
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
The Boys on the Tracks
by Mara Leveritt
An in-depth investigation of the suspicious deaths of two Arkensaw boys reveals corruption, drug running and murder at the highest levels. Db
Listed under Arkansas History
The Russia Hand : A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy
The Final Days: A Behind the Scenes Look at the Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House
by Barbara Olson
New York Times best-selling author Barbara Olson, whose Hell to Pay laid bare the sordid political deals of Hillary Rodham Clinton, now turns her razor sharp vision on the Clintons' shocking excesses in their final days of office: the outrageous pardons to political cronies and friends, the looting of the White House... Read More
by Strobe Talbott
The collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s was fraught with turmoil and political peril. That it did not end in disaster was due in no small measure to Russian president Boris Yeltsin, for all his flaws--and, insists former administration insider Strobe Talbott, to Yeltsin's partner in reform, President Bill Clinton. Before Clinton took office in 1992, he imagined that he would devote most of his energies to domestic matters, in keeping with the "It's the economy, stupid" slogan of his campaign war room. But, writes fellow Rhodes Scholar Talbott, his adviser on Russian affairs, "It became apparent that being president meant ... doing the heavy lifting in the management of relations with a giant nation that was reinventing itself and, in doing so, reinventing international politics and requiring us to reinvent American foreign policy." Though the Clinton administration took a few missteps early on, by Talbott's account the president soon rose to the historic occasion, tirelessly helping Yeltsin negotiate the difficult task of democratizing the former Communist power while contending with Yeltsin's troublesome penchant for drink and self-destruction--to say nothing of a committed political resistance on the part of disaffected members of the old guard. That things turned out reasonably well may seem amazing, given some of the incidents Talbott relates. His book offers an instructive, lively view of international diplomacy, personal politics, and the odd turns involved in changing the world. --Gregory McNamee - Amazon.com
Hardcover: 480 pages
Random House; ISBN: 0375507140; 1st edition (May 21, )
All Too Human : A Political Education
A Vast Conspiracy : The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President
by Jeffrey Toobin
Toobin's narrative is one of the most levelheaded versions of the 1998 scandal yet published, although he has very few kind words for anybody involved. "No other major political controversy in American history produced as few heroes as this one," he notes, and "in spite of his consistently reprehensible behavior, Clinton was, by comparison, the good guy in this struggle." While debunking Hillary Rodham Clinton's claims that she and her husband were the victims of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" (a claim that ignores Clinton's responsibility for his actions), Toobin does demonstrate how lawyers for Paula Jones collaborated with Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg to build the most damaging case possible against the president. (He also suggests, not without cause, that Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff worked more closely with Tripp and Goldberg than he reported in his own book, Uncovering Clinton.) -Ron Hogan - Amazon.com
Hardcover - 352 pages
Random House; ISBN: 0375502955
by George Stephanopoulos
Paperback - 456 pages 1st Back b edition (March )
Back Bay Books; ISBN: 0316930164You Got to Dance With Them What Brung You : Politics in the Clinton Years
by Molly Ivins
Champion of commonsense and compassion; frank and boldly funny, Molly Ivins has been called by the L.A. Times "H.L. Mencken without the cruelty, Will Rogers with an agenda." Those of us who love Molly Ivins read her for her gutsy, lively, liberal values, and those of us who don't ... should. Amazon.com
Paperback - 288 pages 1 Vintage edition
Random House; ISBN: 0679754873
Bill Clinton's Pre-Presidential Career : An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in American History, No 27)
Betrayal : How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Security
by Bill Gertz
Betrayal asserts that the "most important legacy" of Bill Clinton's presidency may be "his dead serious disarmament of the United States and his self-serving appeasement of powerful and determined foreign enemies.... The administration's policies have endangered not only the United States," Gertz concludes, "but the peace and security of the entire world." --Linda Killian - Amazon.com
Hardcover - 291 pages
Regnery Pub; ISBN: 0895263173
Allan Metz (Designer)
Special OrderThe Breach : Inside the Impeachment and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton
by Peter Baker
Listed under ImpeachmentThe Clinton Chronicles Book
by Patrick Matrisciana
Citizens for Honest Government wants you to read this book and consider their evidence for concluding that the Clinton Administration is corrupt, immoral, and deceptive.Compromised : Clinton Bush and the CIA
by Terry Reed, John Cummings
The first documented expose of Bill Clinton's involvement in illegal government activity includes alleged evidence that George Bush was lying when he said he was "out of the loop" regarding Iran-Contra activities.
