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Christian History

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Church History

American & Catholic: A Popular History of Catholicism in the United States
by Clyde Crews
Paperback: 167 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.38 x 8.96 x 6.99
Publisher: St Anthony Messenger Press; ;
ISBN: 0867161752

Asimov's Guide to the Bible : The Old and New Testaments/Two Volumes in One
by Isaac Asimov
(Hardcover - September 1992)

Ancient Texts Alive Today: The Story of the English Bible
by John S. Kerr, Charles Houser (Editor)
(Paperback -- November )

The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts
by Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman
Listed under Jewish History

The Bible Lessons of John Quincy Adams for His Son
by Doug Phillips
Listed under J.Q. Adams

Church History In Plain Language
by Bruce L. Shelley
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.56 x 9.04 x 6.02
Word Publishing; ISBN: 0849938619; 2nd edition (May 7, )

Constantine the Great: And the Christian Revolution
by G.P. Baker
Listed under Roman Emperors

Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews -- A History
by James Carroll
Constantine's Sword is a sprawling work of history, theology, and personal confession by James Carroll (the author of An American Requiem, among many others). Carroll begins his landmark project by describing contemporary Catholic remembrances of the Holocaust and the Church's intolerable legacy of hostility towards Jews. He then surveys Catholic anti-Judaism beginning with the New Testament and proceeding through the early Church, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Enlightenment, and World War II, before concluding with "A Call for Vatican III," a Church council that would make meaningful repentance for an entrenched tradition of hatred. Carroll's prescriptions for repentance, continued in a powerful epilogue, are bracingly concrete: "there is no apology for Holy Week preaching that prompted pogroms until Holy Week liturgies, sermons, and readings have been purged of the anti-Jewish slanders that sent the mobs rushing out of church.... Forgiveness for the sin of anti-Semitism presumes a promise to dismantle all that makes it possible." 

Carroll's personal reflections as an American Catholic infuse his historical narrative, and although his reflections are sometimes unnecessarily detailed, they are admirable for the principle they express: "I find myself unable to accuse my Church of any sin that I cannot equally accuse myself of," he writes. Carroll's judgments on the Church are rightly harsh, even agonizing. And yet his vision for a future rapprochement between Christians and Jews is hopeful, in part because he personally has come to understand the deep connections between Israel and the Church: "Jesus offers me, a non-Jew, access to the biblical hope that was his birthright as a son of Israel." --Michael Joseph Gross -
Paperback: 768 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.43 x 8.24 x 5.44
Mariner Books; ISBN: 0618219080; (April 1, )

Desire of the Everlasting Hills: The World Before and After Jesus (Hinges of History (Paper), Vol 3)
by Thomas Cahill, Luann Walther (Editor)
Desire of the Everlasting Hills is another present from the pen of Thomas Cahill, author of How the Irish Saved Civilization and The Gifts of the Jews. In this third volume of the bestselling Hinges of History series, he knits together history, politics, sociology, and faith with contemporary insights that yield remarkable results. 

After painting with broad brush strokes an entertaining picture of the Greek, Jewish, and Roman world, Cahill focuses on Jesus. With illuminating deductions and clever speculation, Jesus is seen though the eyes of his biographers in their Gospel accounts. Each of these authors' lives is reconstructed in such a way that the richness of their writing and their subject matter is wonderfully enhanced.
Paperback: 353 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.85 x 8.00 x 5.24
Publisher: Anchor Books; (February 13, )
ISBN: 0385483724

The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read
by Tim C. Leedom (Editor)
(Paperback -- September 1, )

Dreams, Visions, and Spiritual Authority in Merovingian Gaul
by Isabel Moreira
Listed under The Franks

The Essential Catholic Handbook: A Summary of Beliefs, Practices, and Prayers (Redemptorist Pastoral Publication)
by John O'Connor
(Paperback -- April )

The Early Church (Penguin History of the Church, 1)
by Henry Chadwick
Paperback: Penguin USA (Paper)
ISBN: 0140231994; Revised edition (October 1993)

