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Arnheim s Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach
Arnheim's Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach
by William Prentice
Hardcover from McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages
ISBN: 0073523739

This ISBN is for the standalone book only! Arnheim's Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach is the leading text in the athletic training field. The text is designed to lead the student from general foundations to specific concepts relative to injury prevention, evaluation, management, and rehabilitation.
Now in its 14th edition, Arnheim's Principles of Athletic Training continues to innovate, with several new features available with the new edition:
  • Connect Athletic Training: the first online learning management system for the athletic training course, featuring assignable labs, videos, Internet exercises, an optional integrated ebook, and more
  • Full color photographs and illustrations throughout the entire text
  • Expanded coverage of athletic trainers working in a variety of employment settings
    Essentials of Athletic Injury Management with eSims
    Essentials of Athletic Injury Management with eSims
    by William Prentice, Daniel Arnheim
    Paperback from McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages
    ISBN: 0077382013

    Including over 190 new photographs in the new 8th edition, Essentials of Athletic Injury Management continues its focus on the basic principles in the care and prevention of athletic injury. It provides coaches, teachers, and students the essential information they need to work with individuals participating in sport. The 8th edition includes a full suite of resources available from the online learning center, including downloadable instructor ancillaries, student review materials & interactive quizzes, and more.
    Examination of Orthopedic and Athletic Injuries
    Examination of Orthopedic & Athletic Injuries
    by Starkey, Brown, Ryan
    Hardcover from F.A. Davis Company
    ISBN: 0803617208

    This is by far the most comprehensive and user-friendly text for both professor and student! I am continuing to use it in my Athletic Training Program, and beginning next year, I will institute it into my PT courses in Ortho I II. Vincent J. Hudson, MS, PT, ATC, MBA, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, review of the 2nd Edition. The 3rd Edition of this popular work has been completely revised and updated to bring you all of the field most current knowledge in an even easier-to-use new design. Its superb combination of detailed illustrations and precise language make even the most complicated concepts and techniques clear. Organized by body region, each chapter begins with a review of anatomy and biomechanics; proceeds through clinical evaluation, pathologies and related special tests; and concludes with a discussion of on-field or initial management of specific injuries.
    Athletic Taping and Bracing - 2nd Edition
    Athletic Taping and Bracing - 2nd Edition
    by David Perrin
    Paperback from Human Kinetics
    ISBN: 0736048111

    Completely overhauled and updated, Athletic Taping and Bracing, Second Edition, is a leading text in its field. Like the popular first edition, it continues to integrate the science of anatomy and injury mechanisms with the practice of athletic taping and bracing. The new edition is updated to reflect changes in the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) Education Council's "Competencies in Athletic Training" and the fourth edition of the NATA Board of Certification's "Role Delineation Study." Both students and professionals will use this text time and again as a reliable reference.

    Athletic Taping and Bracing, Second Edition, has been significantly improved with the addition of more than 450 full-color illustrations and photos. These include 60 superb three-dimensional anatomical images from Primal Pictures. The photos that illustrate taping sequences feature tape with darkened edges that enable readers to distinguish the layers and patterns of the tape applied in each step.

    With its concise anatomical descriptions and detailed anatomical illustrations similar to those normally found in advanced texts on anatomy, the book clearly highlights the mechanisms of injury that are crucial for understanding effective taping and bracing. The text thoroughly discusses and illustrates the general principles of taping and bracing for each major joint and body region. It also contains step-by-step instructions for 36 taping and wrapping procedures, some of which are broken down into as many as 16 steps. It illustrates procedures for fabricating protective pads and orthotics, and it details the dos and don'ts of taping and bracing.

    To emphasize rehabilitation as well as prevention, Athletic Taping and Bracing, Second Edition, also presents basic stretching and strengthening exercises for injury rehabilitation. These exercises, presented and illustrated for each body part, focus on flexibility, strength, and proprioception. Combined with the taping and bracing procedures, the exercises will help rehabilitated athletes maintain strength and flexibility and safely return to play.

