Brough's Books on Apes and Monkeys

Apes and Monkeys

Books on Natural Science and Field Guides to Primates
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Apes of the World
by Russell H. Tuttle
Book Description: The first major and most comprehensive synthesis of results from ecological, naturalistic behavioral, comparative psychological and humanoid language research on apes since the classic work, The Great Apes, by Robert M. and Ada Yerkes in 1929. Based on more than 1,360 references from scientific journals, monographs, symposium volumes and other public sources, the book contains a wealth of current information on the taxonomy, ecology, postural and locomotive behavior, natural communications, anmd social behavior of the apes. Topical discussions in the book are organized to show the extent of progress, including the development of new research questions, and the way our views of apes have changed as new information has become available since 1929.

Apes, Language, and the Human Mind
by E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Talbot J. Taylor, Stuart G. Shanker
Book Description: For more than 25 years, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh has been studying the cognitive skills of laboratory-reared primates. Recently, her work achieved a scientific breakthrough of stunning proportions: one subject has acquired linguistic and cognitive skills equal to those of a 2-1/2-year-old human child. Apes, Language and the Human Mind skillfully combines the exciting narrative regarding this work with incisive critical analysis of the broader linguistic, psychological, and anthropological implications. Sure to be controversial, this exciting new volume offers a radical revision of the sciences of language and mind. 

Aotus: The Owl Monkey
by Janet F. Baer, Richard E. Weller (Editor), Ibulaimu Kakoma (Editor)

Among the Orangutans: The Birute Galdikas Story (The Great Naturalists)
by Evelyn Gallardo 
Publisher: Chronicle Books; (March 1993)

Brutal Kinship

Bringing Up Ziggy

Baboon Mothers and Infants
by Jeanne Altmann 

Bonobos The Forgotten Ape
by F. B. M. De Waal, Frans Lanting (Photographer)
For Frans de Waal, man is not the only moral entity, as he made clear in his last book--Good Natured: The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals. The author has long been intrigued by chimpanzee politics and mores, and now he has turned his human heart and scientific mind to a species science has tended to celebrate solely for its sex drive. Bonobos may look like chimps, but they are actually even closer to us--far more upright, physically, for a start. Furthermore, where chimpanzees hunt, fight, and politic like mad, bonobos are peaceful, often ambisexual, and matriarchal. (Of course, hyenas are matriarchal too, but that's another story ...) De Waal's collaborator, Frans Lanting, has been photographing these gentle creatures for some years and augments the primatologist's explorations and interviews with hundreds of superb color shots. The penultimate picture is of bonobos crossing a road while schoolchildren stand watching, a short distance away. If, as the truism goes, all books about animal behavior are ultimately about us, this exploration of the bonobo may be a step in the right direction.

Chimpanzee and Red Colobus: The Ecology of Predator and Prey 
by Craig B. Stanford, Richard Wrangham 
ISBN: 0674116674 

Chimpanzee Politics : Power and Sex Among Apes
by Frans De Waal 
The great apes, like humans, can recognize themselves in mirrors. They communicate by sound and gesture, form bands along what can only be called political lines, and sometimes engage in what is very clearly organized warfare. (Less frequently, too, they practice cannibalism.) In Chimpanzee Politics Frans de Waal, a longtime student of simian behavior, analyzes the behavior of a captive tribe of chimpanzees, comparing its actions with those of ape societies in the wild. What he finds is often not pleasant: chimps seem capable of astonishing deviousness and savagery, which has obvious implications for the behavior their human cousins sometimes exhibit.

