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Cascading Style Sheets, Second Edition: Designing for the Web
by Hakon Wium Lie and Bert Bos
For readers looking for a one-stop read for all they need to know about cascading style sheets (CSS), Cascading Style Sheets, Second Edition: Designing for the Web really hits the nail on the head. One of the authors--Hakon Wium Lie--was the originator of CSS and is in charge of the technology among the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). His writing partner is Bert Bos--another key member of the W3C currently focusing on style sheets and the Extensible Markup Language (XML). Together, they deliver a truly educational guide to the subject. 

This book wisely includes numerous color screen shots and diagrams, as well as many typographic examples, to augment the discussion of the inherently visual topic of CSS. The authors' graphical expertise comes through clearly with visuals that clarify topics without cluttering the presentation. 

The coverage goes beyond--or shall we say behind--that found in many other CSS books that focus primarily on the technical features of browsers. For example, the authors take the time to discuss typesetting terminology and font families in order to build a well-rounded knowledge. Despite the presentation of the precise details of the CSS1 and CSS2 specifications, the text is quite easy to read and intriguing to follow. Even if you are familiar with CSS--this is an excellent title to own. --Stephen W. Plain -
Paperback: 396 pages
Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0201596253; 2nd edition (July 2, )

Pure JavaScript
by R. Allen Wyke, Jason D. Gilliam, and Charlton Ting
Newbie and old-hand JavaScript programmers alike will appreciate Pure JavaScript, a comprehensive developer's resource to JavaScript that covers both the big picture and precise details. Authors Jason Gilliam, Charlton Ting, and R. Allen Wyke--developers all--have put together this well-organized title. 
The bulk of this book is a top-notch JavaScript reference. Core language syntax is well-presented with excellent use of examples for practically every operator and function, and each entry includes version compatibility with Netscape and Microsoft browsers and JavaScript releases. The authors also include references for the two companies' extensions to the language. 
A number of appendices round out this fine guide with attention to standard and vendor-specific syntax details. This is a fine JavaScript reference that cuts no corners. --Stephen W. Plain -
Paperback: 1616 pages
Sams; ISBN: 0672321416; 2nd edition (August 15, )

Javascript : The Definitive Guide
by David Flanagan
Since the earliest days of Internet scripting, Web developers have considered JavaScript: The Definitive Guide an essential resource. David Flanagan's approach, which combines tutorials and examples with easy-to-use syntax guides and object references, suits the typical programmer's requirements nicely. The brand-new fourth edition of Flanagan's "Rhino Book" includes coverage of JavaScript 1.5, JScript 5.5, ECMAScript 3, and the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 standard from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Interestingly, the author has shifted away from specifying--as he did in earlier editions--what browsers support each bit of the language. Rather than say Netscape 3.0 supports the Image object while Internet Explorer 3.0 does not, he specifies that JavaScript 1.1 and JScript 3.0 support Image. More usefully, he specifies the contents of independent standards like ECMAScript, which encourages scripters to write applications for these standards and browser vendors to support them. As Flanagan says, JavaScript and its related subjects are very complex in their pure forms. It's impossible to keep track of the differences among half a dozen vendors' generally similar implementations. Nonetheless, a lot of examples make reference to specific browsers' capabilities. Though he does not cover server-side APIs, Flanagan has chosen to separate coverage of core JavaScript (all the keywords, general syntax, and utility objects like Array) from coverage of client-side JavaScript (which includes objects, like History and Event, that have to do with Web browsers and users' interactions with them. This approach makes this book useful to people using JavaScript for applications other than Web pages. By the way, the other classic JavaScript text--Danny Goodman's JavaScript Bible--isn't as current as this book, but it's still a fantastic (and perhaps somewhat more novice-friendly) guide to the JavaScript language and its capabilities. --David Wall -
Paperback: 900 pages
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596000480; 4th edition (December 15, )

Beginning Java 2
by Ivor Horton
Listed under Java

Professional Active Server Pages 2.0
by Alex Fedorov, Richard Harrison, Dave Sussman, Brian Francis, and Stephen Wood
"Professional Active Server Pages 2.0" is a thorough and intelligently organized text that covers all the bases for developing state-of-the-art Web sites powered by Microsoft Web technologies. The book discusses the Internet in terms of the history of client/server systems and describes why it is a better way to deliver scalable, maintainable systems using thin clients.
Paperback - 991 pages 2 edition (March 22, )
Wrox Press Inc; ISBN: 1861001266

Active Server Pages 2.0: Unleashed
by Stephen Walther
If you code Web sites for a living and work with Microsoft IIS solutions, Active Server Pages (ASPs) probably make up a crucial piece of your overall strategy. "Active Server Pages 2.0: Unleashed" is a lengthy guide updated to include all of ASP 2.0's features and developments in Microsoft's architectural strategy--it contains all the answers for professional ASP implementation. Whether you need guidance in accessing SQL databases or developing a sophisticated distributed application, it's in here. The book is organized in an easy-to-use solutions-based format with a balanced presentation of text and accompanying code on CD-ROM. Three full-featured sample applications do a good job of illustrating the possibilities of ASP.
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