Fall of the Ancient Maya : Solving the Mystery of the Maya Collapse
by David Webster
Professor Webster makes full use of his own and his colleagues' latest
discoveries at sites such as Copán, Tikal, Dos Pilas, and
Piedras Negras to reveal the subtle complexity and variety of the collapse
across the Maya world. Enhanced by illuminating cross-cultural comparisons,
and written in a personal, engaging style, this is the most satisfying
and convincing analysis yet produced of the downfall of the New World's
greatest ancient civilization.
Hardcover: 368 pages
Thames & Hudson; ISBN: 0500051135;
Archaeological Guide to Northern Central America : Belize, Guatemala, Honduras,
and El Salvador
by Joyce Kelly, Jerry Kelly (Photographer)
Paperback - 352 pages
Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0806128615
Album of Maya Architecture
by Tatiana Proskouriakoff
One of the most influential archaeologists to have worked in the field,
covers Uaxactun and Chichen-Itzá architecture in 29 superb
b/w plates.
Paperback (August 1977)
Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Txt); ISBN: 0806113510 |
Conquests : Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517-1570
(Cambridge Latin American Studies, 61)
by Inga Clendinnen
This is both a specific study of conversion in a corner of the Spanish
Empire, and a work with implications for the understanding of European
domination and native resistance throughout the colonial world. Dr Clendinnen
explores the intensifying conflict between competing and increasingly divergent
Spanish visions of Yucatan and its destructive outcomes. She seeks to penetrate
the ways of thinking and feeling of the Mayan Indians in a detailed reconstruction
of their assessment of the intruders.
Paperback (February 1989)
Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt); ISBN: 0521379814
Catalog of Maya Hieroglyphs
(The Civilization of the American Indian Series, Vol 62)
by J. Eric S. Thompson, George E. Stuart
Paperback Reprint edition (March 1991)
Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0806122609
of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering the Dynasties of the Ancient
by Simon Martin, Nikolai Grube
Book Description: For a thousand years the dense rain forests
of Central America concealed the ruins of one of the world's great civilizations,
that of the ancient Maya. Early explorers found themselves in cities dominated
by steep temple pyramids and fallen idols covered in unfathomable hieroglyphs.
Since the mid-nineteenth century, scholars have tried to understand the
mysterious people who produced one of the greatest flowerings of art and
culture in the New World. Behind the ruined Maya cities and their abandoned
artworks--the superb sculptures of Copan, the fine vase painting of Naranjo,
the mighty pyramids of Tikal and Calakmul--lie the turbulent stories of
their ruling dynasties. The recent tremendous progress in reading Maya
hieroglyphs is now bringing this story into focus. Here is the first book
to bring together and examine the greatest Maya dynasties in a single volume.
Two of the world's leading experts in Maya hieroglyphic decipherment reveal
the latest thinking on the nature of Maya divine kingship, statehood, and
political authority, and describe the most recent readings and archaeological
finds, including their own discoveries. 250 illustrations, 100 in color.
Key features of the book include:
* biographical accounts of 152 kings and four ruling queens;
* royal names spelled in hieroglyphs, plus datafiles listing lineage,
spouses and children, and place of burial;
* special features and boxes, ranging from the supernatural journeys
of the dead kings to the Maya ballgame;
* timelines providing at-a-glance visual guides to the length and key
events of each reign.
Hardcover - 240 pages (December )
Thames & Hudson; ISBN: 0500051038
Conquest of the Last Maya Kingdom
by Grant D. Jones
Paperback - 550 pages
Stanford Univ Pr; ISBN: 0804735220
February Death and Life in the Mayan Highlands
by Carter Wilson
Paperback (April 1974)
Univ California Press; ISBN: 0520023994
Forest of Kings : The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya
by Linda Schele, David Freidel (Contributor)
The recent interpretation of Maya hieroglyphs has given us the first
written history of the New World as it existed before the European invasion.
Now, two central figures in the massive effort to decode the glyphs, Linda
Schele and David Freidel, make this history available for the first time
in all its detail. A Forest of Kings is the story of Maya kingship, from
the beginning of its institution and the first great pyramid builders two
thousand years ago to the decline of Maya civilization and its destruction
by the Spanish. Here the great historic rulers of Precolumbian civilization
come to life again with the decipherment of the writing. At its height,
Maya civilization flourished under great kings like Shield-Jaguar, who
ruled for over sixty years, expanding his kingdom and building some of
the most impressive works of architecture in the ancient world. Long placed
on a mist-shrouded pedestal as austere, peaceful stargazers, the Maya elites
are now known to have been the rulers or populous, aggressive city-states.
