
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Gazetteer of Virginia and West Virginia (2 Vols in 1)
by Henry Gannett
Paperback from Clearfield Co
Special OrderHampshire County, Virginia (now, West Virginia): Volume II : Minute Book Abstracts, 1817-1823
by Vicki Bidinger Horton
Paperback from Clearfield Co
Hampshire County, Virginia (now West Virginia) : Volume I, Minute Book Abstracts, 1788-1802
by Vicki Bidinger Horton
Publisher: Clearfield Co
ISBN: 0806345357
Out of Print - Try Used BooksHampshire County, Virginia (now, West Virginia): Volume II : Minute Book Abstracts, 1817-1823
by Vicki Bidinger HortonHampshire County Records, 1816-1923, Virginia/West Virginia
by Vicki Bidinger Horton (Compiler)
Out of Print - Try Used BooksHancock County, West Virginia Births (1865-1899)
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.50 x 10.75 x 8.50
Publisher: Closson Press; ; (June 1988)
ISBN: 9999426697
Out of Print - Try Used BooksHistory of Tucker County, West Virginia: From the Earliest Explorations and Settlements to the Present Time (#9239)
by Hu Maxwell
Paperback from Clearfield Co
An Index of the Estate Records in the basement of the Hampshire County Court House from 1754 to 1870 with a partial index from 1870 through 1884
by William H. Rice
Publisher: McClain Printing Company; 1 edition (March 6, )Ohio County (WV) Index, Volume 1: Index to County Court Order Books, 1777-1881 (Part 1)
by Kenneth Fischer Craft
Paperback from Heritage Books, Inc.
Special OrderOhio County (WV) Index Vol. 5
by Jr Kenneth Fischer Craft
Book Description: Searching for names and family relationships is made much easier by the special "Personal Time Line" Index in which every name, place or subject is sorted by year and then subject. Vol. 5: Index to the County Court Order Books (Part 5) 1777-1881 - Kenneth Fischer Craft, Jr. Volume five continues the Ohio County Index series by publishing more records from the index to Ohio County (Virginia) West Virginia County Court Order Books from 1777-1881 as originally extracted during the 1930s. Volume five covers Plaintiffs with surnames starting with I through M (64% of index names) and Defendants and miscellaneous entries with surnames A through Z (36% of index names). The original pages are included with a reference to the source County Court Order Book and page number. There are a few mentions of Chancery and Law Order Books. The text is presented in an easy to read 8 1/2 x 11 size.Sims Index to Land Grants in West Virginia
by Mary F. Tessiatore, West Virginia Auditor's Office
Hardcover from Genealogical Publishing Company
Special OrderSooner or Later: Tales of a Pioneer Family
by Virginia Stumbough
Paperback from Clear Light Pub
West Virginia Revolutionary Ancestors Whose Services Were Non-military and Whose Names, Therefore, Do Not Appear in Revolutionary Indexes of Soldiers and Sailors
by Anne Waller Reddy, Annew Reddy
Paperback from Clearfield Co
Special OrderWyoming County, (West) Virginia, death records, 1853-1890
Out of Print - Try Used Books1860 Federal Census Wyoming County, Virginia (Now West Virginia)
Out of Print - Try Used BooksHistory of Pendleton County, West Virginia
by Oren F. Morton
Book Description: After dwelling at some length on the history of Pendleton County from its origins as part of Augusta County, Virginia, this work brings its full weight to bear on hundreds of family histories, with references to more than 15,000 individuals, each meticulously developed from the public records at Richmond and at the county seats of Augusta and Rockingham. As a rule, Morton traces the entire adult posterity of each Pendleton County pioneer and sub-pioneer ancestor in a perfectly fluid progression, and furnishes much in the way of personal accounts and family traditions.
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.25 x 8.50 x 5.50
Publisher: Clearfield Co; ; Reprint edition ()
ASIN: 0806305932
Out of Print - Try Used BooksMonongalia County, West Virginia: Records of the District, Superior and County Courts, 1800-1803
by Melba P. Zinn (Editor)
Out of Print - Try Used Books
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