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about dropbears

An email
Just a short note to let you know that you are not alone in your interest in Dropbears.

The Western Blue Dropbear is quite common in the deep southwest of Western Australia and I have been fortunate enough on several occasions to witness their movements and study their habits first-hand.

On a recent trip to the Nannup hills, not far from the once-flourishing ghost town of Ellis Creek I encountered two young male Dropbears and was able to take life drawings of these magnificent and misunderstood native marsupials.

I have attached the afore-mentioned sketch and a colour rendering of one of the males dropping from his tree for your edification and enjoyment.
Regards, Rick Russell

Another email
You know, I was just at Airjet Airline World News to check on my website link, and I saw the link to your Drop Bears site.  It intrigued me because I'd heard the expression 15 years ago when an ex-army dude told me the story of the little beasties falling out of the trees. He told me that that was the reason the German soldiers used to have a spike on their helmets. It was a really funny story and I guess it stuck with me till this day.
--Kev Cook

An email from a colleague
(A member of a mailing list scrambled my name and that of Ian Drysdale, resulting in a post on the list to 'Russell Drysdale'. After an exchange or two, this one turned up.)

Actually Russell - I am related to him - couldn't help it really - my father married another Drysdale!

(I am related to Russell thru my mother's side of the family.)

Love the address  (dropbears)  - we had a whole bus-load of Swedish backpackers too scared to walk under any tree once. Very funny but probably not very hospitable - still - they saw the funny side of it after a couple of days.

Of course they didn't take a lot of convincing because they were already cautious of snakes, sharks, funnelwebs, redbacks and scorpions - to add one more to the list wasn't hard.

I've found the Swedes to have a very dry sense of humour - some find them humourless. They don't quite understand our joy in 'pulling the wool over the eyes' - but they did find it funny eventually. 

I'm told even by New Zealanders that the Australian habit of the 'insult' as a form of affection is confusing at first.  An American exchange student we had at school was horrified by us referring to each other as 'bastards' - she said Yanks are deeply offended by it.

Cheers,   IAN

cute, but...

Sketch of dropbears, WA - Rick Russell
Dropbears by Patrick Cook
Sketch of dropbears, WA - Rick Russell