Paperback - 682 pages
Penmarin Books Inc; ISBN: 1883955025Barry & 'the Boys' : The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History
by Daniel Hopsicker
This is the story of Barry Seal, the biggest drug smuggler in American history, who died in a hail of bullets with George Bush's private phone number in his wallet...
Listed under Barry and 'the Boys'
The First Partner : Hillary Rodham Clinton
Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals
Don't look for President Clinton's picture in The Book of Virtues; bestselling author and former Secretary of Education William J. Bennett considers Bill Clinton uniquely unvirtuous. In the wake of the White House intern sex scandal, Bennett accuses Clinton of crimes at least as serious as those committed by Richard Nixon during the Watergate imbroglio. Rising above anti-Clinton polemics, The Death of Outrage urges the American public--which initially displayed not much more than a collective shrug--to take issue with the president's private and public conduct. Clinton should be judged by more than the state of the economy, implores Bennett. The commander in chief sets the moral tone of the nation; a reckless personal life and repeated lying from the bully pulpit call for a heavy sanction. The American people should demand nothing less, says the onetime federal drug czar. In each chapter, Bennett lays out the rhetorical defenses made on Clinton's behalf (the case against him is "only about sex," harsh judgmentalism has no place in modern society, independent counsel Kenneth Starr is a partisan prosecutor, etc.) and picks them apart. He may not convince everybody, but this is an effective conservative brief against Bill Clinton. --John J. Miller - Amazon.com
Hardcover: 154 pages
Simon & Schuster; ISBN: 0684813726;
by Joyce Milton
Listed under Hillary Clinton
Hillary's Choice
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton
by Ann Coulter
Hardcover - 358 pages
National Book Network; ISBN: 0895263602
Readers rate this book either excellent, or terrible.
The former apparently outnumber the latter ten to one.
by Gail Sheehy
Listed under Hillary ClintonThe Starr Report: The Findings of Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr on President Clinton and the Lewinsky Affair
Here it is--the result of four years of investigative research, at an approximate cost of $40 million. Back in 1994, Kenneth Starr was appointed to investigate a series of investments made by Bill and Hillary Clinton; the Whitewater allegations never bore fruit, but then somebody whispered stories about the president and an intern named Monica Lewinsky into Starr's ear. He and his team of prosecutors sniffed around, and this is what they've come up with: "According to Ms. Lewinsky, she and the President had ten sexual encounters, eight while she worked at the White House and two thereafter." The details are bathetic in their precision: "during many of their sexual encounters," Starr notes, "the President stood leaning against the doorway of the bathroom across from the study, which, he told Ms. Lewinsky, eased his sore back." And yes, as far as we know, that was the president's semen on Monica's navy dress.Whether or not it's the government's job to produce hackneyed narratives about young women who find themselves falling in love with powerful men is for voters to decide, but this story would be rejected outright by readers of Harold Robbins or Jackie Susann were it not for the newsworthy elements. Of course, there's also the second half of the report, in which Starr explains how Clinton's attempts to prevent his relationship with Lewinsky from becoming public knowledge constitute grounds for his impeachment. That's the part of the document that matters most from a political perspective ... but it's doubtful that it'll be the part that lingers in historical memory. (Note: You can also read the Starr report in electronic form for free at a number of locations on the Web, including the Library of Congress site and the commercial sites AOL.com, Netscape Netcenter, and Yahoo!) Amazon.com
Paperback: 421 pages
PublicAffairs; ISBN: 189162024X; (September 15, )The Starr Report: The Independent Counsel's Complete Report to Congress on the Investigation of President Clinton
Mass Market Paperback: 523 pages
Pocket Books; ISBN: 0671034790; (September 15, )Sleeping With the President : My Intimate Years With Bill Clinton
by Gennifer Flowers
Year of the Rat : How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash
The Strange Death of Vincent Foster : An Investigation
In this extensively researched book, journalist Christopher Ruddy presents a compelling examination of the startling and confusing evidence in the mysterious death of a top adviser to the Clintons - a case that shocked the nation and continues to haunt the White House.