Primate Anatomy: An Introduction
by Friderun Ankel-Simons, John G. Fleagle

Primate Anthology, The: Essays on Primate Behavior, Ecology and Conservation from Natural History
by Russell L. Ciochon (Editor), et al

Jane Goodall, 40 Years at Gombe: A Tribute to Four Decades of Wildlife Research, Education, and Conservation
by Jennifer Lindsey, et al
Listed under Jane Goodall

In the Kingdom of Gorillas: Fragile Species in a Dangerous Land
by Bill Weber, Amy Vedder

Lion Tamarins: Biology and Conservation (Zoo and Aquarium Biology and Conservation Series)
by Devra G. Kleiman (Editor), Anthony B. Rylands (Editor)

The Orang Utan: Its Biology and Conservation (Perspectives in Vertebrate Science, V. 2)
by Workshop on the Conservation of the Orang Utan, et al
Hardcover: 368 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 9.21 x 0.76 x 6.14 
Publisher: Dr W Junk Pub Co; (October 1982)
ISBN: 9061937027 

Primate Conservation Biology
by Guy Cowlishaw, R. I. M. Dunbar

Great Apes and Humans: The Ethics of Coexistence
by Bejamin B. Beck (Editor), et al
Book Description: Great Apes and Humans is the first book to present a spectrum of viewpoints on human responsibilities toward great apes. A variety of field biologists, academic scientists, zoo professionals, psychologists, sociologists, ethicists, and legal scholars consider apes in both the wild and captivity. 

The Chimpanzees of Kibale Forest: A Field Study
by Michael Patrick Ghiglieri 
Hardcover: 226 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.92 x 9.27 x 6.25 
Publisher: Columbia University Press; (January 1984) 
ISBN: 0231055943 

The Chimpanzees of the Tai Forest: Behavioural Ecology and Evolution 
by Christophe Boesch, Hedwige Boesch-Achermann 
Paperback: 256 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.00 x 9.50 x 6.75 
Publisher: Oxford University Press;  
ISBN: 0198505078 

Gorillas in the Mist
by Dian Fossey

Great Ape Societies
by William C. McGrew (Editor), Linda F. Marchant (Editor), Toshisada Nishida (Editor)

Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior
by Christopher Boehm 
Publisher: Harvard Univ Pr;

Next of Kin: My Conversations With Chimpanzees
by Various (Author)
For three decades, primatologist Roger Fouts has been involved in language studies of the chimpanzee, the animal most closely related to human beings. Among his subjects was the renowned Washoe, who was "endowed with a powerful need to learn and communicate," and who developed an extraordinary vocabulary in American sign language. Another chimpanzee, Fouts writes, "never made a grammatical error," which turned a whole school of linguistic theory upside down. While reporting these successes, Fouts also notes that chimpanzees are regularly abused in laboratory settings and that in the wild their number has fallen from 5,000,000 to fewer than 175,000 in the last century.

Primate Adaptation and Evolution
by John G. Fleagle 

Primate Behavioral Ecology
by Karen B. Strier 
Book Description: Primate Behavioral Ecology, described as "an engaging, cutting-edge exposition," incorporates exciting new discoveries in its introduction to the field and its applications of behavioral ecology to primate conservation. Like no other on the market, this comprehensive book integrates the basics of evolutionary and ecological approaches and new noninvasive molecular and hormonal techniques to the study of primate behavior with up-to-date coverage of how different primates behave. Examples are drawn from the "classic" primate field studies and more recent studies on previously neglected species, illustrating the vast behavioral variation that we now know exists and the gaps in our knowledge that future studies will fill. For anyone interested in anthropology, psychology, biology, and zoology, specifically related to primate behavior. 
Paperback: 432 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.62 x 9.24 x 6.94 
Publisher: Pearson Allyn & Bacon; 2nd edition (June 26, ) 
ISBN: 0205352367

A Primate's Memoir: A Neuroscientist's Unconventional Life Among the Baboons
by Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky, the author of Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers and other popular books on animal and human behavior, decided early in life to become a primatologist, volunteering at the American Museum of Natural History and badgering his high school principal to let him study Swahili to prepare for travel in Africa. When he set out to conduct fieldwork as a young graduate student, though, Sapolsky found that life among a Kenyan baboon troop was markedly different from his earlier bookish studies. Among other things, he confesses, he had to become a master of shooting anesthetic darts into his subjects with a blowgun to take blood samples, a mastery that required him to become "a leering slinky silent quicksilver baboon terror." He also had to learn how to negotiate the complexities of baboon politics, endure the difficulties of life in the bush, and subsist on cases of canned mackerel and beans. 

