earth Caved In: An American Mining Tragedy
by Joan Quigley
Paperback from Random House Trade Paperbacks
Media Published: 2009-
ISBN: 0812971302

Beginning on Valentine's Day, 1981, when twelve-year-old Todd Domboski plunged through the earth in his grandmother's backyard in Centralia, Pennsylvania, The Day the Earth Caved In is an unprecedented and riveting account of the nation's worst mine fire. In astonishing detail, award-winning journalist Joan Quigley, the granddaughter of Centralia miners, ushers readers into the dramatic world of the underground blaze. Drawing on interviews with key participants and exclusive new research, Quigley paints unforgettable portraits of Centralia and its residents, from Tom Larkin, the short-order cook and ex-hippie who rallied the activists, to Helen Womer, the bank teller who galvanized the opposition, denying the fire's existence even as toxic fumes invaded her home. Like Jonathan Harr's A Civil Action, The Day the Earth Caved In is a seminal investigation of individual rights, corporate privilege, and governmental indifference to the powerless.
Coal Geology
Coal Geology
by Dr Larry Thomas
Hardcover from Wiley
ISBN: 0471485314

Coal Geology provides a complete integrated handbook on coal and all its properties, covering the physical and chemical properties of coal as well as coal petrology. It describes the age and occurence of coal; coal sampling and analysis; coal exploration; geophysics and hydrogeology of coal and coal mining techniques. It also discusses environmental concerns and computer technology, and includes an update on global coal reserves and production figures. 
  • First reference book to cover all aspects of coal geology in one volume
  • Includes current thinking on environmental issues
  • Presents a useful synopsis of the alternative uses of coal as a fuel
  • Contains the distribution and reserves of coal deposits worldwide
  • Offers a summary of the use of computing in coal studies, as well as coal sales and marketing opportunities
  • Includes International Standards listings
This up-to-date handbook successfully bridges the gap between academic aspects of coal geology and the practical role of geology in the coal industry and will be invaluable for all professionals and students in coal geology, geotechnical and mining engineering, and environmental science.
Introductory Mining Engineering
Introductory Mining Engineering
by Howard L. Hartman, Jan M. Mutmansky
Hardcover from Wiley
ISBN: 0471348511

An introductory text and reference on mining engineering highlighting the latest in mining technology
Introductory Mining Engineering outlines the role of the mining engineer throughout the life of a mine, including prospecting for the deposit, determining the site's value, developing the mine, extracting the mineral values, and reclaiming the land afterward. This Second Edition is written with a focus on sustainability-managing land to meet the economic and environmental needs of the present while enhancing its ability to also meet the needs of future generations. Coverage includes aboveground and underground methods of mining for a wide range of substances, including metals, nonmetals, and fuels.
Completely up to date, this book presents the latest information on such technologies as remote sensing, GPS, geophysical surveying, and mineral deposit evaluation, as well as continuous integrated mining operations and autonomous trucks. Also included is new information on landscape restoration, regional planning, wetlands protection, subsidence mitigation, and much more.
New chapters include coverage of:
* Environmental responsibilities
* Regulations
* Health and safety issues
Generously supplemented with more than 200 photographs, drawings, and tables, Introductory Mining Engineering, Second Edition is an indispensable book for mining engineering students and a comprehensive reference for professionals.
Coal Mining (Shire Library)
Coal Mining (Shire Library)
by G. Hayes
Paperback from Shire
Media Published: 2008-
ISBN: 0747804346

This book tells how mines evolved from simple bell pits into extensive networks of shafts and tunnels and extending deep underground. It describes the methods used to drive tunnels through the rock and the machines that were developed to cut the coal. It explains how the coal was transported from the coalface to the shaft, a task performed variously by women or children with sleds of baskets, pit ponies, rope haulage systems, conveyors and locomotives, and it describes the winding engines used to lower men and equipment into the mine and to bring them and the coal back to the surface.

In Coal Country: (Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book, New York Times Notable Book of the Year and Best Illustrated Book of the Year) (Dragonfly Books)
In Coal Country: (Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book, New York Times Notable Book of the Year and Best Illustrated Book of the Year) (Dragonfly Books)
by Judith Hendershot
Paperback from Dragonfly Books
Media Published: 1992-
ISBN: 0679834796

Illus. in full color. "Through the eyes of the little girl who is narrating,
we see memories of her childhood in coal country. The immediate ingredients in
her life--family, school, friends, and holidays--are described lovingly. The
power of the book, however, lies in the deep, dark counterpoint that underlies
the light melody of the childhood reminiscence. Though the text is spare, the
dark, eloquent pictures speak volumes."--(starred) Horn Book.

