1 Normandy, 1944 : Allied Landings and Breakout (Osprey Campaign Series, 1)
by Stephen Badsey
Listed under D-Day & Normandy2 Austerlitz 1805 : Battle of the 3 Emperors (Campaign Series, 2)
by David G., Dr Chandler
Listed under Napoleonic_Wars3 France 1940 : Blitzkrieg in the West (Campaign Series, No 3)
by Alan Shepperd
Listed under Blitzkrieg4 Tet Offensive 1968 : Turning Point in Vietnam (Campaign Series, No. 4)
by James R. Arnold
Listed under Vietnam War5 Ardennes 1944 : Hitler's Last Gamble in the West (Campaign Series, No. 5)
by James R. Arnold.
Listed under Battle of the Bulge6 Balaclava 1854 : The Charge of the Light Brigade (Campaign Series, No. 6)
by John Sweetman.
Listed under Crimean War7 Alexander 334-323 BC : Conquest of the Persian Empire (Campaign Series 7)
by John Warry. Paperback
Listed under Greek Wars8 Gallipoli 1915 (Campaign Series 8)
by Philip J. Haythornthwaite.
(Paperback)9 Agincourt 1415 (Campaign No. 9)
by M. Bennett
(Paperback)11 Kaiserschlacht 1918 : The Final German Offensive (Campaign Series, 11)
by Randal Gray, et al.
Listed under World War One12 Culloden 1746 : The Highland Clans' Last Charge (Campaign Series, 12)
by Peter Harrington, David G. Chandler (Editor). Paperback (September )13 Hastings 1066 : The Fall of Saxon England (Campaign Series No. 13)
by Christopher Gravett, Chris Gravett. Paperback (January 1992)
Out of Print - Try Used Books14 Zulu War 1879 : Twilight of a Warrior Nation (Campaign Series, No 14)
by Ian Knight, Ian Castle
Listed under Zulu War15 Waterloo 1815 : The Birth of Modern Europe (Campaign Series, 15)
by Geoffrey Wooten
Listed under Waterloo16 Kursk 1943 : Tide Turns in the East (Osprey Military Campaign Series, No 16)
by Mark Healy
Listed under Russian Front18 Guadalcanal 1942 : The Marines Strike Back (Campaign Series, No. 18)
by Joseph N. Mueller
Listed under Guadalcanal19. Hattin 1187: Saladin's Greatest Victory
(Campaign 19)20. Jena 1806: Napoleon Destroys Prussia
(Campaign 20)21. Gravelotte-St-Privat 1870: End of the Second Empire
(Campaign 21)
Out of Print - Try Used Books22. Qadesh 1300 BC: Clash of the warrior kings
by Mark Healy, David G. Chandler (Editor) (Campaign 22)
Out of Print - Try Used Books23. Khartoum 1885: General Gordon's Last Stand
(Campaign 23)24. Arnhem 1944: Operation 'Market Garden'
(Campaign 24)25. Leipzig 1813: The Battle of the Nations
(Campaign 25)26. Vicksburg 1863: Grant clears the Mississippi
(Campaign 26)
Special Order27. Tel El-Kebir 1882: Wolseley's Conquest of Egypt
(Campaign 27)28. New Orleans 1815: Andrew Jackson Crushes the British
(Campaign 28)29. Omdurman 1898: Kitchener's victory in the Sudan
(Campaign 29)30. Midway 1942: Turning-Point in the Pacific
(Campaign 30)31. Yarmuk AD 636: The Muslim conquest of Syria
(Campaign 31)32. Antietam 1862: The Civil War's Bloodiest Day
(Campaign 32)33. Aspern & Wagram 1809: Mighty clash of Empires
(Campaign 33)
The 1809 campaign on the Danube was to break the spell of Napoleon's invincibility.
