Brough's Books - Crystal Skulls

Crystal Skulls

Books on the Mayan crystal skulls of Native American legend
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The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls: Unlocking the Secrets of the Past, Present, and Future
by Chris Morton, Ceri Louise Thomas
Book Description: A real-life detective story of the ancient world with overwhelming implications for the modern one. 
* Explores the Native American legend of the 13 crystal skulls said to hold the keys to future earth changes and humankind's destiny. 
* By independent filmmakers Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas, whose A&E documentary on the crystal skulls has won high acclaim in the United States and abroad. 
* Over 100,000 sold worldwide. 
Native American legend tells of 13 life-size crystal skulls said to contain crucial information about humankind's true purpose and destiny. The legend prophesied that at a time of great crisis for humanity, all of the crystal skulls would be rediscovered and brought together to reveal information vital to the very survival of the human race. The authors first heard of this legend while in the jungles of Central America and, after a real crystal skull was discovered in a Mayan city, set out on a quest to discover the truth behind this mystery. 

The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls follows their journey from the ancient temples of the Maya to the British Museum, the Smithsonian, and to the crystal laboratories of Hewlett-Packard, where sophisticated scientific tests on the skull--made from the same quartz crystal used in today's computers--lead to the conclusion, "This skull shouldn't even exist." These scientific tests have raised many questions: Are the skulls really information storage devices that allow us to tap deep into the past and predict the future? Are they artifacts from the lost civilization of Atlantis or are they extraterrestrial in origin? Their journey also leads to Native shamans and elders who reveal the sacred knowledge and vital information that these skulls hold about coming earth changes and humanity's imminent destiny. 
Paperback from Inner Traditions Intl Ltd


Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed
by Sandra, Nocerino, F. R. Bowen, Joshua Shapiro
Book Description:
The Crystal Skulls are considered to be one of the world's greatest mysteries. In this book you will discover information about 8 different crystal skulls, there mystical properties, experiences that people have had with them, their connection with the UFOs and many theories about their purpose and how they were made. This book is out of print but fortunately due to co-author Joshua Shapiro, he is making copies available. This book was a pre-cursor to the book written by Morton and Thomas in 1998 and contains many spiritual and esoteric insights about the crystal skulls. The book also contains over 40 pictures and illustrations, special information not found in any other book on the market. Get this book while the supplies last. Joshua Shapiro, one of the co-authors has recently appeared (April ) on Uri Geller's radio show and also in this month gave a presentation about the crystal skulls at Microsoft.
Paperback: 350 pages 
Publisher: Jeffrey s Cohen; (February 1, 1989) 
ISBN: 0929781260 

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