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Computer Science

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Computer Science
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  • Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET
    by Dino Esposito
    (Paperback -- February 13, )

    UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language (2nd Edition)
    by Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott
    The second edition of Martin Fowler's bestselling UML Distilled provides updates to the Unified Modeling Language (UML) without changing its basic formula for success. It is still arguably the best resource for quick, no-nonsense explanations of using UML. 

    The major strength of UML Distilled is its short, concise presentation of the essentials of UML and where it fits within today's software development process. The book describes all the major UML diagram types, what they're for, and the basic notation involved in creating and deciphering them. These diagrams include use cases; class and interaction diagrams; collaborations; and state, activity, and physical diagrams. The examples are always clear, and the explanations cut to the fundamental design logic. 

    For the second edition, the material has been reworked for use cases and activity diagrams, plus there are numerous small tweaks throughout, including the latest UML v. 1.3 standard. An appendix even traces the evolution of UML versions. 

    Working developers often don't have time to keep up with new innovations in software engineering. This new edition lets you get acquainted with some of the best thinking about efficient object-oriented software design using UML in a convenient format that will be essential to anyone who designs software professionally. --Richard Dragan 

    Topics covered: UML basics, analysis and design, outline development (software development process), inception, elaboration, managing risks, construction, transition, use case diagrams, class diagrams, interaction diagrams, collaborations, state diagrams, activity diagrams, physical diagrams, patterns, and refactoring basics.
    Paperback: 185 pages
    Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 020165783X; 2nd edition (August 25, )

    Design Patterns
    by Erich Gamma, et al
    Design Patterns is a modern classic in the literature of object-oriented development, offering timeless and elegant solutions to common problems in software design. It describes patterns for managing object creation, composing objects into larger structures, and coordinating control flow between objects. The book provides numerous examples where using composition rather than inheritance can improve the reusability and flexibility of code. Note, though, that it's not a tutorial but a catalog that you can use to find an object-oriented design pattern that's appropriate for the needs of your particular application--a selection for virtuoso programmers who appreciate (or require) consistent, well-engineered object-oriented designs.
    Hardcover: 395 pages
    Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0201633612; 1st edition (January 15, )

    Software Requirements
    by Karl E. Wiegers
    (Paperback -- September )

    Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans (2nd Edition)
    by Ed Roman, et al
    (Paperback -- December 14, )

    Content Management Bible
    by Bob Boiko
    (Paperback -- December 15, )

    .NET Framework Security
    by Sebastian Lange, et al
    (Paperback -- April 24, )

    Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Mastering Open Source Tools Including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus
    by Richard Hightower, Nicholas Lesiecki
    (Paperback -- December 15, )

    EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and Idioms
    by Floyd Marinescu, Ed Roman
    (Paperback -- February 19, )

    Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
    by Douglas R. Hofstadter

    Twenty years after it topped the bestseller charts, Douglas R. Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is still something of a marvel. Besides being a profound and entertaining meditation on human thought and creativity, this book looks at the surprising points of contact between the music of Bach, the artwork of Escher, and the mathematics of Gödel. It also looks at the prospects for computers and artificial intelligence (AI) for mimicking human thought. For the general reader and the computer techie alike, this book still sets a standard for thinking about the future of computers and their relation to the way we think. 

    Hofstadter's great achievement in Gödel, Escher, Bach was making abstruse mathematical topics (like undecidability, recursion, and 'strange loops') accessible and remarkably entertaining. Borrowing a page from Lewis Carroll (who might well have been a fan of this book), each chapter presents dialogue between the Tortoise and Achilles, as well as other characters who dramatize concepts discussed later in more detail. Allusions to Bach's music (centering on his Musical Offering) and Escher's continually paradoxical artwork are plentiful here. This more approachable material lets the author delve into serious number theory (concentrating on the ramifications of Gödel's Theorem of Incompleteness) while stopping along the way to ponder the work of a host of other mathematicians, artists, and thinkers. 

    The world has moved on since 1979, of course. The book predicted that computers probably won't ever beat humans in chess, though Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov in 1997. And the vinyl record, which serves for some of Hofstadter's best analogies, is now left to collectors. Sections on recursion and the graphs of certain functions from physics look tantalizing, like the fractals of recent chaos theory. And AI has moved on, of course, with mixed results. Yet Gödel, Escher, Bach remains a remarkable achievement. Its intellectual range and ability to let us visualize difficult mathematical concepts help make it one of this century's best for anyone who's interested in computers and their potential for real intelligence. --Richard Dragan -
    Paperback: 777 pages
    Basic Books; ISBN: 0465026567; 20th anniv edition (January )

    Bitter Java
    by Bruce A. Tate
    (Paperback -- April )

    Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change
    by Kent Beck
    (Paperback -- October 15, )

    PMP: Project Management Professional Study Guide
    by Kim Heldman
    (Hardcover -- April 22, )

    Microsoft® Excel 2000 Power Programming with VBA
    by John Walkenbach
    If you've mastered Excel and need to develop customised applications, Microsoft Excel 2000 Power Programming with VBA should have a place by your side. Written by noted Excel expert and PC World columnist John Walkenbach, it will thrust you deep into the inner workings of Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to get you writing code immediately. 

    Somewhat text-heavy (as programming books tend to be), it still contains a number of good illustrations and screenshots to effectively teach you. The first three sections cover the fundamentals of Excel and VBA; the next three deal with programming and development topics such as user forms, pivot tables, and event handling; the final section covers miscellaneous issues like compatibility, file manipulation and class modules. 

    The five appendices are useful for referencing Excel and VBA information, and the accompanying CD-ROM contains all the code and files you'll need to work through the book, not to mention the shareware version of Walkenbach's Power Utility Pack. (The full version is available through a free offer.) Nobody ever said programming was easy, but with Microsoft Excel 2000 Power Programming with VBA it's a lot simpler. --Rob Lightner -
    (Paperback -- May )

    Writing Effective Use Cases
    by Alistair Cockburn
    (Paperback -- January 15, )

    Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step
    by John Sharp, Jon Jagger
    (Paperback -- January 23, )

    C# and the .NET Platform
    by Andrew Troelsen
    (Paperback -- June )

    Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction
    by Steve C McConnell
    A modern-day classic on software engineering, Code Complete focuses on specific practices you can use to improve your code and your ability to debug it--and ultimately deliver better, more efficient programs in less time. With every bit of advice the book proffers you'll improve your ability to write elegant, self-documenting, maintainable software. McConnell doesn't focus on the idiosyncrasies of any single language, but on the general issues developers face: naming subroutines and variables in meaningful ways, designing control structures, finding and correcting errors in code, and many, many more. Code Complete is packed with code samples demonstrating good and bad programming practices and checklists that you can use to vet your own work.
    Paperback: 857 pages
    Microsoft Press; ISBN: 1556154844; (May 1993)

    Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition
    by Thomas H. Cormen (Editor), et al
    (Hardcover -- September 1, )


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