Listed under Napoleonic_Wars34. Poltava 1709: Russia Comes of Age
(Campaign 34)35 Plassey 1757 : Clive of India's Finest Hour (Campaign Series, No 35)
by Peter Harrington. Paperback36 Cannae 216 BC : Hannibal Smashes Rome's Army (Campaign Series, No 36)
by Mark Healy
Listed under Hannibal38 Colenso 1899 : The Boer War in Natal (Campaign, No 38)
Ian Knight
Listed under Boer War39 Little Big Horn 1876 : Custer's Last Stand (Campaign Series, 39)
by Peter F. Panzeri
Listed under Custer's Last Stand40 Sekigahara 1600 : The Final Struggle for Power (Campaign Series, 40)
by Anthony J. Bryant
Listed under Japanese Swords41 Rorke's Drift 1879 : 'Pinned Like Rats in a Hole' (Campaign Series, No 41)
by Ian Knight
Listed under African Wars42 Bagration 1944 : The Destruction of Army Group Centre (Osprey Campaign Series, No 42)
by Steven J. Zaloga
Listed under Eastern Front43 Fornovo 1495 : France's Bloody Fighting Retreat (Osprey Military Campaign Series, 43)
by David Nicolle, Richard Hook (Illustrator)
Paperback44 Pavia 1525 : The Climax of the Italian Wars
(Osprey Military Campaign Series, 44)
by Angus Konstam
Paperback (December )45 Majuba 1881 : The Hill of Destiny (Osprey Military Campaign Series, 45)
by Ian Castle. Paperback (December )46 Lake Peipus 1242 : Battle of the Ice (Osprey Military Campaign Series, 46)
by David Nicolle, Angus McBride (Illustrator). Paperback (November )47 Yorktown 1781 : The World Turned Upside Down (Campaign Series)
by Brendan Morrisey, Adam Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Revolutionary War48 Salamanca 1812 : Wellington Crushes Marmont (Campaign Series)
by Ian Fletcher
Listed under Napoleonic_Wars49 Mons 1914 : The BEF's Tactical Triumph (Campaign Series)
by David Lomas, et al.
Listed under World War One50 Malta 1565 : Last Battle of the Crusades (Osprey Military Campaign Series : 50)
by Tim Pickles, et al.
Listed under Crusaders51: Inkerman 1854: The Soldiers' Battle (Campaign)
by Patrick, Lt. Col. Mercer, Patrick J. Mercer
(Paperback)52. Gettysburg 1863: High Tide of the Confederacy
by Carl Smith, Adam Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Battle of Gettysburg53 The Fall of Granada 1481-1492 (Campaign Series Number 53)
by David Nicolle. Paperback (March )
Spanish v. Moors.
54 Shiloh 1862 : The Death of Innocence (Osprey Military Campaign Series : 54)
by Jim Arnold, Carl Smith
Listed under Battles of the Civil War55 Chancellorsville 1863 : Jackson's Lightning Strike (Osprey Military Campaign Series, 55)
by Carl Smith, Adam Hook (Illustrator)
Listed under Battles of the Civil War56 Eggmuhl 1809 : Storm over Bavaria (Osprey Military Campaign Series, 56)
by Ian Castle
Listed under Napoleonic_Wars57 San Juan 1898 : America's Emergence As a World Power (Osprey Military Campaign Series : 57)
by Angus Konstam. Paperback (December )58. First Ypres 1914: The Graveyard of the Old Contemptibles
(Campaign 58)59 Vittoria 1813 (Osprey Military Campaign Series, 59)
by Ian Fletcher
Listed under Napoleonic_Wars60 The Ebro 1938 : Death Knell of the Republic (Campaign Series , No 60)
by Chris Henry, Adam Hook (Photographer).
