About the Warrior Series
The definitive source of information on the weapons, armour, tactics and motivation of history's fighting men. Each Warrior title combines an analysis of the soldier's skills with details of the equipment carried into battle. The text is complemented by 12 full-colour plates, commissioned from the finest of Osprey's associated artists. Highly detailed cutaways and exploded artwork of the weaponry and armour combine with scenes demonstrating the tactics used in action. The Warrior series gives the reader a unique insight into the life of the soldier.1 Norman Knight 950-1204 AD (Warrior, No 1)
by Christopher Gravett, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
Paperback - 64 pages (March 1993)
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 1855322870
Delivery sometimes delayed.2 Waffen-SS Soldier 1940-1945 (Warrior, No 2)
by Bruce Quarrie, Jeffrey Burn (Illustrator)
Listed under German Uniforms3 Viking Hersir : 793-1066 AD (Warrior, No 3)
by Mark Harrison, Gerry Embleton (Illustrator)
Listed under Vikings4 US Cavalryman 1865-1890 (Warrior, No 4)
by Martin M. Pegler, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Indian Wars5 Anglo-Saxon Thegn : 449-1066 AD (Warrior, No 5)
by Mark Harrison, Gerry Embleton (Illustrator)
Paperback - 64 pages
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 18553234946 Confederate Infantryman 1861-65
by Ian Drury
Listed under Uniforms of the Civil War7 Samurai : 1550-1600 (Warrior, No 7)
by Anthony J. Bryant, Angus McBride (Illustrator), Tony
Bryant, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Samurai8 British Cavalryman : 1792-1815 (Warrior, No 8)
by Richard Hook (Illustrator), Philip J. Haythornthwaite
Listed under British Army Uniforms9 Late Roman Infantryman 236-565 AD (Warrior, No 9)
by Simon MacDowall
Listed under Roman Wars10 Saracen Faris 1100-1250 AD (Warrior, No10)
by David Nicolle, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Crusades11 Union Cavalryman 1861-65
by Philip Katcher
Listed under Uniforms of the Civil War12 German Stormtrooper 1914-18 (Warrior, No12)
by Ian Drury, Gerry Embleton (Illustrator)
Listed under World War One Uniforms13 Union Cavalryman 1861-1865 (Warrior, No 13)
by Phillip Katcher, Richard Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Uniforms of the Civil War14 Zulu, 1816-1906 (Warrior Series, No 14)
by Ian Knight, Angus McBride (Illustrator)
Listed under African Wars15 Late Roman Cavalryman 236-565 Ad
by Simon MacDowall
Listed under Roman Wars16 British Tommy : 1914-18 (Warrior , No 16)
by Mike Chappell (Illustrator), Martin M. Pegler
Listed under World War One Uniforms17 Germanic Warrior : 236-568 Ad (Warrior Series, 17)
by Simon MacDowall, Angus McBride (Illustrator)
Stackpole Books; ISBN: 185532586118 Knight of Outremer 1187-1344 AD (Osprey Military Warrior Series, No 18)
by David Nicolle, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Crusades19 British Redcoat 1740-1793 (Osprey Military Warrior Series, No 19)
by Stuart Reid, Richard Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under British Army Uniforms20 British Redcoat : 1793-1815 Part 2 (Warrior Series , No 20)
by Stuart Reid
Listed under British Army Uniforms21 Highland Clansman 1689-1746 (Warrior Series)
by Stuart Reid, Angus McBride (Illustrator)
Paperback - 64 pages
Stackpole Books; ISBN: 185532660422 Imperial Guardsman 1799-1815 (Warrior , No 22)
by Philip Haythornthwaite
The uniforms and history of the Old, Middle and Young Guard of the Napoleonic Wars
Paperback - 64 pages
Stackpole Books; ISBN: 185532662023 U.S. Marines in Vietnam
24 Austrian Grenadiers & Infantry 1788-1816 (Military Warrior Series, 24)
by David Hollins
Paperback - 64 pages
Stackpole Books; ISBN: 185532742225 Italian Militiaman 1260-1392 (Warrior Series, No 25)
by David Nicolle, Christa Hook
Paperback - 64 pages
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 18553282626 U.S. Paratrooper 1941-1945 : Weapons, Armor, Tactics (Warrior Series, 26)
by Carl Smith, Mike Chappell (Illustrator)
Listed under Paratroopers27 Greek Hoplite 480-323 BC (Warrior Series, 27)
by Nicholas Victor Sekunda
Listed under Greek Wars28. Green Beret in Vietnam
by Kevin Lyles (Illustrator), Gordon L. Rottman29 Ashigaru 1467-1649 (Warrior 29)
by Stephen Turnbull, Howard Gerrard
Listed under Samurai30. Celtic Warrior (Warrior, 30)
by Stephen Allen
(Paperback)31. Union Infantryman 1861-65 (Warrior, 31)
by John P. Langellier
(Paperback)32. Aztec Warrior: Ad 1325-1521 (Warrior, 32)
by John M. D. Pohl, Adam Hook (Illustrator)33. Knight Hospitaller: 1100-1306 (Warrior, 33)
by David Nicolle, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
(Paperback)34. Confederate Artilleryman: 1861-65 (Warrior, 34)
by Philip Katcher, Bill Younghusband (Illustrator)35. English Medieval Knight 1400-1500 (Warrior, 35)
by Chris Gravett, et al
(Paperback)36 Grey Wolf: U-Boat Crewman of World War II (Warrior, 36)
by Gordon Williamson, Darko Pavlovic (Illustrator)
Listed under U-Boats37. German Seaman 1939-45 (Warrior, 37)
