Brough's Books - Scandinavia WWII

Scandinavia WWII

Books on the War in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland
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Assault in Norway: Sabotaging the Nazi Nuclear Program
by Thomas Gallagher
By 1942 German scientists seemed to have an insurmountable head start over their Allied counterparts in developing an operational atomic bomb. Contributing to the Nazis' nuclear lead was their access to large quantities of an ingredient crucial to atomic experimentation: "heavy water," the world's largest producer and stockpiler of which was the fortresslike Vemork factory in occupied Norway. Allied hopes of stalling the Nazi nuclear program soon focused on sabotaging the virtually impregnable cliffside plant-a suicidal mission by any estimation. But a team of brave Norwegian exiles, trained in Britain by Special Operations Executive, infiltrated their homeland and, while hiding and eking out an existence in the wilds, awaited the opportunity to launch one of the war's most daring commando raids. Basing his gripping narrative in large part on interviews with the commandos themselves, Thomas Gallagher here recounts in vivid detail the planning and execution of Operation Gunnerside. In its relentless drama and harsh elemental setting, Assault in Norway will remind readers of the intrigue and adventure found in such classic stories of wartime derring-do as David Howarth's We Die Alone and The Sledge Patrol. The Publisher.
Paperback: 234 pages
The Lyons Press; ISBN: 1585747505;

Beneath the Tyrant's Yoke: Norwegian Resistance to the German Occupation of Norway 1940-1945
by Richard S. Fuegner
Paperback from Beaver's Pond Press

Boats in the Night: Knud Dyby's involvement in the rescue of the Danish Jews and the Danish Resistance.
by Martha Loeffler
Book Description The story of Knud Dyby's participation in the Danish resistance during World War II and his efforts to assist Danish Jews in escaping to Sweden. After the war, Dyby emigrated from Denmark, ultimately settling in the San Francisco Bay area. He has been recognized by numerous Jewish organizations for his courage in assisting Jewish families during the war. Martha Loeffler, a California newspaper columnist, provides both a dramatic narrative of Dyby's experiences and an historical overview of Denmark during the German occupation. Former United States Senator from Illinois, Paul Simon has written the foreword to the book. Senator Simon was instrumental in organizing a major conference on the rescue of the Danish Jews held on the Dana College campus in 1990 at which Knud Dyby told his story. The book, which includes numerous photographs, is appropriate for a wide audience. His name is on the commemorative wall in the Avenue of the Righteous of the Nations at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
Paperback - 140 pages 1 Ed edition (September 28, )
Lur Publications; ISBN: 0930697065

Conquered, Not Defeated: Growing Up in Denmark During the German Occupation of World War Two
Conquered, Not Defeated: Growing Up in Denmark During the German Occupation of World War Two
by Peter H. Tveskov
Book Description: On the morning of April 9, 1940, Peter Tveskov awoke to the roar of airplanes flying low overhead�more airplanes than he'd ever heard or seen before. The invasion leading to the five-year German occupation of Denmark had begun. The Occupation was a dark and difficult time for the Danish people, but for five-year-old Peter, it was an exciting adventure that would in many ways shape both his future and that of his beloved country. 

In Conquered, Not Defeated, Peter Tveskov blends vivid childhood memories with historical fact to tell the story of how the occupying army of the Third Reich tried�and ultimately failed�to crush the customs, will, and spirit of the Danish people. It is a story not often told nor easily forgotten. Includes 12 pages of rare photographs.
Paperback from Hellgate Press

Darkness over Denmark: The Danish Resistance and the Rescue of the Jews
by Ellen Levine
fHardcover: 164 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.74 x 10.33 x 7.87 
Publisher: Holiday House;
ISBN: 0823414477
Finland and the Holocaust: The Rescue of Finland's Jews
by Hannu Rautkallio
from U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Shop Memorial Council
Special Order

Finland in the Second World War : Between Germany and Russia
by Olli Venvilinen, et al
Book Description: This book describes the struggle for power between two totalitarian dictatorships in the north of Europe and the battle for survival of a small nation caught between them. In the Winter War of 1939-40, Finland successfully fought off a Soviet invasion. Then, with no one to turn to but Germany, it became the only democratic state in the Axis powers. Ultimately, it succeeded in extricating itself from the war and, despite the shadow of Russia looming over it, averted a communist takeover.

A Frozen Hell : The Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939-40
by William R. Trotter

Folklore Fights the Nazis : Humor in Occupied Norway, 1940-1945
by Kathleen Stokker
Paperback - 280 pages Reprint edition
Univ of Wisconsin Pr; ISBN: 0299154440