Hailed as "a Rosetta Stone of Maya civilization" (Brian M. Fagan, author
of People of the Earth), A Forest of Kings is "a must for interested readers,"
says Evon Vogt, professor of anthropology at Harvard University.
Paperback - 542 pages Reprint edition (January 1992)
Quill; ISBN: 0688112048
the Maya Built Their World : Energetics and Ancient Architecture
by Elliot M. Abrams
Paperback 1 Ed edition
Univ of Texas Pr; ISBN: 0292704623
by Martin Brennan
Paperback - 273 pages
Bear & Co; ISBN: 187918124X
Incidents of Travel in Yucatan
by John Lloyd Stephens, Karl Ackerman (Editor), Frederick Catherwood
A lively, eloquent guide to the Maya ruins of Mexico's Yucatan peninsula,
as entertaining today as when it was first published in 1843, Stephens'
guide recounts his two trips made to the region between 1839 and 1842.
Listed under Yucatan
Introduction to the Study of the Maya Hieroglyphs
by Sylvanus Griswold Morley
Best introduction to the topic�easily accessible to beginners. Extremely
full in interpretation; very thorough in exposition of variants and unusual
features, with reproductions of many inscriptions unavailable elsewhere.
Material from Old and New Empires.
Paperback - 284 pages (February 1975)
Dover Pubns; ISBN: 0486231089
Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America
by David H. Childress
Listed under Lost Cities
Lost Cities of the Mayas: The Life, Art, and Discoveries of Frederick Catherwood
by Fabio Bourbon
Book Description: Set in the unexplored jungles of Central America
in the mid-1800s, this true-life adventure story will enthrall the armchair
Recounted here for the first time is the adventurous life of Frederick
Catherwood, the 19th-century English artist who discovered the lost Mayan
cities in the jungles of Central America and the Yucatn plateau. In 1839
Catherwood and his American companion, John Lloyd Stephens, were the first
Westerners to view the immense terraces, fabulous temples, and elaborate
palaces that had been inexplicably abandoned ten centuries earlier. Superbly
illustrated by Catherwood, Stephens' lively travel diaries recounting their
extraordinary archaeological discoveries were published in 1841 and 1843.
Using these journals and his own extensive research, author Fabio Bourbon
has pieced together Catherwood's fascinating biography, which until now
has been shrouded in mystery. Illustrating this handsome large-format book
are more than 200 engravings made from Catherwood's original drawings.
Also reproduced is Catherwood's Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America,
Chiapas and Yucatna rare color portfolio considered to be his best work.
Catherwood's other adventures are also describedhis first trips to Europe
and Egypt, his later expeditions to Central America, and finally his experiences
in California. This intriguing book about an intrepid adventurer/artist
will appeal to anyone interested in exploration, architecture, and archaeology.
Hardcover from Abbeville Press, Inc.
Lost Chronicles of the Maya Kings
by David Drew
Hardcover - 384 pages (March )
Univ California Press; ISBN: 0520226127
by Peter Schmidt (Editor), Enrique Nalda (Editor), Mercedes De LA Garza,
Early in their civilization, the Maya emerged as undisputed masters
of astronomy, chronology, the recording of history, and mathematics. By
A.D. 300 they had developed a system of hieroglyphic writing, a calendar,
and the first major works of stone architecture. Their architecture was
extraordinary in its marriage of astronomical, religious, civic, and engineering
considerations and ideas. The Maya also excelled in decorative motifs,
reliefs, and freestanding sculpture. Their painting in codices and wall
frescoes and their ceramic designs are astonishing. At the height of the
Maya civilization, the empire comprised lands that are now in Mexico, Honduras,
Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize. This unprecedented volume offers the
most comprehensive view to date of the Maya civilization. More than thirty
international scholars write on such themes as the mysterious religious
myths and beliefs of the Maya, political organization, navigation and commerce,
and all aspects of the culture's artistic and scientific expressions.
