Hostage Rescue Manual : Tactics of the Counter-Terrorist Professionals
by Leroy Thompson
(Paperback)Counter Insurgency Manual
by Leroy Thompson
(Paperback)Close Air Support : Armed Helicopters & Ground Attack Aircraft (Greenhill Military Manuals)
by Michael J. H. Taylor, Ray Hutchins (Illustrator)
(Hardcover)Warfighting : Maneuver Warfare in the U.S. Marine Corps
by H. T. Hayden (Editor), Tom Hayden (Editor)
Special OrderThe World's Elite Forces: Small Arms and Accessories (Greenhill Military Manual)
by John Walter
(Paperback)Military Rifles of Two World Wars: Greenhill Military Manual
by John Walter
(Hardcover)Hurricane Manual (RAF Museum Series)
by Royal Air Ministry
(Hardcover)Spitfire V Manual (RAF Museum Series)
by Royal Air Ministry
(Hardcover)Medieval Combat : A Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Manual of Swordfighting and Close-Quarter Combat
by Hans Talhoffer, et al
Listed under Ancient WeaponsThe World's Sniping Rifles : With Sighting Systems and Ammunition (Greenhill Military Manuals)
by Ian V. Hogg
Listed under Military SmallarmsKalashnikov : Machine Pistols, Assault Rifles and Machine-Guns, 1945 to the Present (Greenhill Military Manuals)
by John Walter
Listed under Military SmallarmsSubmachine Guns (Greenhill Military Manual)
by Ian V. Hogg
Listed under Military Smallarms
Modern Machine Guns (Greenhill Military Manual)
by John Walter
This comprehensive directory by a leading firearms expert and authority on military technology covers a vast array of weapons from the Gatling gun to the six-barrel Vulcan. In addition to outlining the history of each type and its development, this up-to-date guide cites the caliber, ammunition, length, weight, feed, rate of fire, and muzzle velocity of every weapon. The book covers machine-guns and variants manufactured in more than thirty countries, including Britain, the USA, Germany, Russia, Yugoslavia, China, Italy, Israel and Czechoslovakia.
Listed under Machine GunsModern Military Rifles (Greenhill Military Manual)
by John Walter
Listed under Military SmallarmsInfantry Support Weapons : Mortars, Missiles and Machine Guns (Greenhill Military Manual)
by Ian V. Hogg (Editor)
Listed under Machine GunsSmall Arms : Pistols and Rifles (Greenhill Military Manual)
by Ian V. Hogg
Listed under Military SmallarmsCombat Shotguns (Greenhill Military Manual)
by Leroy Thompson
Listed under Military SmallarmsThe World's Elite Forces : Small Arms and Accessories (Greenhill Military Manual)
by John Walter
Listed under Military SmallarmsMilitary Transport : Trucks & Transporters (Greenhill Military Manual)
by T. J. O'Malley, Ray Hutchins (Illustrator)
(Hardcover)Infantry Support Weapons : Mortars, Missiles and Machine Guns (Greenhill Military Manuals)
by Ian V. Hogg, Ray Hutchins (Illustrator)
Out of print - Try Used BooksBattle Tanks and Support Vehicles (Greenhill Military Manuals)
by Alan K. Russell, Ray Hutchins (Illustrator)
Out of print - Try Used BooksHow to Fly the B-29 Superfortress : The Official Manual for the Plane That Bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki
by Jeffrey L. Ethell
Out of print - Try Used BooksHandbook on Japanese Military Forces
by United States War Department
Hardcover: Greenhill Press; ISBN: 1853671029; (November 1991)
Out of print - Try Used Books
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