Morning Glory Clouds of the Gulf of Carpentaria

Morning Glory Resources

BOM Weather Radar Mornington Is.
Weather SE Gulf Region from Coastwatch
Cloud Appreciation Society - Numerous images, articles and videos on the MG
Laura Candler - Poet, musician and Morning Glory pilot.
Sweers Island
Strange Cloud off Japan 1984
Oceanic Soliton

Lunar Information Links
•  Moon Information and Moon Advice at
• (404)Virtual Reality Moon Phase Pictures - calculate phase for any date entered

Richard Holle writes about Lunar Declinational Tides which possibly hold the key to the prediction of Morning Glory waves. His controversial theories may well add a new chapter to the textbooks. To understand the sea one must understand the tides; it follows that to understand the world's weather one must first gain an appreciation of  those same forces which cause the oceanic tides - the gravitational forces of the moon and the solar system.

Morning Glory Article SMH Sept 2002

Australian Links

Burke Shire Council Burketown, home of the Morning Glory
Queensland Air Charters
Australian Enduro Tours - Articles and images of the Savannah Country

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