Hardcover - 800 pages (November )
Rizzoli International Publications; ISBN: 0847821293 |
Glyphs (Reading the Past)
by S. D. Houston
Paperback - 64 pages (September 1989)
Univ California Press; ISBN: 0520067711
The Maya and Teotihuacan : Reinterpreting Early Classic Interaction
by Geoffrey E. Braswell
Synopsis: Since the 1930s, archaeologists have uncovered startling
evidence of interaction between the Early Classic Maya and the great empire
of Teotihuacan in Central Mexico. Yet the exact nature of the relationship
between these two ancient Mesoamerican civilizations remains to be fully
deciphered. Many scholars have assumed that Teotihuacan colonized the Maya
region and dominated the political or economic systems of certain key centers-perhaps
even giving rise to state-level political organizations. Others argue that
Early Classic rulers merely traded with Teotihuacan and skillfully manipulated
its imported exotic goods and symbol sets to increase their prestige. Moving
beyond these traditional assumptions, the contributors to this volume present
extensive new evidence from archaeology, iconography and epigraphy to offer
a more nuanced understanding of the interaction between the Early Classic
Maya and Teotihuacan. Investigating a range of Maya sites, including Kaminaljuyu,
Copan, Tikal, Altun Ha, and Oxkintok, they demonstrate that the influence
of Teotihuacan on the Maya varied in nature and duration from site to site,
requiring a range of models to explain the patterns of interaction. Moreover,
they show that the interaction was bidirectional and discuss how the Maya
in turn influenced Teotihuacan.
Hardcover from Univ of Texas Press
Out of Print - Try Used
Popol Vuh: The Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life
by Dennis Tedlock
Listed under Mayan Cosmology
the Maya Glyphs
by Michael D. Coe, Mark Van Stone
Hardcover: 160 pages
Thames & Hudson; ISBN: 0500051100; (November )
Azul : An Ancient Maya City
by Richard E. W. Adams
Hardcover - 280 pages (April )
Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0806130768
of the Maya
by Archaeology Magazine, Peter A. Young
Book Description: Unlock the mysteries of the Mayan world. Deep
in the rain forests of South and Central America, the Mayan culture thrived
for almost 4,000 years. From the earliest Mayan farmer in 2,600 BC through
the thirteenth century AD, the Mayas developed an elaborate society, built
great cities and temples, and created the only real system of writing native
to the Americas.
Although many of the intricacies of the Mayan culture remain shrouded
in mystery, hundreds of new discoveries have come to light in recent years,
and our body of knowledge about the Mayas has grown by leaps and bounds.
Now, the most fascinating new discoveries have been compiled into one volume:
Secrets of the Maya, a new book from the editors of Archaeology.
From the discovery of ancient caves used for religious rituals�including
human sacrifice�to the search for the long-lost "White City,"
Secrets of the Maya will take readers on an exciting and surprising archaeological
journey. Featuring articles on the latest research, a comprehensive timeline,
and a special section on Mayan hieroglyphs, Secrets of the Maya will appeal
to experts and amateurs alike. 150 color and b/w photos.
Hardcover from Hatherleigh Pr
Star Gods of the Maya : Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars (The
Linda Schele Series in Maya and Pre-Columbian Studies)
by Susan Milbrath
Listed under Mayan Cosmology
The Yucatan : A Guide to the Land of Maya Mysteries Plus Sacred Sites
at Belize, Tikal & Copan
by Antoinette May
Listed under Yucatan
Before and After the Conquest
by William Gates (Editor), Diego De Landa (Editor)
Paperback - 162 pages (June 1978)
Dover Pubns; ISBN: 0486236226
An Archaeological Guide to Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula
by Joyce Kelly, Jerry Kelly (Photographer)
Paperback - 384 pages (October 1993)
Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0806125853
Out of Print - Try Used
Hidden Faces of the Maya
by Linda Schele, Jorge Perez De Lara (Photographer)
Hardcover - 184 pages 1 Ed edition (April )
Alti Pub; ISBN: 1883051169 ; Dimensions (in inches):
0.82 x 14.53 x 8.21
Out of Print - Try Used
The Magnificent Maya (Lost Civilizations)
Time-Life Books(Editor), Dale M. Brown (Editor)
Out of Print - Try Used
The New Key to Cancun and the Yucatan (2nd Ed)
by Richard Harris, Glenn Kim (Illustrator), Nik Wheeler (Photographer),
Fran Haselsteiner (Editor)
Paperback - 319 pages 2nd edition (November )
Ulysses Pr; ISBN: 1569750726
Out of Print - Try Used
Scribes, Warriors and Kings : The City of Copan and the Ancient Maya
by William L. Fash, Barbara W. Fash (Illustrator)
Paperback Reprint edition (May 1993)
Thames & Hudson; ISBN: 0500277087
Out of Print - Try Used
Mayan Civilization on DVD |