Excavating Jesus: Beneath the Stones, Behind the Texts
by John Dominic Crossan, Jonathan L. Reed
"Why did Jesus happen when and where he happened?" is the question that drives Excavating Jesus, a collaboration between the leading historical Jesus scholar John Dominic Crossan and noted Galilean archeologist Jonathan Reed. Excavating Jesus is a groundbreaking work of popular biblical scholarship, an extraordinarily mature and accessible integration of textual study with archeological research. "Words talk. Stones talk too. Neither talks from the past without interpretive dialogue with the present. But each demands to be heard in its own way," the authors write. True to this principle, Crossan and Reed consider archaeology and exegesis "as twin independent methods, neither of which is subordinate or submissive to the other." The bulk of the book identifies, analyzes, and integrates what the authors believe to be the "top 10" archeological discoveries pertaining to the life of Jesus (such as the house of the apostle Peter at Capernaum), and the top 10 exegetical discoveries (such as the Dead Sea Scrolls). Their excavation of the most important sites and texts, accompanied by stunning illustrations and photographs, provide perhaps the most precise picture of the world in which Jesus lived. For many readers, this information will also shed light on the central themes of Christianity. For instance, in the first century in Galilee, "the Kingdom" meant the Roman Empire. "When, therefore, Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God, he chose the one expression most calculated to draw Roman attention to what he was doing. Not the 'people' or the 'community' of God, but the 'Kingdom' of God." That's why the Baptism movement of John and the Kingdom movement of Jesus started there and then." --Michael Joseph Gross -
Hardcover: 320 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.11 x 9.40 x 6.60
Publisher: Harper San Francisco; (October 2, )
ISBN: 0060616334

Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil: Why Church Fathers Suppressed the Book of Enoch and Its Startling Revelations
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

The Frankish Church
by J. M. Wallace-Hadrill
Listed under The Franks

From the Holy Mountain : A Journey Among the Christians of the Middle East
by William Dalrymple
Paperback: 496 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.35 x 9.22 x 6.17
Publisher: Henry Holt & Company, Inc.; ; (March )
ISBN: 0805061770

Holy Blood, Holy Grail
by Michael Baigent, et al
Listed under Knights Templar

Interior Castle
by St. Teresa of Avila, E. Allison Peers (Translator)
Paperback: Image Books
ISBN: 0385036434; Reissue edition (February 1, 1972)

Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Book Description After his martyrdom at the hands of the Gestapo in 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer continued his witness in the hearts of Christians around the world. His Letters and Papers from Prison became a prized testimony to Christian faith and courage, read by thousands. Now in Life Together we have Pastor Bonhoeffer's experience of Christian community. This story of a unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years reads like one of Paul's letters. It gives practical advice on how life...
(Paperback -- October 1978)

Murphy, Apostle of the Smokies : The Story of a Detroit Businessman Who Became a Priest at Age 80
Listed under North Carolina History

The Gnostic Gospels
by Elaine Pagels
(Paperback -- September 1989)

How to Read Church History: From the Beginnings to the Fifteenth Century
by Jean Comby
(Paperback -- December 1985)

How God Saved Civilization: The Epic Story of God Leading His People the Church
by James L. Garlow
(Paperback -- July )

Jesus Freaks: DC Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs - Stories of Those Who Stood For Jesus, the Ultimate Jesus Freaks
by DC Talk
(Paperback -- July )

Little Flowers
by St. Francis Of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi - the saint who preached to birds and wolves, the saint whose vow of poverty changed Christian ethics forever, the saint who repented of his fleshly sins by loving the material world - was also a pretty great writer. His "Little Flowers", a series of 53 short chapters ranging in form from wild stories to serene meditations, is perfect bedtime or devotional reading. Before you know it, you'll be reading this one aloud to your cat, and Francis will be very pleased to hear it. --Michael Joseph Gross -

The Nag Hammadi Library in English
by James M. Robinson (Editor)
The Nag Hammadi Library was discovered in 1945 buried in a large stone jar in the desert outside the modern Egyptian city of Nag Hammadi. It is a collection of religious and philosophic texts gathered and translated into Coptic by fourth-century Gnostic Christians and translated into English by dozens of highly reputable experts. First published in 1978, this is the revised 1988 edition supported by illuminating introductions to each document. The library itself is a diverse collection of texts that the Gnostics considered to be related to their heretical philosophy in some way. There are 45 separate titles, including a Coptic translation from the Greek of two well-known works: the Gospel of Thomas, attributed to Jesus' brother Judas, and Plato's Republic. The word gnosis is defined as "the immediate knowledge of spiritual truth." This doomed radical sect believed in being here now--withdrawing from the contamination of society and materiality--and that heaven is an internal state, not some place above the clouds. That this collection has resurfaced at this historical juncture is more than likely no coincidence. --P. Randall Cohan -
(Paperback -- November 1990)

