Brough's Books on Mayan Mythology

Mayan Mythology

Religion and Cosmology of the Maya
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Mayan Mythology
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  • Evidence of the Mayan civilization's religious beliefs is extensive. 

    Some gods had different aspects based on four directions. There were thirteen gods of thirteen heavens and nine gods of nine underworlds. Natural elements, stars and planets, numbers, crops, days of the calendar and periods of time all had their own gods. 

    The QuichĂ© Maya creation story is the Popol Vuh. This has the world created from nothing by the will of the gods. Man was made unsuccessfully out of mud and then wood before being made out of maize and being assigned tasks which praised the gods - silversmith, gem cutter, stone carver, potter, etc. The Mayans did not believe in art per se; all of their works were for the exaultation of the gods. 

    The last thirteen creator gods (built humanity from maize): 

    1. Ajbit 
    2. Ajtzak 
    3. Alom 
    4. Bitol 
    5. Chirakan-Ixmucane 
    6. Gucumatz 
    7. Hunahpu-Gutch 
    8. Huracan 
    9. Ixmucane 
    10. Ixpiyacoc 
    11. Tepeu 
    12. Tzacol 
    13. Xumucane 
    The second seven creator gods (built humanity from wood): 
    1. Alom 
    2. Bitol 
    3. Gucamatz 
    4. Huracan 
    5. Qaholom 
    6. Tepeu 
    7. Tzacol 
    The first three creator gods: 
    1. Gucamatz 
    2. Huracan 
    3. Tepeu 
    The four gods who held up the corner of the world were (Bacabs): 
    1. Cauac 
    2. Kan (later replaced by Chac
    3. Ix 
    4. Mulac 
    The four progenitors of the human race were: 
    1. B'alam Agab 
    2. B'alam Quitze 
    3. Iqi B'alam 
    4. Mahucatah 
    Some of the named Mayan gods: 
    1. Ac Yanto 
    2. Acan 
    3. Acat 
    4. Ah Bolom Tzacab 
    5. Ah Cancum 
    6. Ah Chun Caan 
    7. Ah Chuy Kak 
    8. Ah Ciliz 
    9. Ah Cun Can 
    10. Ah Cuxtal 
    11. Ah Hulneb 
    12. Ah Kin 
    13. Ah Kumix Uinicob 
    14. Ah Mun 
    15. Ah Muzencab 
    16. Ah Patnar Uinicob 
    17. Ah Peku 
    18. Ah Puch 
    19. Ah Tabai 
    20. Ah Uincir Dz'acab 
    21. Ah Uuc Ticab 
    22. Ahau Chamahez 
    23. Ahau-Kin 
    24. Ahmakiq 
    25. Ahulane 
    26. Ajbit 
    27. Ajtzak 
    28. Akhushtal 
    29. Alaghom Naom 
    30. Alaghom Naom Tzentel 
    31. Alom 
    32. Bacabs 
    33. Backlum Chaam 
    34. Balam 
    35. Balam-Agab 
    36. Balam-QuitzĂ© 
    37. Bitol 
    38. Bolontiku 
    39. Buluc Chabtan 
    40. Cabaguil 
    41. Cabrakan 
    42. Cacoch 
    43. Caha-Paluma 
    44. Cakixia 
    45. Cakulha 
    46. Camaxtli 
    47. Camazotz 
    48. Camulatz 
    49. Cauac 
    50. Chac 
    51. Chac Uayab Xoc 
    52. Chamer 
    53. Chaob 
    54. Chibirias 
    55. Chiccan 
    56. Chirakan 
    57. Choimha 
    58. Cit-Bolon-Tum 
    59. Cizin 
    60. Colel Cab 
    61. Colop U Uichkin 
    62. Coyopa 
    63. Cum Hau 
    64. Ekchuah 
    65. Ghanan 
    66. Gucumatz 
    67. Gukumatz 
    68. Hacha'kyum 
    69. Hun Came 
    70. Hun Hunahpu 
    71. Hunab Ku 
    72. Hunahpu 
    73. Hunahpu Utiu 
    74. Hunahpu-Gutch 
    75. Hunhau 
    76. Hurakan 
    77. Iqi-Balam 
    78. Itzamna 
    79. Itzananohk'u 
    80. Ix 
    81. Ix Chebel Yax 
    82. Ixchel 
    83. Ixmucane 
    84. Ixpiyacoc 
    85. Ixtab 
    86. Ixzaluoh 
    87. Kan 
    88. Kan-u-Uayeyab 
    89. Kan-xib-yui 
    90. Kianto 
    91. K'in 
    92. Kinich Ahau 
    93. Kinich Kakmo 
    94. Kisin 
    95. Kukulcan 
    96. Mahucutah 
    97. Mitnal 
    98. Mulac 
    99. Nacon 
    100. Naum 
    101. Nohochacyum 
    102. Popol Vuh 
    103. Tecumbalam 
    104. Tepeu 
    105. Tlacolotl 
    106. Tohil 
    107. Tzakol 
    108. Tzununiha 
    109. Voltan 
    110. Votan 
    111. Vucub Caquix 
    112. Xaman Ek 
    113. Xecotcovach 
    114. Xibalba 
    115. Xmucane and Xpiayoc 
    116. Yaluk 
    117. Yum Caax 
    118. Zipacna 
    119. Zotz 

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