
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
The Bully Pulpit : The Presidential Leadership of Ronald Reagan
by William Ker Muir
Hardcover (March 1992)
Institute for Contemporary Studies; ISBN: 1558151672A Different Drummer: My Thirty Years with Ronald Reagan
by Michael K. Deaver, Nancy Reagan
Hardcover - 224 pages 1st edition (April 20, )
HarperCollins; ISBN: 0060197846'The President Has Been Shot' : Confusion, Disability, and the 25th Amendment
by Herbert L. Abrams
Paperback - 424 pages Reprint edition
Stanford Univ Pr; ISBN: 0804723257
Dutch : A Memoir of Ronald Reagan
by Edmund Morris
Transcending the conventional bounds of biography, Edmund Morris brings Ronald Reagan, the statesman, to life, revealing him to be a complex, highly imaginative personality. Certain to inform, engross, and even astonish those who believe they already know Reagan--as well as those who do not know him at all--"Dutch" is based on the most rigorous scholarship and is massive in its depth and scope.
Hardcover - 784 pages 1 Ed edition
Random House; ISBN: 0394555082Exit With Honor : The Life and Presidency of Ronald Reagan
(Right Wing in America)
by William E. Pemberton
Paperback: 312 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.93 x 9.02 x 6.07
Publisher: M.E.Sharpe; ; (April )
ISBN: 076560096XLeadership in the Reagan Presidency : Seven Intimate Perspectives
(Portraits of American Presidents, Vol 9)
Kenneth W. Thompson(Editor)
Paperback / Published 1992The Quotable Ronald Reagan
by Ronald Reagan, Peter Hannaford
Hardcover - 180 pages (April )
Regnery Pub; ISBN: 0895263238
Reagan: A Life in Letters
by Kiron K. Skinner, Annelise Anderson, Martin Anderson, George P. Shultz
Hardcover from Free PressReagan and Public Discourse in America (Studies in Rhetoric and Communication)
Reagan, In His Own Hand: The Writings of Ronald Reagan That Reveal His Revolutionary Vision for America
by Ronald Reagan, et al
A top advisor to Ronald Reagan once remarked of his boss: "He knows so little and accomplishes so much." Reagan, in His Own Hand will show that the 40th president knew far more than some people have given him credit for. It collects Reagan's recently discovered writings from the late 1970s, when he delivered more than a thousand radio addresses. He wrote about two-thirds of these himself, in longhand on yellow legal paper. "In writing these daily essays on almost every national policy issue during the 1970s, Reagan was acting as a one-man think tank," suggest the editors. This edition reproduces everything faithfully, right down to the spelling mistakes and crossed-out words. And it offers a compelling look at the ideas and principles that animated one of the most important Americans of the 20th century. Amazon.com
Paperback: 576 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.11 x 9.19 x 6.04
Publisher: Touchstone Books; ;
ISBN: 0743219384
by Michael Weiler (Editor), W. Barnett Pearce (Editor)
Hardcover - 351 pages (September 1992)
Univ of Alabama Pr (Txt); ISBN: 0817305858Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair : The Politics of Presidential Recovery
by Robert Busby
Hardcover - 240 pages (March )
St Martins Pr (Short); ISBN: 0312219822Ronald Reagan : How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader
by Dinesh D'Souza
Paperback: 304 pages
Touchstone Books; ISBN: 0684848236;
Reagan : An American Story
Reagan on Leadership : Executive Lessons from the Great Communicator
by James M. Strock
Prima Publishing; ISBN: 0761513361
Out of Print - Try Used Books
Adriana Bosch
Book Description: REAGAN: AN AMERICAN STORY is based on over fifty exclusive interviews with Reagan's family, friends, advisors, and adversaries. Following Reagan from his childhood with an alcoholic father through his Hollywood and political lives on to his battle with Alzheimer's disease - the only foe he could not defeat - readers of this book will learn of Reagan in the words of those who knew him best. In his rhetoric, Reagan was one of America's most ideological Presidents, and yet one of the most pragmatic in action. Seemingly a simple man, Reagan was consistently underestimated by his opponents. One by one, he overcame them all. This is a portrait of a President few really knew.
Paperback: 352 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.93 x 9.01 x 6.04
Publisher: TV Books Inc; ; (May 30, )
ISBN: 1575001403The Reagan Presidency : Ten Intimate Perspectives of Ronald Reagan (Portraits of American Presidents, Vol 9)
Kenneth W. Thompson(Editor)
PaperbackRecollections of Reagan : A Portrait of Ronald Reagan
by Peter Hannaford (Editor)
William Morrow & Company; ISBN: 0688146139
Reckoning With Reagan : America and Its President in the 1980s
Michael Schaller
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.63 x 8.93 x 5.84
Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0195090497;When Character Was King : A Story of Ronald Reagan
by Peggy Noonan
Hardcover - 224 pages (November 12, )
Viking Press; ISBN: 0670882356A Shining City : The Legacy of Ronald Reagan
by Ronald Reagan, Erik Felten, Nancy Reagan
Hardcover - 192 pages
Simon & Schuster; ISBN: 0684846780
Out of Print - Try Used BooksReagan : The Man and His Presidency
by Deborah Hart Strober, Gerald S. Strober (Contributor)
Hardcover - 640 pages
Houghton Mifflin Co (Trd); ISBN: 0395771935
Out of Print - Try Used BooksThe Reagan Wit : The Humor of the American President
Ronald Reagan, et al / Hardcover
Out of Print - Try Used BooksThe Common Sense of an Uncommon Man : The Wit, Wisdom, and Eternal Optimism of Ronald Reagan
by Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan, James D. Denney
Hardcover - 192 pages
Thomas Nelson; ISBN: 0785275487
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