New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
by Stanley M. Burgess, Eduard M. Van Der Maas, Ed van der Maas
The Definitive History of the Spirit-Filled Church Encyclopedic coverage of: Activities of the Spirit over 2,000 years of church history in 60 countries and regions. Outpourings at Topeka, Mukti Mission (India), Azusa Street, Duquesne University, and many other 20th-century locations. Current movements among today's 500 million-plus Pentecostal and charismatic Christians worldwide. The Publisher
Hardcover from Zondervan


The Story of the New Testament: Men With a Message
by Stephen Motyer, John R. W. me Stott
(Hardcover -- November )

Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity
by Mark A. Noll
Paperback: 352 pages
Baker Book House; ISBN: 080106211X; 2nd edition (October )
The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity
by Philip Jenkins
(Hardcover -- March )

Jesus: The Evidence
by Ian Wilson
The Latest Research and Discoveries Investigated
Paperback: 225 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.73 x 10.40 x 7.74
Regnery Publishing, Inc.; ISBN: 0895262398; 1 edition (October 1, )

Saint Joan of Arc
by Vita Sackville-West 
Listed under Joan of Arc

The Story of Christianity: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation, Volume 1
by Justo L. Gonzalez
Paperback: 429 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.36 x 9.20 x 6.11
Harper San Francisco; ISBN: 0060633158; (July 1984)

Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church: A 2,000-Year History
by H. W. Crocker III
(Hardcover -- November 21, )

Works of Josephus : Complete and Unabridged
by Flavius Josephus, et al
Book Description This renowned reference book has served scholars, pastors, students, and those interested in the background of the New Testament for years. The insight given into the Essene community, the destruction of Jerusalem and the interpretations and traditions of the Old Testament in first century Judaism is invaluable. The outlook of Josephus, a late first century Pharisee and historian, on Jesus and the New Testament documents is enlightening and provocative. As an original reference, The Works of Josephus is essential to a full understanding of the first century, the time of Christ and the New Testament. 

Complete and unabridged, this is the best one-volume edition of the classic translation of Josephus' works. The entire text has been reset in modern, easy-to-read type; numbering corresponding to that used in the Loeb edition has been added to the text; and citations and cross-references have been updated from Roman numerals to Arabic numbers.
Hardcover: 800 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.83 x 9.59 x 6.62
Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.; (September 1, 1980)
ISBN: 0913573868)

The Catholic Church: A Short History (Modern Library Chronicles)
by Hans Kung
Hans Kung's The Catholic Church: A Short History is a small masterpiece of historical and theological writing. Kung fairly and comprehensively presents almost 2,000 years of Church history in a mere 207 pages. He begins with Jesus, who "radiated a democratic spirit in the best sense of the word" and "did not proclaim a church, nor did he proclaim himself, but the kingdom of God." Throughout, in his analysis of every phase of Church history, Kung builds a case for a populist church, challenging the idea of a hierarchical Roman Catholic Church led by an infallible pope. The book concludes with a harsh analysis of the Church's betrayal of Vatican II. Kung, the primary writer of Vatican II, was censured by the Vatican in 1979 for questioning Church doctrine and banned from teaching as a Catholic theologian. Here, Kung levels particular criticism toward Pope John Paul II, whose primary accomplishment, he argues, has been to revive a "conservative and authoritarian" spirit in the Church. The pope's conservative views on the ordination of women, sexual morality, mixed marriages, and ecumenism draw Kung's fire. He calls for nothing less than a new Vatican council in order to bring the Church hierarchy back in line with the Church faithful.
Hardcover: 144 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.78 x 7.56 x 5.06
Publisher: Modern Library; (April 24, )
ISBN: 0679640924
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Secrets of Mount Sinai: The Story of the World's Oldest Bible - Codex Sinaiticus
by James Bentley 
The Fourth century gospels of the Codex Sinaiticus were written on vellum made from the skins of 360 young sheep and goats.
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Caesar and Christ : A History of Roman Civilization and of Christianity from Their Beginnings to A.D. 325 (Story of Civilization, No 3)
by Will Durant
(Hardcover -- July )
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