Submarine with Aerial
From The History of the Great War, Vol I, page
David Perkins writes (May 2000) |
".... the boat with the experimental aerial is the D-class
submarine HMS/M D1. There
is another shot of her taken from ahead with a King Edward class pre-Dreadnought
immediately astern.
The D-class were very distinctive. Besides being the first British class
with diesels and and external as well as internal main ballast tanks, they
also featured a stern torpedo tube (you can just make out the operating
gear in your photo) and an upper and lower rudder. The upper rudder was
not successful and was prone to damage from wave action on the surface
so it was removed at an early date, but the pintle post is still there."
J. David Perkins is author of: Canada's Submariners, 1914-1923
(1989) and The Canadian Submarine Service in Review (2000)

C1 & C3 at Dover prior to Zeebrugge
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