    Through Athletic Taping and Bracing, Second Edition, readers will learn the foundations and techniques of taping and bracing. Taping and bracing are presented as adjuncts to, rather than panaceas for, the athlete's total rehabilitation. The emphasis on rehabilitation as well as prevention will help readers become more effective health care providers for athletes and other active people with musculoskeletal injuries and problems.

    Athletic Taping and Bracing, Second Edition, captures the art and science of taping and bracing through detailed explanations and spectacular images. It stays in step with current NATA competencies and practices, and it offers top-quality instruction. With all this, Athletic Taping and Bracing, Second Edition, is the premier text in its field.

    Orthopedic and Athletic Injury Examination Handbook
    Orthopedic & Athletic Injury Examination Handbook
    by Starkey, Brown, Ryan
    Paperback from F.A. Davis Company
    ISBN: 0803617224

    Tap into easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidance on the evaluation and initial management of specific orthopedic and athletic injuries with the New Edition of this companion to Examination of Orthopedic and Athletic Injuries, 3rd Edition. From evaluative procedures for palpation and range of motion through neurologic, ligamentous, and special tests, everything you need now in the lab, and later in the field or in the clinic, is here. It's a terrific preparation tool for the BOC examination, too. Covers procedures for over 185 special, neurological, ligamentous, and range of motion tests. Features unique palpation photographs with anatomical overlays to identify the underlying structure. Provides precisely illustrated, step-by-step instructions for the correct position of the patient and examiner, the evaluative procedure, positive test results, and implications. Includes tables of bony landmarks, and other useful aids for identifying postural disorders. Illustrates proper measuring techniques. "Stands on its own as an easy-to-carry reference in the clinic. [Its] strengths. . . are its clear diagrams and the table format frequently used to present information. Athletic trainers and physical therapists will find this on-the-field or in-the-clinic handbook a useful reference with clear explanations and diagrams. "-Advance for Physical Therapists and PT Assistants, review of the 1st Edition.
    The Paleo Diet for Athletes: A Nutritional Formula for Peak Athletic Performance
    The Paleo Diet for Athletes: A Nutritional Formula for Peak Athletic Performance
    by Loren Cordain, Joe Friel
    Paperback from Rodale Books
    Media Published: 2005-
    ISBN: 1594860890
    Loren Cordain, Ph.D., follows his success of The Paleo Diet with the first book ever to detail the exercise-enhancing effects of a diet similar to that of our Stone Age ancestors.
    When The Paleo Diet was published, advocating a return to the diet of our ancestors (high protein, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables), the book received brilliant reviews from the medical and nutritional communities. Jennie Brand-Miller, coauthor of the bestselling Glucose Revolution, called it "without a doubt the most nutritious diet on the planet." Doctors Michael and Mary Dan Eades, authors of Protein Power, said, "We can't recommend The Paleo Diet highly enough."
    Now Dr. Cordain joins with USA triathlon and cycling elite coach Joe Friel to adapt the Paleo Diet to the needs of athletes. The authors show:
    o Why the typical athletic diet (top-heavy with grains, starches, and refined sugars) is detrimental to recovery, performance, and health
    o How the glycemic load and acid-base balance impact performance
    o Why consumption of starches and simple sugars is only beneficial in the immediate post-exercise period
    At every level of competition, The Paleo Diet for Athletes can maximize performance in a range of endurance sports.
    Essentials of Athletic Injury Management
    Essentials of Athletic Injury Management
    by William E. Prentice, Daniel Arnheim
    Paperback from Mcgraw-Hill College
    ISBN: 0073376574

    This basic text is written for courses focusing on introductory care and prevention of athletic injuries in athletic training courses. It is designed to meet the needs of students studying to be coaches and teachers.

    Management Strategies in Athletic Training - 3E (Athletic Training Education Series)
    Management Strategies in Athletic Training - 3E (Athletic Training Education Series)
    by Richard Ray
    Hardcover from Human Kinetics
    ISBN: 0736051376

    Updated and invigorated, Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Third Edition, helps readers deal creatively with the management challenges athletic trainers face on the job. Like its predecessor, the new edition uses a case-study approach to teach students theories of organization and administration and to apply them to real-world situations in the profession of athletic training.