Coal River
Coal River
by Michael Shnayerson
Hardcover from Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Media Published: 2008-
ISBN: 0374125147
One of America's most dramatic environmental battles is unfolding in southern West Virginia. Coal companies are blasting the mountains, decapitating them for coal. The forested ridge tops and valley streams of Appalachia--one of the country's natural treasures--are being destroyed, along with towns and communities. An entire culture is disappearing, and to this day, most Americans have no idea it's happening.Michael Shnayerson first traveled to the coal fields four years ago, on assignment for Vanity Fair. There he met an inspiring young lawyer named Joe Lovett, who was fighting mountaintop removal in court with a series of brilliant and daring lawsuits. He also met Judy Bonds, whose grassroots group, the Coal River Mountain Watch, was speaking out in a region where talking truth to power was both brave and dangerous. The two had joined forces to take on Massey Energy, the largest and most aggressive of the coal companies, and its swaggering, notorious chairman, Don Blankenship.Coal River is Shnayerson's account of this dramatic struggle. From courtroom to boardroom, forest clearing to factory floor, Shnayerson gives us a novelistic and compelling portrait of the people who risked their reputations and livelihoods in the fight against King Coal.
Bloodletting in Appalachia: The Story of West Virginia's Four Major Mine Wars and Other Thrilling Incidents of Its Coal Fields
by Howard Burton Lee
Paperback from Mcclain Printing Co
ISBN: 0870120417
Ancient Sunshine: The Story of Coal
by James B. Goode
Publisher: Jesse Stuart Foundation; (November ) 

Biopolymers: Lignin, Humic Substances and Coal
by Martin Hofrichter (Editor) 
Hardcover: 523 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.25 x 10.00 x 7.50 
Publisher: Vch Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh; (June 11, ) 
ISBN: 3527302204 

The Chemistry and Technology of Coal
by James G. Speight
Hardcover: 664 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.50 x 10.25 x 7.50 
Publisher: Marcel Dekker; 2nd edition (July 7, ) 
ISBN: 0824792009

Coal (True Books Natural Resources)
by Christin Ditchfield

Coal and People
by Shirley Y. Campbell

Coal Flotation and Fine Coal Utilization
by J. Laskowski

Coal Geology
by Larry Thomas

Coal in the Energy Supply of China
by O E C D

Coal Mining
by Geoffrey Hayes

Coal Mining: A Petex Primer
by Jean Pietrobono

Coal Mining Equipment and Technology in China: A Strategic Entry Report, 1995
by The Manufacturing Research Group

Coal Mining Equipment in Indonesia: A Strategic Entry Report, 1995
by The Manufacturing Research Group
Book Description: This report puts executives and strategic planners on the fast track. The first chapter describes the study's methodology. The second chapter gives an overview of how to strategically access the market, mid-term forecasts of latent demand and accessibility benchmarks. The remaining nine chapters are not industry specific, but instead discuss economic fundamentals, marketing & distribution options, export and direct investment options, and full risk assessments (political, cultural, legal, human resources). Combined, the information provided in this market study is a "one-stop" shop for the strategic planner. Ample statistical benchmarks and comparative graphs are given.

Coal Preparation
by Joseph, III Lenoard (Editor), Joseph W. Leonard (Editor) (Hardcover) 

Coal Waste Impoundments: Risks, Responses, and Alternatives
by National Research Council, et al (Paperback) 

Coalbed Methane: Scientific, Environmental, and Economic Evaluation
by Maria Mastalerz 

Frothing in Flotation II (Recent Advances in Coal Processing , Vol 2)
by Janusz S. Laskowski 

The Future Role of Coal: Markets, Supply and the Environment
by O E C D
Publisher: O E C D; (April ) 

Gaseous Fuels: Coal and Coke (Annual Book of ASTM Standards )
by ASTM Int. 

Hard Coal Mining Restructurization in Poland: A Strategic Entry Report, 1996
by The Energy Research Group
Publisher: Icon Group International, Inc.; 1996 edition (July 7, ) 

Remediation of Abandoned Surface Coal Mining Sites
by Alena Mudroch 

Russian Coal Mining and Peat Industry Directory
by International Business Publications

Russian Coal Mining Industry Business Intelligence Report
by International Business Publications 

Stach's Textbook of Coal Petrology
by E. Stach
Publisher: Lubrecht & Cramer Ltd; 3rd edition (March 1982) 

To Save the Land and People: A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia
by Chad Montrie
Paperback from The University of North Carolina Press

21st Century Complete Guide to Mine Safety and Mining Accidents: Comprehensive Information from the Mine Safety and Health Administration and NIOSH... [two CD-ROM set]
by U.S. Government

21st Century Complete Guide to Mining: Mine Safety, Surface Coal Mines, and Accidents, with Comprehensive Information from the Mine Safety and Health Administration, NIOSH... [three CD-ROM set]
by U.S. Government

21st Century Complete Guide to Surface Mining: Environmental Protection and Land Reclamation of Coal Mines from the Interior Department Office of Surface Mining
by U.S. Government

South-East Asian Oil, Gas, Coal and Mineral Deposits
by Charles S. Hutchison
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Trace Elements in Coal
by J.S. Laskowski
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The 2000-2005 World Outlook for Coal Mining
by The Coal Mining Research Group 
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