Listed under Spanish Civil War61. Megiddo 1918: The Last Great Cavalry Victory
(Campaign 61)62 Pearl Harbor 1941 : The Day of Infamy (Osprey Military Campaign Series 62)
by Carl Smith
Listed under Pearl Harbor63 Fredericksburg 1862 : 'Clear the Way' (Campaign Series, 63)
by Carl Smith
Listed under Battles of the Civil War64 Nicopolis 1396 : The Last Crusade (Campaign Series, 64)
by David Nicolle
Listed under Crusaders65 Bajadoz 1812 : Wellington's Bloodiest Siege (Campaign Series, 65)
by Ian Fletcher
Listed under Napoleonic_Wars66 Bosworth 1485 : Last Charge of the Plantagenets (Campaign Series, 66)
by Christopher Gravett
Listed under Wars of the Roses67 Saratoga 1777 (Campaign Series, 67)
by Brendan Morrissey
Listed under Revolutionary War68 Lutzen 1632 (Campaign #68)
by Richard Brezinski
The Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants.69 Nagashino 1575 : Slaughter at the Barricades (Campaign , Vol 69)
by Stephen Turnbull
Listed under Samurai70 Marengo 1800 : Napoleon's Day of Fate (Campaign Series, 70)
by David Hollins, Christa Hook (Illustrator).
Listed under Napoleonic_Wars71 Crecy 1346 : Triumph of the Black Prince (Campaign Series, 71)
by David, Dr Nicolle.
The Battle of Crecy was the first major land battle of the Hundred Years war. It pitted the French army, then considered the best in Europe, and their miscellaneous allies against the English under King Edward III and the 'Black Prince', who as yet had no great military reputation. The Genoese crossbowmen were outshot by the English longbows and the charges of the French were forced back with appalling losses. Amazon.com
Paperback72 Jutland 1916 - Campaign #72 : The Last Great Clash of Fleets (Campaign Series, 72)
by Charles London
Listed under World War One73 Operation Compass 1940 : Wavell's Whirlwind Offensive
(Campaign Series, 73)
by Jon Latimer.
Listed under Western Desert74 Rhineland 1945 (Campaign Series, 74)
by K. Ford
Listed under D-Day & Normandy75 Lorrainne 1944 (Campaign Series, 75)
by Stephen J. Zaloga
Listed under D-Day & Normandy76 Ticonderoga 1758 (Campaign Series, 76)
by Rene Chartrand.
Ren Chartrand recounts the course of the ill-fated British attempt to capture Fort Ticonderoga in 1758. On July 5 General Abercromby's expedition embarked from its camp and within hours, tragedy struck. Some Rangers ran into a French scouting party and in the fierce skirmish that followed Howe was shot through the heart. Abercromby decided to attack Montcalm's completed breastworks head-on. Battalion after battalion was sacrificed. The most famous of these hopeless assaults was that of the Black Watch.
Paperback - 96 pages
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 184176093577 Tarawa 1943 (Campaign Series, 77)
by Derek Wright
Listed under Pacific War78 Constantinople 1453 (Campaign Series, 78)
by Dr. David Nicolle
Listed under Byzantine Wars79. Louisbourg 1758: Wolfe's First Siege
(Campaign 79)80 Tobruk 1941 : Rommel's Opening Move (Campaign, 80)
by Jon Latimer; Paperback
Listed under WWII in the Desert81 Iwo Jima 1945 : Pacific Theatre (Campaign, 81)
by Derek Wright
Listed under Pacific War82 Edgehill 1642 : First Battle of the English Civil War (Campaign, 82)
by Keith Roberts, John Tincey
(Paperback - April )83 Corunna 1809 : Sir John Moore's Fighting Retreat (Campaign, 83)
by Philip Haythornthwaite
(Paperback)84 Adrianople AD 378 : The Goths Crush Rome's Legions (Campaign, 84)
by Simon MacDowall
Listed under Roman Wars85 Peking 1900 : The Boxer Rebellion (Campaign, 85)
by Peter Harrington
(Paperback)86 The Armada Campaign 1588 : The Great Enterprise Against England (Campaign, 86)
by Angus Konstam, Howard Gerrard (Illustrator)87 Lutzen and Bautzen 1813 : The Turning Point (Campaign, 87)
by Peter Hofschrorer
(Paperback)88 Operation Cobra 1944 : Breakout from Normandy (Campaign, 88)
by Steven J. Zaloga, Tony Bryan (Illustrator)
Listed under Normandy89 The Alamo 1836: Santa Anna's Texas Campaign (Campaign, 89).
