Brough's Books on Central American Birds

 Central American Birds

Books on Birds of Panama, Mexico, Belize, Guatamala...
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Birds of Belize
by H. Lee Jones, Dana Gardner
Listed under Belize

The Birds of Tikal : An Annotated Checklist for Tikal National Park and Peten, Guatemala (W L Moody, Jr. Natural History Series, No 12)
Randell A. Beavers
Paperback / Published 1992

A Bird-Finding Guide to Mexico
by Steve N. G. Howell
Book Description: With a rich variety of stunning avifauna, Mexico provides the first taste of the Neotropics for many birders. At last here is a guide to Mexico's best birdwatching sites, from Baja California to the Yucatan Peninsula. Steve N. G. Howell, coauthor of the widely acclaimed A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America, has selected over 100 sites where birders may see more than 950 species, including virtually all of the endemics and regional specialties. Useful for both the business traveler in Mexico City with only a morning to spare and the serious birder planning a three-month trip across the country, this indispensable book tells where to go and what to look for. 

Covers all of Mexico and includes all of the top birding spots. presents key information on over 100 sites, where more than 950 bird species can be seen. provides lists of the birds at the most popular sites. gives general information about each region of the country, along with a map showing the location of its sites; additional maps show greater detail at selected sites. supplies listings of all endemics and sought-after species with key sites where they can be seen. includes advice on how best to find and view birds. suggests itineraries for birding holidays. offers valuable tips on travel and birdwatching in Mexico.
Paperback from Cornell Univ Pr


A Field Guide to Mexican Birds : Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador
A Field Guide to Mexican Birds : Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador
by Roger Tory Peterson, Edward L. Chalif
Paperback from Houghton Mifflin Co
A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Adjacent Areas : Belize, Guatemala, and El Salvador, Third Edition
A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Adjacent Areas : Belize, Guatemala, and El Salvador, Third Edition
by Ernest Preston Edwards, Edward Murrell Butler
Paperback from Univ of Texas Press
A Guide to the Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Herbert A. Raffaele, et al 
Paperback / Published 1990
Lonely Planet Watching Wildlife Central America
Lonely Planet Watching Wildlife Central America
by Luke Hunter, David Andrew
Paperback from Lonely Planet
A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica
by F. Gary Stiles, et al
Paperback: Cornell Univ Pr; ISBN: 0801496004; (December 1990)

A Guide to the Birds of Panama
by Robert S. Ridgely, John A. Gwynne (Contributor)
Updated edition contains expanded information on the birds of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras: approximately 200 new species were added to the material in the 1976 edition. Over 300 additional species, some of them Panamanian, were illustrated. Sixteen new plates were added, and three of the original plates were replaced by improved versions. The Publisher.
Paperback: 412 pages
Princeton Univ Pr; ISBN: 0691025126; 2nd edition (June 15, 1992)

The Birds of Ecuador: Field Guide
by Robert S. Ridgely, et al
Paperback: 816 pages
Comstock Pub Assoc; ISBN: 0801487218;

A Guide to the Birds of Colombia
A Guide to the Birds of Colombia
by Steven L. Hilty, William L. Brown
Paperback from Princeton Univ Pr
A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America
A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America
by Steven N. G. Howell, Sophie Webb
Book Description: When Steve Howell first visited Mexico in November of 1981, he arrived armed with a strong background of birding in Britain and the Western Palearctic, and an even stronger enthusiasm for the diverse and exotic birds of Northern Central America. But he also arrived without an adequate field guide. Indeed, to his surprise, he found that relatively little was known (and even less written) about the myriad of bird species that inhabit the region stretching from the U.S.-Mexican border to Nicaragua. And so, after eleven years of research in Northern Central America, and with the essential collaboration of Sophie Webb--a biologist and one of the most talented ornithological illustrators working today--we now have the definitive guide to birds of this fascinating region. drop rest as varied as the Laysan Albatross, the Blue-footed Booby, the Collared Trogon, even the rare Guadalupe Storm-Petrel.

A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America is astonishingly comprehensive, covering the identification, status, and distribution of all 1,070 birds species known from Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, and western Nicaragua. No other book approaches the thoroughness of this unique field guide. Beautifully illustrated with seventy-one color plates and thirty-nine black and white drawings, the guide shows 750 species and includes many plumages never before depicted. Of special interest are illustrations of some of the most notoriously difficult groups to portray, such as raptors in flight, owls, and nightjars. In addition, superb, easy-to-read maps help the traveling birder locate particular--even rare--species, and the entries describing individual birds detail their appearance, voice, habitat, behavior (including nesting and eggs), and distribution. With the U.S. birder in mind, the guide also includes birds that can be seen north of the border, showing these American migrants on plates when they could be confused with similar Mexican species, thus enabling the birder to make quick and ready comparisons in the field. And, with readable and fascinating presentations of the natural history of Central American birds, this guide will be welcomed not only by seasoned birders, but by any traveler exploring the rain forests, coastlines, and deserts of Mexico and the Central American isthmus. 

Sponsored by the distinguished Point Reyes Observatory in California, A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America is a wonderful addition to the library of birders, nature enthusiasts, and travelers alike. With its lavish illustrations, clear writing, and unprecedented range, it offers hours of compelling reading and pleasant browsing for anyone intrigued by the colorful diversity of birds and the wild, largely unspoiled world next door. 
Paperback from Oxford Press

A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica
A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica
by F. Gary Stiles, Alexander F. Skutch, Dana Gardner
Paperback from Cornell Univ Pr
Travel & Site Guide to Birds of Costa Rica With Side Trips to Panama
by Aaron D. Sekerak, et al
(Paperback -- December )
Where to Watch Birds in Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean
Where to Watch Birds in Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean
by Nigel Wheatley
Paperback from Princeton Univ Pr
The Birds of the Republic of Panama : Passeriformers, Hirundinidae (Swallows to Fringillidae)
Alexander Wetmore, et al 
Hardcover / Published 1985
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