Lawn Hill Gorge and Adel's Grove
Lawn Hill Gorge and Adel's Grove
Lawn Hill National Park consists of 12,282 hectares of some of the most spectacular scenery in the Gulf. Lawn Hill Gorge, a beautiful oasis in remote north-west Queensland between Burketown and Camooweal, is about 90 km west of Gregory. It contains sheer 60 metre sandstone cliffs and deep clear springfed pools, delicious waterfalls, ancient rock art and a wide variety of flora and fauna. One may take any of several walks around the Gorge, or paddle a canoe up to the delightful waterfalls and swimming holes in the upper reaches. Be aware that it is often extremely hot, so carry plenty of water.
Adel's Grove Airstrip:
138.32 East, 18.42 South, 1130 metres, dirt, 05/23, elevation 429 ft.
- It is probably not shown on your WAC chart, and is not to be confused
with Lawn Hill Station strip which is about 19 km NE. There is a third
strip in the vicinity at the Century Mine.
If flying in, ensure that you contact the Savannah Guide first, as transport may not be readily available and it's a 10 mile hike from the strip to the Gorge.
- Lawn Hill PMB 12 MS 1463 Mt Isa, Qld.
3QJH on 5110 Khz.
Ph/Fax: 07 4748 5502
Email: adelsgrove at bigpond dot com
(Details may not be current at 4/03 - check the Burke Shire Council site)
Also try Savannah Guides
Guided tours covering some of the interesting points of the geology,
prehistory, history and ancient Aboriginal uses of some of the flora of
this area are available. .... Virtually unknown sites exist here encompassing
sites of major significance in aspects of archaeology, palaeontology and
geology (impact structure) as well as botany, bird watching and exploring
new locations previously untrodden by modern man.
The following information was found at www.erin.gov.au 7/97.
Lawn Hill Gorge: The Gorge is characterised by deep permanent open fresh water, by narrow levees at the base of vertical cliffs/bluffs dominated by Pandanus aquaticus, Livistona sp., Nauclea orientalis, and Melaleuca sp., an aquatic bed in the lower Gorge dominated by Nymphaea violoacea, and emergent and fringing wetlands dominated by sedges, rushes, grasses and ferns. The permanent deep water and fringing habitats in a semi-arid environment provide refuge for a diverse and locally distinct biota. The 'oasis' species which utilise the permanent moisture associated with the Gorge comprise ferns, mosses, algae, palms and a diverse riverine flora. Notable fauna includes the rock ringtail possum Pseudocheirus dahli, and a range of freshwater fish, crustaceans and molluscs. Freshwater crocodiles Crocodylus johnstoni occur in the creek. Summarised from Blackman (1993)
Apparently the Gorge contains over 160 different types of birds, 17 species of snake, 14 species of bat, 11 different frogs, assorted crocodiles, barramundi, archer fish, and ring-tailed dragons.
Adel's Grove derives its name from the initials of Albert de Lestang, who ran the property from 1920 to the early 1950s when a fire went through and destroyed his life's work, a botanical garden.
According to Frontier
Productions, unusual noises have been recorded whilst diving the waters
of Lawn Hill Creek: sounding like crickets or cicadas, these underwater
clicking noises and the responding answers from other parts of the creek
bed remain a mystery. What mysterious creature inhabits the deep waters
of the Gorge? Could it be a ....
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