: True Tales from a Grotesque Land
by Sara Nomberg-Przuytyk, Przytyk Sara Nomberg, Roslyn Hirsch (Translator),
Sara Nomberg-Przytyk
Paperback (August 1986)
Univ of North Carolina Pr; ISBN: 0807841609
- The Nazi Civilization : Twenty-Three Women Prisoners' Accounts : Auschwitz
Camp Administration and SS Enterprises and Workshops
Lore Shelley (Editor)
University Press of America February 1992 ISBN:
Special Order
Kolbe: Saint of Auschwitz
by Elaine Murray Stone, Patrick Kelley
The story of a Polish friar who offered his life that another's might
be spared whilst a political prisoner in Auschwitz. Db.
Paperback: 96 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.35 x
8.53 x 5.55
Publisher: Paulist Press;
ISBN: 0809166372
of the Auschwitz Death Camp
by Israel Gutman (Editor), Michael Berenbaum (Editor), Raul Hilberg
Paperback - 660 pages Reprint edition
Indiana Univ Pr; ISBN: 025320884X |
Children of the Flames : Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the
Twins of Auschwitz
by Lucette Matalon Lagnado, Sheila Cohn Dekel (Contributor)
Listed under Children of the Holocaust
Mengele : The Complete Story
by Gerald L. Posner, John Ware
Listed under Nazi Doctors
by Filip Muller, Helmut Freitag, Susanne Flatauer (Editor)
Paperback - 180 pages 1 edition (September 1, )
Ivan R. Dee, Publisher; ISBN: 1566632714 |
Dealer : The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz
by Rudolf Hoess (Edited by Steven Paskuly)
SS Kommandant Rudolph Hoss (1900-1947) was history's greatest mass
murderer, personally supervising the extermination of about two million
people, mostly Jews, at the death camp in Auschwitz, Poland. This is a
unexpurgated translation of his autobiography written around the time of
his trial.
Paperback, 390 pages (June 1992)
ISBN: 0306806983 |
by Olga Lengyel
Having lost her husband, her parents, and her two young sons to the
Nazi exterminators, Olga Lengyel had little to live for during her seven-month
internment in Auschwitz. Only Lengyel's work in the prisoners' underground
resistance and the need to tell this story kept her fighting for survival.
She survived by her wit and incredible strength. Despite her horrifying
closeness to the subject, FIVE CHIMNEYS does not retreat into self-pity
or sensationalism. When first published (two years after World War 2 ended),
Albert Einstein was so moved by her story that he wrote a personal letter
to Lengyel, thanking her for her "very frank, very well written book".
Today, with 'ethnic cleansing' in Bosnia, and neo-Nazism on the rise in
western Europe, we cannot afford to forget the grisly lessons of the Holocaust.
FIVE CHIMNEYS is a stark reminder that the unspeakable can happen wherever
and whenever ethnic hatreds, religious bigotries, and racial discriminations
are permitted to exist.
Academy Chicago Pub; ISBN: 0897333764 |
A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz
by Rene Kornreich Gelissen and Heather Dune Macadam
As a young woman, Rena Kornreich endured the Nazi death camps for almost
three and a half years. This remarkable story of Rena's survival reveals
at its core not a lone heroic struggle, but the power of an unusual relationship
between Rena and her younger sister, Danka, who gave her the will to go
on under unimaginable circumstances
in Auschwitz : The Nazi Assault on Humanity
by Primo Levi
Survival in Auschwitz is a mostly straightforward narrative, beginning
with Primo Levi's deportation from Turin, Italy, to the concentration camp
Auschwitz in Poland in 1943. Levi, then a 25-year-old chemist, spent 10
months in the camp. Even Levi's most graphic descriptions of the horrors
he witnessed and endured there are marked by a restraint and wit that not
only gives readers access to his experience, but confronts them with it
in stark ethical and emotional terms: "[A]t dawn the barbed wire was full
of children's washing hung out in the wind to dry. Nor did they forget
the diapers, the toys, the cushions and the hundred other small things
which mothers remember and which children always need. Would you not do
the same? If you and your child were going to be killed tomorrow, would
you not give him something to eat today?" --Michael Joseph Gross -
Paperback Reprint edition (December )
Collier Books; ISBN: 0684826801
80629 : A Mengele Experiment
by Gene Church
Listed under Nazi Doctors
Donald Watt
Listed under Prisoners of War
Auschwitz Chronicle : 1939-1945
by Danuta Czech, Walter Laqueur
Many documents concerning Auschwitz and its annexes, Birkenau and Monowitz,
were destroyed by the Nazis at the close of the war, yet much still survived
including eyewitness accounts now preserved in the archives of the official
Auschwitz Museum. Collected here in a monumental, unprecedented work of
historical research is a day-by- day, month-by-month chronicle of the concentration
camp from its planning in the winter of 1939 to its liberation in January
1945. Polish born Danuta Czech is former head of the research department
at the Auschwitz Museum.
Out of Print - Try Used
The Convent at Auschwitz
by Wladyslaw T. Bartoszewski
In 1984, Carmelite nuns moved into a vacant building in Osweiecem,
Poland, to devote themselves to prayer near the martyrdom site of thousands
of Poles, political prisoners and the "saved'' soul of Sister Benedictina
of the Cross. Many Jews saw the identical event differently.
Hardcover - 169 pages 1st U.S. e edition (June 1991)
George Braziller; ISBN: 0807612677
Out of Print - Try Used
Auschwitz : A History in Photographs
by Teresa Swiebocka
Over 280 documentary photographs and reproductions of art works
by former prisoners record the history of the Auschwitz from its initial
construction, through the horrors of the Holocaust, and as it appears today.
Out of Print - Try Used