The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived
by Lee Carroll, Jan Tober
Do you think your child is special? Well, perhaps he or she is! Self-help professionals Lee Carroll and Jan Tober have collected essays by dozens of doctors, counselors, and other childhood experts that seem to document the arrival on earth of a newly evolved species of human kiddie referred to here as an "indigo" child. The 10 most common traits are: 1.) They come into the world with a feeling of royalty. 2.) They have a feeling of deserving to be here. 3.) Self-worth is not a big issue. 4.) They have difficulty with authority by ritual or without explanation. 5.) They simply will not do certain things. 6.) They get frustrated with systems that don't require creative thought. 7.) They often see better ways of doing things. 8.) School is often difficult for them and they can seem antisocial. 9.) They will not respond to guilt-trip discipline. 10.) They are not shy about letting you know what they need.
If your little angel/devil fits this pattern and you are pulling your hair out trying to relate, you may want to read this book before resorting to Ritalin. --P. Randall Cohan -
Paperback from Hay House
Book Published: May, 1999
The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children
by Doreen, Phd Virtue, Jan Tober
Book Description: Doreen explores the psyche of these special kids and offers alternative solutions to Ritalin based on her extensive research and interviews with child-care experts, teachers, parents, and the Indigo Children themselves. Read the accounts of these remarkable children as they explain why they act-out, are aggressive or withdrawn; and what they want from the adults in their lives.
Paperback from Hay House
Book Published: August, 2001
The Crystal Children: A Guide to the Newest Generation of Psychic and Sensitive Children
by Doreen Virtue
Book Description: Crystal Children reflect the new generation that has come to the Earth plane after the Indigo Children. They are approximately ages 0 through 5, although some members of the first wave of Crystal Children are as old as 7. These children are like Indigos�highly psychic and sensitive�but without the dark edge and the anger energy.
The term Crystal Children is already taking hold worldwide, and people everywhere are talking about these special kids. Since Doreen is the only researcher who is publicly giving speeches on the subject, her audiences have been asking her for a book on the topic. It�s a natural sequel to her book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children.
As babies, Crystal Children may take longer than normal to begin talking. They are highly telepathic, and their tuned-in mothers communicate with them nonverbally. Because they�re so sensitive, the Crystal Children babies may fuss and cry a lot in crowded places. They�re also very fond of nature. Doreen once watched one Crystal Child walk from tree to tree, giving each one a big hug.
Crystal Children are beautiful inside and out, like magnificent little high-priests and priestesses. One look in their eyes, and you�ll recognize Divine love and wisdom. Their auras are bright, radiant, and opalescent�they seem to glow from the inside! They talk about past lives, distant galaxies, and profound insights concerning peace and love. Most Crystal Children�s parents are aware that their kids are special, and they�re thrilled to be parenting such delightful children.
The book includes many interviews with Crystal Children, their parents, and teachers. It discusses parenting and teaching methods that are essential to keeping these children happy and healthy, and how to avoid pitfalls that could spoil their special gifts.
Paperback from Hay House
Book Published: June, 2003
by Alice Hoffman
Paperback from Scholastic
Book Published: June, 2003
An Indigo Celebration: More Messages, Stories, and Insights from the Indigo Children
by Lee Carroll, Jan Tober
Paperback from Hay House
Book Published: October, 2001
Spiritually Healing the Indigo Children
by Wayne Dosick, Ellen Kaufman, Ellen Kaufman Dosick
Hardcover from Jodere Group
Book Published: May, 2004
Anger and the Indigo Child
by Dianne Lancaster
Paperback from Wellness Press
Book Published: 27 December, 2002
How to Raise an Indigo Child: 10 Keys for Cultivating a Child's Natural Brilliance
by Barbara Condron
Paperback from S O M Pub & Production
Book Published: October, 2002
Spiritually Healing the Indigo Children
by Wayne Dosick, Ellen Kaufman, Ellen Kaufman Dosick
Hardcover from Jodere Group
Book Published: May, 2004
Indigo Children on DVD More Indigo Children Movies
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