Black Dawn, Bright Day : Indian Prophecies for the Millenium That Reveal the Fate of the Earth
Sun Bear, Wabun Wind
Paperback / Published 1992The Book of Doors Divination Deck : An Oracle from Ancient Egypt
Athon Veggi (Contributor), Alison Davidson
This illustrated, 256-page book and deck of 65 cards represent an entirely new way of gaining intuitive wisdom and understanding of self--through contact with ancient Egyptian archetypes.
Conversations With Nostradamus : His Prophecies Explained Vol 2
Coming Earth Changes: latest evidence
William Hutton
American psychic Edgar Cayce predicted an acceleration in physical changes in the Earth beginning in the period 1958-1998 which would lead to a shift of the Earth's poles at the end of the century.
Dolores Cannon
Listed under NostradamusCeltic Oracles : A New System for Spiritual Growth and Divination
Rosemarie Anderson
HardcoverThe Eck-Vidya, Ancient Science of Prophecy
Paul Twitchell
The End Times : Prophecies of Coming Changes : Includes Prophecies and Predictions from the Bible-Nostradamus Holy Mother-Edgar Cayce
End-Time Prophecies of the Bible: A Collection of the Bible's Ultimate Revelations
by David Haggith
In this thoughtfully written treatise, David Haggith collects and organizes all of the end-time prophecies into one useful continuum for those interested in divining the prophetic meaning of one of the great religious texts of human history. Allowing the reader to draw his or her own conclusions, yet also providing insightful, well-researched commentary, Haggith discourses on the significance of the changing millennium, soberly noting that according to historians Jesus was born 2004 to 2006 years ago, an error that was miscalculated into the original Gregorian calendar we now use. Quoting Jesus when he said, "I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am" (John 13:19), he advances the opinion that the purpose of prophecy is not to provide a road map to the future. Rather, its purpose is to help listeners recognize the workings of God in times of uncertainty--such as when a prophecy is manifesting itself before their eyes.
John Van Auken
PaperbackThe Fatima Prophecies : At the Doorstep of the World
by Thomas W. Petrisko
Listed under Religious MysteriesThe Final Prophecies of Nostradamus
Erika Cheetham (Editor)
Listed under NostradamusGypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling
Charles Godfrey Leland
Paperback / Published 1990
The Lost Memoirs of Edgar Cayce : Life As a Seer
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination : A Practical Guide to the Systems That Can Reveal Your Destiny
Stephen Karcher
Edgar Cayce, A. Robert Smith (Compiler)
Listed under Edgar CayceMas Alla Del Horizonte : Visiones Del Nuevo Milenio
Walter Mercado
A Spanish-language forecast for the new millennium.Millennium Prophecies : Predictions for the Coming Century from Edgar Cayce
by Mark Thurston
Listed under Edgar CayceNotes from the Cosmos : A Futurist's Insights into the World of Dream Prophecy & Intuition
Gordon-Michael Scallion, Cynthia Keyes
PaperbackOmens, Oghams & Oracles : Divination in the Druidic Tradition
Richard Webster
Listed under DruidsPole Shift : Predictions and Prophecies of the Ultimate Disaster
John Warren White, Alan Vaughan (Designer)
Paperback / Published 1988A Wiccan's Guide to Prophecy and Divination
Gerina Dunwich
Listed under WiccaThe Visitation : An Archangel's Prophecy
Mary Summer Rain
The Sorrow, the Sacrifice, and the Triumph: The Apparitions, Visions, and Prophecies of Christina Gallagher
by Thomas W. Petrisko
(Paperback -- December )
Notes from the Cosmos: A Futurist's Insights into the World of Dream Prophecy & Intuition
World to Come: The Guides' Long-Awaited Predictions for the Dawning Age
by Ruth Montgomery
Ruth Montgomery fans, celebrate! "The World to Come" is the renowned prognosticator's first book in 12 years, and according to the author, her last. Having written it at age 87, it's easy to understand why she feels this way.
Montgomery was a syndicated White House columnist during the Roosevelt years up through the Johnson administration. An assignment by the International News Service to write an eight-part series on seances resulted in her first book, "A Search for Truth," and a friendship with noted medium Arthur Ford. After Ford's death, he and a group of otherworld entities began communicating with Montgomery via automatic writing. Many have ranked her powers of foresight with that of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce. In this new book, the Guides (as she calls her invisible coauthors) rewrite some old predictions and reveal surprising new ones for the upcoming millennium.
By Gordon-Michael ScallionMayan Oracles for the Millennium
R. T. Kaser
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