Hitler's Northern War: The Luftwaffe's Ill-Fated Campaign, 1940-1945
(Modern War Studies)
by Adam R. A. Claasen
Hitler and Raeder, the chief of the German navy, were determined to take and keep Norway. By doing so, they hoped to preempt Allied attempts to outflank Germany, protect sea lanes for German ships, access precious Scandinavian minerals for war production, and provide a launchpad for Luftwaffe and naval operations against Great Britain. Beyond those strategic objectives, Hitler also envisioned Norway as part of a pan-Nordic stronghold--a centerpiece of his new world order. But, as Claasen shows, Hitler's grand expectations were never realized. Göring's Luftwaffe was the vital spearhead in the invasion of Norway, which marked a number of wartime firsts. Among other things, it involved the first large-scale aerial operations over sea rather than land, the first time operational objectives and logistical needs were fulfilled by air power, and the first deployment of paratroopers.
Hardcover: 400 pages
Univ Pr of Kansas; ISBN: 0700610502; (January 20, )
Hitler's Arctic War: The German Campaigns in Norway, Finland, and the USSR 1940-1945
Hitler's Arctic War: The German Campaigns in Norway, Finland, and the USSR 1940-1945
by Chris Mann
Synopsis The German Army's first campaign in the far north was an outstanding success. Between April and June 1940, German forces totalling less than 20,000 men seized Norway, a state of 3 million people, for minimal losses. This brand new book, covering an area of World War 2 seldom looked at in detail before, is a study of the campaign waged by the German Army on the northern periphery of Europe between 1940 and 1945. As the book makes clear, the army had to learn many new skills to enable its troops to fight effectively in snow and ice conditions, with men carrying everything they needed - food, ammunition and medical supplies - on their backs. The terrain prohibited the use of tanks and heavy artillery, while lack of airfields restricted the employment of aircraft. The war, therefore, became an infantry duel, waged across a frozen landscape. As the book explains, the Germans were able to draw upon the experiences of their Finnish allies, plus their own resllience, to wage an effective war against the Soviet Union in the far north and threaten the strategic ports of Murmansk and Archangel. Written by one of Britain's foremost experts on the subject of military history in Scandinavia during the 20th century, Hitler's Arctic War is a comprehensive account of one of the most critical - and most often overlooked - campaigns of World War 2. Readers in the ultimately successful Allied countries must never forget that it was through the ports of Archangel and Murmansk that the crucial arctic convoys delivered their essential supplies to the Soviet Union; without them, the Soviet Union would have been forced into surrender. Thus, the ultimate failure of the German forces in the Arctic campaign was an essential part of the Allied victory in the war.
Hardcover from Thomas Dunne Books
In Denmark It Could Not Happen : The Flight of the Jews to Sweden in 1943
by Herbert Pundik
Hardcover - 178 pages (November )
Gefen Books; ISBN: 9652291765
In the Friendliest Manner: German-Danish Economic Cooperation During the Nazi Occupation of 1940-1949 (Studies in Modern European History, Vol. 27)
by Philip Giltner
Special Order
Inside Fortress Norway : Bjorn West, a Norwegian Guerrilla Base, 1944 - 1945
Inside Fortress Norway : Bjorn West, a Norwegian Guerrilla Base, 1944 - 1945
by Thomas Nielsen
Paperback: 310 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.75 x 9.00 x 6.00 
Publisher: Sunflower University Press; Illustrated edition
ISBN: 0897452453
Special Order
Quisling : A Study in Treachery
Quisling : A Study in Treachery
by Hans Fredrik Dahl, Anne-Marie Stanton-Ife
Hardcover from Cambridge University Press
Naval Operations of the Campaign in Norway, April-June 1940 (Whitehall Histories. Naval Staff Histories)
by David Brown (Editor), Great Britain Naval Staff

The Norwegian Intelligence Service1945-1970 (Cass Series, Studies in Intelligence)
by Olav Strengt Hemmelig Riste

In Nazi Uniform
by Siegfried Born
An unpolitical eyewitness report from "the other side".
The content of the book portraits an eyewitness report about events that took place during World War Two within the Scandinavian theatre.
Pentland Pr Inc; ISBN: 157197041X
Norway 1940: The Forgotten Fiasco
by Joseph Kynoch
Hardcover from Airlife Pub Ltd

Number the Stars
by Lois Lowry
The evacuation of Jews from Nazi-held Denmark is one of the great untold stories of World War II. On September 29, 1943, word got out in Denmark that Jews were to be detained and then sent to the death camps. Within hours the Danish resistance, population and police arranged a small flotilla to herd 7,000 Jews to Sweden. Lois Lowry fictionalizes a true-story account to bring this courageous tale to life. She brings the experience to life through the eyes of 10-year-old Annemarie Johannesen, whose family harbors her best friend, Ellen Rosen, on the eve of the round-up and helps smuggles Ellen's family out of the country. Number the Stars won the 1990 Newbery Medal.
Listed under Children's Books

Report from #24
by Gunnar Sonsteby
A number one bestseller in Norway for two years, this book tells the story of that country's most highly decorated war hero, whose exploits make any work of fiction pale by comparison.
Paperback (December )
Barricade Books; ISBN: 156980141X

The Rescue of the Danish Jews : Moral Courage Under Stress
by Leo Goldberger (Editor)
Paperback (November 1987)
New York Univ Pr; ISBN: 0814730116
Special Order