Hardcover: 256 pages
Free Press; ISBN: 0684838370;
by Edward Timperlake, William C. Triplett
Hardcover - 256 pages
Regnery Pub; ISBN: 0895263335Unlimited Access : An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House
by Gary Aldrich
Paperback - 288 pages (March )
Regnery Publishing, Inc.; ISBN: 0895264064A Washington Tragedy : How the Death of Vincent Foster Ignited a Political Firestorm
by Dan E. Moldea
Hardcover - 304 pages (April )
Regnery Publishing, Inc.; ISBN: 0895263823Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter's Story
by Michael Isikoff
First at the Washington Post, and later at Newsweek, Michael Isikoff researched the stories that helped turn Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Linda Tripp, and Monica Lewinsky into household names. Uncovering Clinton is his version of All the President's Men, a play-by-play account of how he put the pieces together and gradually came to the conclusion, based on the allegations surrounding Bill Clinton's sexual behavior, that the president of the United States was "psychologically disturbed." But Uncovering Clinton is also about how Isikoff had to fight with his own editors to get his reporting into print and how he fell victim on multiple occasions to online gossip columnist Matt Drudge, who stole Isikoff's thunder by printing items about stories that hadn't run. He also found himself caught up in the machinations of Linda Tripp and her literary agent, Lucianne Goldberg, as they schemed to manipulate the president and his paramour into a compromising situation. Isikoff is up-front about the frustrations he experienced on the journalistic trail; although he wanted to think of himself as another Seymour Hersh when he set out on the Jones story, he writes, "instead, I was starting to feel like Geraldo Rivera." Even though just about everybody knows the basic story at this point, Uncovering Clinton is still as lively a read as any political thriller--and all the more unsettling for being true. --Ron Hogan - Amazon.com
Hardcover - 402 pages (April )
Crown Pub; ISBN: 0609603930
The Natural: The Misunderstood Presidency of Bill Clinton
No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton
by Christopher Hitchens
The most vocal critics of Bill Clinton's presidency tend to be conservatives--think, for example, of William J. Bennett's The Death of Outrage--but there are those on the Left who are fed up with Clinton as well. Among them is journalist Christopher Hitchens (most prominently associated with The Nation and Vanity Fair), who has produced a slim but vehement volume outlining how "Clinton's private vileness meshes exactly with his brutal and opportunistic public style." No One Left to Lie To is the story of a man who took the Democratic presidential nomination and, having achieved office, began enacting welfare reform and anticrime legislation that surpassed the ambitions of all but the most ideologically loyal Republicans--and routinely plundered the GOP platform for other policy ideas as well.Hitchens is particularly damning on Clinton's tendency to resort to divisive racial politics when it suits his purposes, as when, in the course of the 1992 presidential campaign, he refused to lift a finger to save a mentally retarded African American from state execution so he could appear tough on crime, then shortly afterwards hijacked a Rainbow Coalition conference to criticize rap artist Sister Souljah for the benefit of the attendant press. When he needs the black vote, though, Clinton will allow himself to be trumpeted as the most racially sensitive president in American history--if not, in Toni Morrison's memorably ludicrous phrase, "our first black president." Furthermore, the man who once connived his way out of the draft has become a chief executive so willing to use military air strikes as a means of foreign policy that, in the author's view, the United States is now a "potential banana republic."