by Gordon Williamson, John White (Illustrator)
Listed under German Uniforms38. Fallschirmjager: German Paratrooper 1935-45 (Warrior, 38)
by Bruce Quarrie, Velimir Vuksic (Illustrator)
Listed under German Uniforms39. Gladiators: 100 BC - AD 200 (Warrior, 39)
by Stephen Wisdom, Angus McBride (Illustrator)
Listed under Roman Gladiators40. The Conquistador: 1492-1550 (Warrior, 40)
by John Pohl, Adam Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Conquistadors41. Knight Hospitaller (2): 1306-1565 (Warrior, 41)
by David Nicolle, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
(Paperback)42. Redcoat Officer 1740-1815 (Warrior, 42)
by Stuart Reid, Gerry Embleton (Illustrator)43. Matchlock Musketeer 1588-1688 (Warrior 43)
by Keith Roberts, Stephen Walsh (Illustrator)44. Ironside: English Cavalry 1588-1688
by John Tincey, Graham Turner (Illustrator)45. US Infantryman in World War II (1): Pacific Area of Operations 1941-45
by Robert S. Rush, et al
(Paperback)46. Panzer Crewmen 1939-45
47. British Rifleman 1797-1815
by Philip Haythrnthwaite, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under British Army Uniforms48. English Medieval Knight 1300-1400
by Christopher Gravett, Graham Turner (Illustrator)
(Paperback)49. Landsknecht Soldier 1486-1560 (Warrior 49)
by John Richards, Gerry Embleton (Illustrator)
(Paperback)50. Pictish Warrior AD 297-841 (Warrior Series)
by Paul Wagner, Wayne Reynolds (Illustrator)
Paperback: 64 pages
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 1841763462;51. Russian Grenadiers and Infantry 1799-1815
by Laurence Spring, Bill Younghusband (Illustrator)52. US Naval Aviator 1941-45
by Robert Philip Hargis, John White (Illustrator)
Paperback: 64 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.26 x 9.82 x 6.72
Publisher: Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 1841763896;53. US Infantryman In WW 2 (2) Mediterranean Theater
54. Confederate Cavalryman 1861-65
by Philip Katcher, Gerry Embleton (Illustrator)
(Paperback)56. US Infantryman in World War II (3): European Theater of Operations 1944-45 (Warrior, 56)
by Robert S. Rush, et al
(Paperback)57. French Napoleonic Infantryman 1803-15
by Terry Crowdy, Christa Hook (Illustrator)
59. German Infantryman 1933-40 (Warrior, 59)
58. English Medieval Knight 1200-1300
by Christopher Gravett, Graham Turner, Osprey Publishing
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
by David Westwood, Adam Hook
Listed under German Uniforms60. Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861-65 (Warrior, 60)
by Philip Katcher, Stephen Walsh
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
61. German Security and Police Soldier 1939-45
by Gordon Williamson, Velimir Vuksic
Listed under German Uniforms62. Prussian Regular Infantryman 1808-1815 (Warrior, 62)
by Oliver Schmidt, Steve Noon
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
63. French Revolutionary Infantryman 1791-1802 (Warrior, 63)
by Terry Crowdy, Christa Hook
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
64. Ninja Ad 1460-1650 (Warrior, 64)
by Stephen Turnbull, Wayne Reynolds
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
66. British Infantryman in the Far East 1941-45 (Warrior, 66)
by Alan Jeffreys, Kevin Lyles, Jeff Vanelle
Listed under British Army Uniforms67. The Cossacks 1799-1815 (Warrior, 67)
by Laurence Spring, Adam Hook
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
70. Japanese Warrior Monks Ad 949-1603 (Warrior 70)
69. Darbys Rangers 1942-45
by Mir Bahmanyar, Michael Welply
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
by Stephen Turnbull, Wayne Reynolds
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
71. Roman Legionary 58 BC- AD 69
73. Titos Partisans 1941-45
by Velimir Vuksic
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
74. Gebirgsjager: German Mountain Trooper 1939-1945 (Warrior, 74)
by Gordon Williamson, Darko Pavlovic
Listed under Mountain Troops75. Warrior 75: Comanche 1800-74
by Douglas V. Meed, Jonathan Smith
Paperback from Motorbooks International
76. German Infantryman Eastern Front 1941-1943 (Warrior, 76)
by David Westwood, Elizabeth Sharp
Listed under German Uniforms77. French Soldier in Egypt 1798-1801: The Army of the Orient
by Terry Crowdy, Christo Hook
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
79. US Doughboy 1916-19
by Thomas Hoff
Listed under World War One Uniforms80. Warrior 80: Irish Volunteer Soldier 1913-23
by B. Younghusband, Brendan O'Shea, Gerry White
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
81. Hungarian Hussar 1756-1815
by David Hollins, Darko Pavlovic
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
82. US Submarine Crewman 1941-1945
by Robert Hargis, Velimir Vuksic
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
83. British Infantryman in South Africa 1877-1881
by Ian Castle, Christa Hook
Listed under British Army Uniforms84. Mongol Warrior 1200-1350
by Stephen Turnbull, Wayne Reynolds, Stephen Tumbull
Paperback from Osprey Pub Co
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