His memoir is, in the main, quite humorous, although Sapolsky flings a few darts along the way at the late activist Dian Fossey--who, he hints, may have indirectly caused the deaths of her beloved mountain gorillas by her unstable, irrational dealings with local people--and at local bureaucrats whose interests did not often coincide with those of Sapolsky's wild charges. It is also full of good information on primates and primatology, a subject whose practitioners, it seems, are constantly fighting to save species and ecosystems. "Every primatologist I know is losing that battle," he writes. "They make me think of someone whose unlikely job would be to collect snowflakes, to rush into a warm room and observe the unique pattern under a microscope before it melts and is never seen again." --Gregory McNamee -
Paperback: 304 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.74 x 8.08 x 5.92 
Publisher: Touchstone Books; (March )
ISBN: 0743202414 

Walking With the Great Apes: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas
by Sy Montgomery (Author)

Primate Communities
by J. G. Fleagle (Editor), Charles Janson (Editor), Kaye Reed (Editor) 

Primate Males: Causes and Consequences of Variation in Group Composition
by Peter M. Kappeler (Editor)
Book Description: The size and composition of primate groups varies tremendously across species, within species, and within groups over time. Written by leading authorities, this book focuses on the causes and consequences of variation in the number of males per group. This variation lies at the heart of understanding adaptive variation among primate social systems. The volume also provides an extensive overview of variation in group composition across all major primate taxa using up-to-date reviews, case studies, evolutionary theory, and theoretical models. A comparative review of birds and selected other mammals is included. This text will become a favorite with all those interested in the behavioral ecology of primates.
Publisher: Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt);

Primate Taxonomy (Smithsonian Series in Comparative Evolutionary Biology)
by Colin P. Groves
Hardcover from Smithsonian Institution Press

Walker's Primates of the World
by William R. Konstant (Introduction), et al.
ISBN: 0801862515

The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates
by Noel Rowe
Hardcover: 263 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.03 x 11.21 x 8.76 
Publisher: Pogonias Pr;  
ISBN: 0964882507 

Peacemaking Among Primates
by Frans De Waal, F. B. M. De Waal 
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.70 x 9.21 x 6.51 
Publisher: Harvard Univ Pr; Reprint edition (September 1990) 
ISBN: 067465921X

Primate Cognition
by Michael Tomasello, Josep Call 
Book Description: Ever since Charles Darwin first formulated his theories on evolution, much research has been conducted in primate cognition. In this book, Michael Tomasello and Josep Call review what is already known about the cognitive skills of nonhuman primates, and assess the current state of our knowledge. They integrate empirical findings on the topic from the beginning of the century to the present, placing this work in theoretical perspective. The first part examines the way primates adapt to their physical world, mostly for the purpose of foraging. The second part lokos at primate social knowledhe and focuses on the adaptations of primates to their social world for purposes of competation and cooperation. In the third section, the authors construct a general theory of primate cognition, distinguishing the cognition in primates from that of other mammals (human in particular). Their broad-ranging theory should provide a guide for future research. Primate Cognition is an enlightening exploration of the cognitive capacities of our nearest primate relatives. It is a useful resource for a eide range of researchers and students in psychology, behavioral biology, primatology, and anthropology. 

Primate Societies
by Barbara B. Smuts et al.

Minds of Their Own: Thinking and Awareness in Animals
by Lesley J. Rogers 

Mountain Gorillas: Three Decades of Research at Karisoke (Cambridge Studies)
by Martha M. Robbins et al.
Book Description: Over thirty years ago, Dian Fossey established the Karisoke Research Center in Rwanda to study the behavior and ecology of mountain gorillas. Some of the offspring of the gorillas first studied by Fossey are still being observed today and the long-term observations on known individuals, from birth to death, and data on social behavior within and among the groups have led to an understanding of many aspects of gorilla social structure. Written by scientists who have worked at Karisoke over the years, this book highlights and summarizes what we have learned about the behavior, ecology, and conservation of the genus Gorilla and two other recognized subspecies and provides some comparisons with other gorilla populations elsewhere in Africa. 