    Designed to encourage critical thinking, Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Third Edition, opens and closes each chapter with realistic and fascinating case studies presenting real-world dilemmas faced by athletic trainers. Students are challenged to analyze and apply the principles in the chapters to solve the kinds of problems they'll face from day to day as professionals.

    To support learning, the text includes tools such as chapter objectives, boldfaced key terms, review statements for each major section, a running glossary as well as a complete glossary at the end of the book, chapter summaries, sample administrative forms that readers can both study and adapt to their own work situations, review questions, and an index. Special elements and appendixes also provide direction for deeper study by referring students to Internet resources, other Athletic Training Education Series texts, sample forms for athletic training program analysis, and material on regulations and ethics in athletic training.

    The instructor guide is loaded with additional case studies, course projects, chapter worksheets, and a sample course syllabus, all of which can be used for organizing classes, testing students' knowledge, and creating exciting learning experiences. A test bank also is included.

    Human Kinetics' Athletic Training Education Series contains five outstanding textbooks, each with its own superb supporting instructional resources. Featuring the work of respected athletic training authorities, the series was created to parallel and expound on the content areas established by the NATA Educational Council. Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Third Edition, addresses the following NATA content areas: Health Care Administration, Professional Development and Responsibilities, Risk Management and Injury Prevention, and Acute Care of Injury and Illness.

    To learn more about the books in this series, visit the Athletic Training Education Series Web site at

    Foundations of Athletic Training: Prevention, Assessment, and Management (SPORTS INJURY MANAGEMENT ( ANDERSON))
    Foundations of Athletic Training: Prevention, Assessment, and Management (SPORTS INJURY MANAGEMENT ( ANDERSON))
    by Marcia K. Anderson, Gail P. Parr, Susan J. Hall
    Hardcover from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    ISBN: 078178445X
    This text integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to provide a strong foundation of general athletic training practices. Using a problem-solving approach to prevention, recognition, assessment, management, and disposition of sports-related injuries and diseases, this text provides athletic trainers and athletic training students with the most extensive, challenging content in a user-friendly format.

    This edition features a full-color art program and more extensive injury photographs. Anatomy line art superimposed onto a real human helps students visualize the location of key muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.

    A companion Website on thePoint will offer a variety of student and instructor ancillaries.

    Arnheim s Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach with eSims
    Arnheim's Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach with eSims
    by William Prentice, Daniel Arnheim
    Hardcover from McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages
    ISBN: 0077236289

    This market-leading text emphasizes the prevention and management of athletic injuries and remains the only text to cover all aspects of the profession of athletic training. It is a valuable resource in seeking professional certification. The text provides practical, career-oriented content for students in athletic training, sports medicine, physical education, physical therapy, and coaching.
    The Athletic Recruiting & Scholarship Guide
    by Wayne Mazzoni
    (Mass Market Paperback)

    Track & Field: The East German Textbook
    by Dr. G. Schmolinsky

    A Kind of Grace: The Autobiography of the World's Greatest Female Athlete
    by Jackie Joyner-Kersee, et al

    Why We Win: Great American Coaches Offer Their Strategies for Success in Sports and Life
    by Billy Packer, Roland Lazenby (Contributor)

    Coaches Guide to Sport Psychology: A Publication for the American Coaching Effectiveness Program Level 2 Sport Science Curriculum
    by Rainer, Ph.D. Martens
    (Paperback - August 1987)

    Silver Era, Golden Moments : A Celebration of Ivy League Women's Athletics
    by Lynn Page Whittaker, et al

    Sports Illustrated Track: The Field Events (Sports Illustrated Winner's Circle Books)
    by Jim Santos, et al
    (Paperback - April 1991)

    A Hard Road to Glory: Track & Field: The African-American Athlete in Track & Field
    by Arthur R., Jr. Ashe, Merlisa Lawrence (Designer)
    (Paperback - December 1993)

    Positive Coaching: Building Character and Self-Esteem Through Sports
    by Jim Thompson

    by John R. Wooden, et al
    Listed under Basketball

    Athletics on DVD

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