by Stephen L. Hardin, Angus McBride (Illustrator)
(Paperback)90 Vimeiro 1808 : Wellesley's First Victory in the Peninsular (Campaign, 90)
by Rene Chartrand, Patrice Courcelle (Illustrator)
(Paperback)91 Kolin 1757 : Frederick the Great's First Defeat (Campaign, 91)
by Simon Millar, Adam Hook (Illustrator)
92 St Nazaire 1942 : The Great Commando Raid (Campaign, 92)
by Ken Ford, Howard Gerrard (Illustrator)
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 184176231893 Verdun 1916 : They Shall Not Pass (Campaign, 93)
by William Martin, et al
(Paperback)94 Orleans 1429 (Campaign, 94)
by David, Dr Nicolle, Graham Turner (Illustrator)
(Paperback)95 Second Manassas 1862 (Campaign, 95)
by John P. Langellier
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 184176230X96. Okinawa 1945: The Last Battle (Campaign, 96)
by Gordon Rottman, Howard Gerrard (Illustrator)
Listed under Pacific War97. Bussaco 1810: Wellington Defeats Napoleon's Marshals (Campaign, 97)
by Rene Chartrand, Patrice Courcelle (Illustrator)
98. Kalka River 1223: Genghiz Khan's Mongols Invade Russia
by David Nicolle, V. Shpakovsky, V. Korolkov (Illustrator), V. Shapakovsky
Paperback: 96 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.34 x 9.72 x 7.20
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 1841762334;99. Fuentes De Onoro: Wellington's Liberation of Portugal (Campaign 99)
by Rene Chartrand, Patrice Courcelle (Illustrator)
(Paperback)100. N/A
101. Austerlitz 1805 - The fate of Empires
by Ian Castle
Listed under Napoleonic_Wars102. Bannockburn 1314: Robert Bruce's Great Victory
by Peter Armstrong, Graham Turner (Illustrator)
(Paperback)103. Hampton Roads 1862: First Clash of the Ironclads
by Angus Konstam, Adam Hook (Illustrator)
(Paperback)104. N/A
105. D-Day 1944 (3) Sword Beach & British Airborne Landings
by Ken Ford, Howard Gerrard (Illustrator)106. Culloden Moor 1746: The Death of the Jacobite Cause
by Stuart Reid, Gerry Embleton (Illustrator)
(Campaign 106)107. Poland 1939: The Birth of Blitzkrieg (Campaign 107)
by Steve Zaloga, et al
Listed under Blitzkrieg108. Marathon 490 BC: The first Persian invasion of Greece
by Nicholas Victor Sekunda
(Campaign 108)109. Guilford Courthouse 1781 (Campaign Series 109)
by Angus Konstam, Adam Hook (Illustrator)
Paperback: Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 1841764116;110. Peleliu 1944 The forgotten corner of hell
by Jim Moran
(Campaign 110)111. Isandlwana 1879: The Great Zulu Victory (Campaign 111)
by Ian Knight, Adam Hook (Illustrator)
(Paperback)112. D-Day 1944 (4) Gold & Juno Beaches (Campaign 112)
by Ken Ford, Kevin Lyles (Illustrator)
(Paperback)113. Rossbach and Leuthen 1757: Prussia's Eagle Resurgent (Campaign)
by Simon Millar
Paperback from Osprey Publishing
(Campaign 113)114. Lepanto 1571 (Campaign 114)
by Angus Konstam, et al
(Paperback)115. Battle of the Ardennes 1944: St Vith and the Northern Shoulder (Campaign 115)
by Steven J. Zaloga, Howard Gerrard (Illustrator)
116 First Newbury 1643 (Campaign 116)
by Graham Tumer (Illustrator), Keith Roberts
(Paperback)117. Stirling Bridge and Falkirk 1297-98 (Campaign 117)
by Pete Armstrong, et al
(Paperback)118. The Yom Kippur War 1973: The Golan Heights (Campaign, 118)
by Simon Dunstan, Kevin Lyles (Illustrator)
Listed under Arab-Israeli WarStalingrad 1942; Campaign Series, 184
by Peter Antill
Paperback from Osprey Publishing, Oxford, UK
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