Morning Glory 2000
2000 Morning Glory Expedition
Ximango from WA
Richard Macfarlane is flying his Super Ximango VH-ZAN from Perth WA
to Burketown, arriving around 17 Sep 2000.
John Kenny will be sharing some MG flying in ZAN over their stay at
Escott, 18-29 Sep 2000 inclusive, then flying it back to Perth 30 Sep-7
Oct 2000. Richard's wife Claire is to accompany him to the Gulf in ZAN,
and John's wife Melva will copilot the Ximango back to WA with him.
John says "Even booking this early, we will be required to shuffle
rooms twice during the stay because of earlier bookings".
ASH25 from Keepit
Geoff Sim and others will aerotow/soar the ASH to the Gulf. Geoff practised
for this on a trip to the Flinders Ranges in April, successfully soaring
from Broken Hill to Wilpena Pound.
Byron Bay
It seems likely that at least a couple, possibly several, gliders will
make the trip. Dieter Horstmann is coming, possibly with his DG500. I believe
a Ximango from the importers down the coast a bit will also be coming.
Barry Bowerman, probably in his latest Ximango, and also another Camden
Ximango will be there, I believe. No word on the Camden Grob 109 ZAK, but
John Levett, Russell White and almost certainly Rob Thompson will turn
up with FFN. No word either on the Camden Stemme.
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