Brough's Books - Chickenhawk


A great book by a veteran of 1000 helicopter missions in Vietnam
Home > Military > Chickenhawk

by Robert C. Mason
Paperback: 476 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.94 x 7.77 x 5.05 
Publisher: Viking Press; Reprint edition (September 1984)
ISBN: 0140072187 

This extraordinary tale by a veteran of over a thousand missions flown during 1966 in Vietnam is shocking, enlightening and at times hilariously funny. The style at first appears somewhat stilted: something of a cross between Hemingway and JP Donleavy. However, as the author warms to his task (and the reader warms to the book) it begins to bounce along like some offbeat epic poem. Chickenhawk was a gift from a Tasmanian colleague who has sent me many excellent books over the years, mostly about aviation and military history.  This is definitely one of the best. I was enthralled by the narrative and put it in the same class as The Last Enemy and Fate Is the Hunter. Db.

Chickenhawk became a New York Times best-seller in 1984, and remained on the list for 17 weeks.

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