Gorillas in Our Midst: The Story of the Columbus Zoo Gorillas
by Jeff Lyttle, Jack Hanna
ISBN: 0814207669

Kanzi : The Ape at the Brink of the Human Mind
by Sue Savage-Rumbaugh (Author), Roger Lewin (Author)

The Mentalities of Gorillas and Orangutans: Comparative Perspectives
by Sue Taylor Parker et al.

Reflections of Eden: My Years with the Orangutans of Borneo
by Birute M.F. Galdikas
Publisher: Back Bay Books; Reprint edition

Through a Window
by Jane Goodall
Listed under Jane Goodall

Sex and Friendship in Baboons
by Barbara B. Smuts
Book Description: When it first appeared in the mid-1980s, this book transcended the traditional ethological focus on sexual interactions by analyzing male-female relationships outside the context of mating in a troop of wild baboons. Barbara Smuts used long-term friendships between males and females, documented over a two-year period, to show how social interactions between members of friendly pairs differed from those of other troop mates. Her findings, now enhanced with data from another fifteen years of field studies, suggest that the evolution of male reproductive strategies in baboons can only be understood by considering the relationship between sex and friendship: female baboons prefer to mate with males who have previously engaged in friendly interaction with them and their offspring. Smuts suggests that female choice may promote male investment in other species, and she explores the relevance of her findings for the evolution of male-female relationships in humans. 
Paperback: 336 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.90 x 8.95 x 6.05 
Publisher: Harvard Univ Pr; Reprint edition (December ) 
ISBN: 0674802756

Orangutans: Wizards of the Rain Forest
by Anne E. Russon 

Orangutan Odyssey
by Birute Galdikas
In the 1960s, the legendary paleoanthropologist Louis Leakey encouraged a trio of remarkable woman scientists--Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas--to study the world's great primates. In her memoir Reflections of Eden, written long after her fellow "trimates" published theirs, Galdikas described her efforts at Camp Leakey to rehabilitate ex-captive orangutans and release them into the nearby Borneo rainforest. 
Those rehabilitation efforts became the center of controversies that swirl around Galdikas and the organization she helped found, Orangutan Foundation International. A debate about the effectiveness of rehabilitation reached a fever pitch in the late 1990s with the publication of several articles and books about Galdikas by Canadian novelist Linda Spalding. In A Dark Place in the Jungle, Spalding suggests that Galdikas's efforts in the name of conservation may in fact harm wild orangutan populations. Galdikas herself is characterized as an imperious and careless scientist, which no doubt played a role in Galdikas's decision in July 1999 to sue Spalding for libel. 

What then are we to make of this book by Galdikas and her longtime collaborator Nancy Briggs? There is no dispute whatsoever about their primary message: orangutans are seriously endangered. Palm oil plantations, bush fires, and other intense human pressures are destroying millions of acres of orangutan habitat. The recently deposed Indonesian government of Suharto was notoriously corrupt and adopted policies that led to large-scale deforestation, although its legacy is treated gingerly by Galdikas, who lives there when she isn't teaching at the University of British Columbia. The close-up photographs that accompany their text show orangutans as full of personality, mischief, and devotion as humans. Perhaps, as Spalding suggests, that's part of the problem. It may be too easy to project anthropocentric values onto orangutans, which, after all, share 97 percent of their genetic heritage with humans.

It is difficult to judge either case on its merits since the books share similar flaws: neither presents notes or bibliography to document its arguments. So read them both. The gravely threatened orangutans deserve as much attention as they can get. --Pete Holloran -
Hardcover: 144 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.71 x 11.49 x 10.55 
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams; (October 1, ) 
ISBN: 0810936941 

Woman in the Mists: The Story of Dian Fossey & the Mountain Gorillas of Africa
by Farley Mowat 

The Year of the Gorilla
by George B. Schaller
Relates the experiences of the author and his wife while they lived in Africa for 2 years observing gorillas and other wildlife. 

Primates: The Amazing World of Lemurs, Monkeys and Apes
by Art Wolfe et al.

Primate Behavior: An Exercise Workbook
by J. D. Paterson
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Introduction to the Primates
by Daris Ray Swindler, Linda E. Curtis (Illustrator) 
ISBN: 0295977043 
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