Of course, there is plenty of vitriol directed at Clinton's conduct with regard to Monica Lewinsky (the woman with whom he admitted, under duress, to having had an "inappropriate relationship" consisting of multiple incidences of oral sex) and Kathleen Willey (who alleges that the leader of the free world merely fondled her breasts and forced her to touch--albeit shielded under some layers of clothing--his tumescent penis). In Hitchens's view, however, the sexual controversies are only the most prominent aspect of Clinton's shameful character, a moral condition that must be considered in toto. The book is short, with an argument that runs only about a hundred pages, but that's still more than enough room for Hitchens to serve up a comprehensive, blistering indictment suffused throughout by his dark wit. He sums up the failure of those fixated on Clinton's adultery to fully investigate his cronyism and financial shenanigans: "It's not the lipstick traces, stupid," Hitchens warns, "it's the Revlon Connection." --Ron Hogan - Amazon.com
Hardcover - 122 pages (April 1, )
Verso Books; ISBN: 1859847366
by Joe Klein
Out of Print - Try Used BooksBetter Than Sex: Confessions of a Political Junkie (Gonzo Papers, Vol 4)
by Hunter S. Thompson
(Paperback)The Clinton Years: The Photographs of Robert McNeely
by Robert McNeely (Photographer), Douglas Brinkley (Introduction)
(Hardcover)The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton
by Joe Conason, Gene Lyons
Unhappy reading for Republicans or political naïfs, The Hunting of the President is the story of a sustained and well-funded effort to discredit and defeat Bill Clinton, dating from his gubernatorial days in Arkansas and eventually leading to his impeachment trial. Award-winning journalists Joe Conason and Gene Lyons have crafted a tale as compulsively readable as a political thriller--paced, and at times worded, like a summer bestseller. Although they provide ample evidence of backstabbing, revenge, deceit, conniving, and "dirty tricks" in the struggle to oust Clinton, arguing that "the better the president and the country did, the more his adversaries appeared willing to endorse almost anything short of assassination to do him in," they also acknowledge that Clinton's reckless behavior, along with the "panicky, defensive, and occasionally less-than-perfectly-honest" responses of the White House press office, didn't hurt his opponents. Investigative journalism at its juiciest, The Hunting of the President is a surprising valediction to a far-from-angelic public leader who often outmaneuvered his enemies with otherworldly skill.
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books; 1st edition (February )
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0312245475William J. Clinton: Our Forty-Second President (Our Presidents)
by Ann Gaines
(School & Library Binding)First in His Class: The Biography of Bill Clinton
by David Maraniss
(Paperback)Monica's Story
by Andrew Morton
(Mass Market Paperback)One Scandalous Story: Clinton, Lewinsky, and Thirteen Days That Tarnished American Journalism
by Marvin L. Kalb
(Hardcover)Bill Clinton and His Family Paper Dolls
by Tom Tierney
Listed under Paper DollsThe Larry Nichols Story : Damage Control : How to Get Caught With Your Pants Down and Still Get Elected President
by David M. Bresnahan
Out of Print - Try Used BooksThe Octopus : The Secret Government and Death of Danny Casolaro
by Kenn Thomas, Jim Keith (Contributor)
A provocative analysis of the mysterious death of journalist Danny Casolaro discusses the link between the death and high-level government conspiracy involving the Iran-Contra affair, the October Surprise, BCCI, and other political scandals and cover-ups.
Hardcover 1 Ed edition
Feral House; ISBN: 0922915393
Out of Print - Try Used BooksThe Secret Life of Bill Clinton : The Unreported Stories
by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
When it comes to Clinton scandals, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard consistently gets the biggest stories first. Now Evans-Pritchard is breaking the biggest scoop of all: an assiduously documented expose of the crimes that have made the Clinton presidency easily the most corrupt in history.
Out of Print - Try Used BooksArkansas Mischief : The Birth of a National Scandal
by Jim McDougal
Out of Print - Try Used BooksBill and Hillary : The Marriage
by Christopher P. Andersen
Hardcover - 340 pages (August 3, )
William Morrow & Co; ISBN: 0688167551
Out of Print - Try Used BooksCircle of Death : Clinton's Climb to the Presidency
by Richmond Odom
Paperback - 224 pages
Vital Issues Pr; ISBN: 1563840898
Out of Print - Try Used BooksVideo of The Grand Jury Testimony of William Jefferson Clinton: August 17, 1998
NTSC format (US and Canada only)
Out of Print - Try Used Books
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