Six Years to Sunrise
by Harry Knitter, Catherine Hoff Mount, Karen Hoff Lafnear
Catherine Hoff Mount and Karen Hoff Lafnear are daughters of Carl and Olga Hoff. They discovered the letters exchanged by their parents during the war and translated the text. They also collected the many photos shown in the book and provided reference information to ensure accurary.
Paperback from Kordene Publications, Inc.
Skis Against the Atom
by Knut Haukelid
A classic of commando sabotage, highly recommended.
Listed under Commandos

The Shetland Bus : A WWII Epic of Escape, Survival, and Adventure
by David Howarth
Listed under Commandos

The Sledge Patrol : A WWII Epic of Escape, Survival, and Victory
by David Howarth
Another amazing true tale of courage and endurance in the arctic circle from the author of We Die Alone, first published in 1957. Db

The Svalbard Archipelago: American Military and Political Geographies of Spitsbergen and Other Norwegian Polar Territories, 1941-1950
by P. J. Capelotti (Editor)

The Story of "Herman Der Norweger" Auschwitz Prisoner #79235
by Herman Sachnowitz, et al

Stalin and the Soviet-Finnish War, 1939-1940 (Cass Series on the Soviet (Russian) Study of War)
by E. N. Kulkov (Editor), O A Rzheshevsky (Editor)

A Stand Against Tyranny: Norway's Physicians and the Nazis
A Stand Against Tyranny: Norway's Physicians and the Nazis
by Maynard M. Cohen
Paperback from Wayne State Univ Pr
War and Innocence : A Young Girl's Life in Occupied Norway
by Hanna Aasvik Helmersen
Book Description: War and Innocence is a World War II memoir written from the perspective of a young girl. Author Hanna Aasvik Helmersen, only eight years old when the war began, offers us an extremely clear picture of the Norwegian experience through the war years. Ms. Helmersen writes in a simple strong style. There are no clichs, no attempts at drama. Hanna is Everychild, uninhibited in this direct, almost understated account. She tells of the massacres, the deprivation, the cold and hunger, the helplessness she sensed in the grown-ups. But she also recalls the songs they sang and the games they played, the friends, the folk stories and family celebrations. War and Innocence is a fine and very personal addition to the body of literature from World War II. 

We Die Alone
by David Howarth
Norway and the Arctic Circle, 1943. Commando Baalsrud's feats make the travails in Jon Krakauer's Mt. Everest classic Into Thin Air look like child's play. In an introduction, Stephen Ambrose calls We Die Alone a rare reading experience: "a book that I absolutely cannot put down until I've finished it and one that I can never forget." This amazing book will disappoint no one.
Listed under Commandos

The Winter War: The Soviet Attack on Finland 1939-1940
The Winter War: The Soviet Attack on Finland 1939-1940
by Eloise Engle, Lauri Paananen, Eloise Paananen
Paperback from Stackpole Books
ISBN 0811724336
Britain and Norway in the Second World War

Hardcover from Stationery Office Books (TSO)

Naval Operations of the Campaign in Norway, April-June 1940 (Naval Staff Histories)
Naval Operations of the Campaign in Norway, April-June 1940 (Naval Staff Histories)

Hardcover from Routledge

by Goronwy 'Gron' Edwards DFC
Hardcover from Pen and Sword
Command and Control in Military Crisis: Devious Decisions (Military History and Policy)
Command and Control in Military Crisis: Devious Decisions (Military History and Policy)
by Harald Hoiback
Hardcover from Routledge
Arctic Airmen: The RAF in Spitsbergen and North Russia, 1942
Arctic Airmen: The RAF in Spitsbergen and North Russia, 1942
by Ernest Schofield, Roy Conyers Nesbit
Hardcover from Spellmount
Quisling: A Study in Treachery
Quisling: A Study in Treachery
by Hans Fredrik Dahl
Paperback from Cambridge University Press
Folklore Fights the Nazis: Humor in Occupied Norway, 1940-1945
Folklore Fights the Nazis: Humor in Occupied Norway, 1940-1945
by Kathleen Stokker
Paperback from University of Wisconsin Press
Blood and Water : Sabotaging Hitler's Bomb
by Dan Kurzman
As the blitzkrieg raged in Europe during World War II, a covert battle was being waged in laboratories as both the Allies and the Nazis raced to create the first atomic bomb. Although the Manhattan Project is now well known, Dan Kurzman chronicles an obscure yet vitally important episode that helped deny the Nazi's the A-bomb. 

Soon after the Germans invaded Norway in April of 1940, they began using the Norsk Hydro electrochemical and hydroelectric plant to produce deuterium oxide--"heavy water"--a principal element needed to create atomic weapons. Blood and Water: Sabotaging Hitler's Bomb follows the two-year clandestine mission conducted by the British and Norwegian commandos who braved rugged, high-mountain terrain to defuse a situation that could have changed the course of the war. This is a textbook case of fact being more exciting than fiction; the story has the pace and feel of a well-orchestrated thriller. Based on interviews with the Norwegian and British saboteurs, war diaries, and recently declassified documents, Kurzman's book brings history alive, revealing the real men behind this heroic chapter of the Allies' victory.
Hardcover - 288 pages
Henry Holt & Company, Inc.; ISBN: 0805032061
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