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    Apple Confidential: The Real Story of Apple Computer, Inc.
    Apple Confidential: The Real Story of Apple Computer, Inc.
    by Owen W. Linzmayer
    Owen Linzmayer's Apple Confidential is subtitled The Real Story of Apple Computer, Inc., and while nobody will ever know the complete, "real" story about Apple, Linzmayer's is probably as close as they come. Having covered Apple news since 1980, he offers extensive insider details about Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, John Sculley, Gilbert Amelio, Bill Gates, and other major players whose lives were (and are) intertwined with Apple's history. And along the way, we also learn about lesser-known figures whose stories have remained hidden in the Apple myth: Ronald Gerald Wayne, for example, who was actually a partner with Wozniak and Jobs in the original incarnation of the company, but who sold his share when he realized he would be financially vulnerable if it should fail.

    Linzmayer's tale does have a few drawbacks. Because he mixes a chronological narrative with chapters that focus on key points in the Apple story, he sometimes repeats himself. Case in point: the chapter "Big Bad Blunders" makes a great record of Apple's failures, but the story of the exploding Powerbook 5300s is duplicated at later points. Nonetheless, Apple Confidential is rife with gems that will appeal to Apple fanatics and followers of the computer industry. Especially enjoyable are the revelation of "Easter eggs" that are hidden in several versions of the Mac operating system; the many screen shots, timelines, and telling quotes from Jobs, Gates, Wozniak and others that populate the margins and concluding sections of each chapter; the "Code Names Uncovered" section that makes public the monikers of several secret Apple projects; and Bill Gates's 1985 letter to John Sculley and Jean Louis Gassee pleading for Apple to license Mac technology and develop a "standard personal computer." --Patrick O'Kelley -
    Paperback from No Starch Press

    Customers Rule! Why the E-Commerce Honeymoon is over and where Winning Businesses Go From Here
    by Roger Blackwell, Kristina Stephan
    (Hardcover -- June 19, )
    Digital Aboriginal: The Direction of Business Now: Instinctive, Nomadic, and Ever-Changing
    by Mikela Tarlow, Philip Tarlow (Contributor)
    (Hardcover -- May )

    The Perfect Store: Inside eBay
    by Adam Cohen
    Listed under Books about eBay

    Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions, Third Edition
    by Stuart McClure, et al
    (Paperback -- September 26, )

    Hacking Exposed Web Applications
    by Joel Sambray, et al
    (Paperback -- June 15, )

    Hacking Exposed Windows 2000
    by Joel Scambray, Stuart McClure
    (Paperback -- August 29, )

    Inside Intel : Andy Grove and the Rise of the World's Most Powerful Chip Company
    Tim Jackson
    Paperback - 432 pages (November )
    Plume; ISBN: 0452276438

    UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language (2nd Edition)
    by Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott
    Listed under Computer Science

    Software Requirements
    by Karl E. Wiegers
    Listed under Computer Science

    Marketing Moves: A New Approach to Profits, Growth & Renewal
    by Philip Kotler, et al
    (Hardcover -- March 7, )

    Web Redesign: Workflow That Works
    by Kelly Goto, Emily Cotler
    Listed under Web Design

    Content Management Bible
    by Bob Boiko
    (Paperback -- December 15, )

    Counter Hack: A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses
    by Ed Skoudis
    (Paperback -- July 23, )

    .NET Framework Security
    by Sebastian Lange, et al
    (Paperback -- April 24, )

    Understanding Web Services: XML, WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI
    by Eric Newcomer
    (Paperback -- May 13, )

    The CISSP Prep Guide: Mastering the Ten Domains of Computer Security
    by Ronald L. Krutz, et al
    (Hardcover -- August 24, )

    Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Mastering Open Source Tools Including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus
    by Richard Hightower, Nicholas Lesiecki
    (Paperback -- December 15, )

    Bitter Java
    by Bruce A. Tate
    Listed under Java

    Inside the Tornado: Marketing Strategies from Silicon Valley's Cutting Edge
    by Geoffrey A. Moore
    (Paperback -- August )

    Cisco Secure PIX Firewalls
    by David W. Chapman Jr., Andy Fox
    Listed under Networking

    Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change
    by Kent Beck
    (Paperback -- October 15, )

    Perspectives on Web Services
    Perspectives on Web Services. Applying SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI to Real-World Projects.
    by Olaf Zimmermann, Mark R. Tomlinson, Stefan Peuser
    Hardcover from Springer Verlag
    PMP: Project Management Professional Study Guide
    by Kim Heldman
    (Hardcover -- April 22, )

    Microsoft® Excel 2000 Power Programming with VBA
    by John Walkenbach
    (Paperback -- May )

    Know Your Enemy: Revealing the Security Tools, Tactics, and Motives of the Blackhat Community
    by The Honeynet Project (Editor), et al
    (Paperback -- August 31, )

    Writing Effective Use Cases
    by Alistair Cockburn

    Alistair Cockburn's Writing Effective Use Cases is an approachable, informative, and very intelligent treatment of an essential topic of software design. "Use cases" describe how "actors" interact with computer systems and are essential to software-modeling requirements. For anyone who designs software, this title offers some real insight into writing use cases that are clear and correct and lead to better and less costly software. 

    The focus of this text is on use cases that are written, as opposed to modeled in UML. This book may change your mind about the advantages of writing step-by-step descriptions of the way users (or actors) interact with systems. Besides being an exceptionally clear writer, the author has plenty to say about what works and what doesn't when it comes to creating use cases. There are several standout bits of expertise on display here, including excellent techniques for finding the right "scope" for use cases. (The book uses a color scheme in which blue indicates a sea-level use case that's just right, while higher-level use cases are white, and overly detailed ones are indigo. Cockburn also provides notational symbols to document these levels of detail within a design.)

    This book contains numerous tips on the writing style for use cases and plenty of practical advice for managing projects that require a large number of use cases. One particular strength lies in the numerous actual use cases (many with impressive detail) that are borrowed from real-world projects, and demonstrate both good and bad practices. Even though the author expresses a preference for the format of use cases, he presents a variety of styles, including UML graphical versions. The explanation of how use cases fit into the rest of the software engineering process is especially good. The book concludes with several dozen concrete tips for writing better use cases. 

    Software engineering books often get bogged down in theory. Not so in Writing Effective Use Cases, a slender volume with a practical focus, a concise presentation style, and something truly valuable to say. This book will benefit most anyone who designs software for a living. --Richard Dragan -

    Paperback: 270 pagesAddison-Wesley Pub Co
    ISBN: 0201702258; 1st edition (January 15, )

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