There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Perl |
The CGI/Perl Cookbook
by Craig Patchett, Matthew Wright (Contributor), Peter Holfelder (Contributor)
Book Description: Custom subroutine library for developing your own CGI programsIf you want to make your Web site as interactive as possible, as soon as possible, you've come to the right place! This book/CD powerhouse arms you with 20 of today's most-demanded CGI programs and subroutines, designed and written...
- Line-by-line explanations of 20 of the most popular CGI programs and subroutines that are essential to your Web site
- Compatible with Perl 4 and 5
- Tested under Windows, UNIX, and MacOS
Paperback - 624 pages Bk&Cd-Rom edition (October )
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471168963Perl Database Programming
by Brent Michalski
Paperback from John Wiley & Sons
28 October, 2002Network Programming with Perl
by Lincoln D. Stein, Lincoln D. Stein
Paperback from Addison-Wesley Pub Co
Genomic Perl: From Bioinformatics Basics to Working Code
by Rex A. Dwyer
Hardcover from Cambridge University Press
The Perl Cd Bookshelf, Version 3.0: 7 Bestselling Books on Cd-Rom
by O'Reilly & Associates
Paperback from O'Reilly & Associates
Learning Perl (3rd Edition)
by Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Christiansen, Larry Wall (Foreword)
In this smooth, carefully paced course, a leading Perl trainer teaches you to program in the language that threatens to make C, sed, awk, and the Unix shell obsolete for many tasks. This book is the "official" guide for both formal (classroom) and informal learning. It is fully accessible to the novice programmer. Amazon.com
Paperback: 330 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.83 x 9.24 x 7.04
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates; 3rd edition (July 15, )
ISBN: 0596001320
Programming Perl
by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Randal L. Schwartz, Stephen Potter
Larry Wall wrote Perl and he wrote Programming Perl. Better yet, he writes amusingly and well--all of which comes across in this latest edition of the definitive guide to the language.Like Topsy, Perl just grew, and as a result the need for a third edition came about. It's now over 1,000 pages, which it needs to be, as it performs several different duties. First, it's an introduction to the Perl language for those who are new to programming; also, it's a guide for those who are coming from other languages; and, finally, it's a Perl language reference.
Among Larry Wall's other pursuits is being a linguist, and it's perhaps for this reason that Perl is a peculiarly flexible language with many routes to achieving the same ends, as the authors ably demonstrate. It's also extensible in several ways, designed to work with many other languages. Also, as it's largely interpreted, programs written in Perl tend to run unmodified on a variety of platforms--although platform-specific Perl modules and programming practices are also discussed.
A major strength of Programming Perl is the way subject areas are approached from several directions. This constant shift of viewpoint eliminates blind spots in the reader's understanding and provides a pleasing echo of the way Perl itself can take many routes from here to there.
Because the Perl community is both knowledgeable and active, the language covers much more ground here than in the previous edition. Even if you have both previous editions, you'll want this latest version--if only for the new jokes. --Steve Patient, amazon.co.uk
Paperback - 645 pages 2nd edition
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565921496Mastering Regular Expressions : Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools (Nutshell Handbook)
Advanced Perl Programming
by Sriram Srinivasan
Book Description: So you've learned Perl, but you're getting frustrated. Perhaps you've taken on a larger project than the ones you're used to. Or you want to add a user interface or a networking component. Or you need to do more complicated error trapping.Whether your knowledge of Perl is casual or deep, this book will make you a more accomplished programmer. Here you can learn the complex techniques for production-ready Perl programs. This book explains methods for manipulating data and objects that may...
Paperback - 434 pages 1 Ed edition
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565922204
by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl, Andy Oram (Editor)
Paperback - 368 pages
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565922573
Regular Expression Pocket Reference
Perl Cookbook
by Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, Larry Wall
When the second edition of Programming Perl was released, the authors omitted two chapters: "Common Tasks with Perl" and "Real Perl Programs." Publisher O'Reilly & Associates soon realized that there would be too many pages in Programming Perl if it put updated recipes in the new edition. Instead, O'Reilly chose to release the many Perl code examples as a separate entity: The Perl Cookbook.The recipes are well documented and the examples aren't too arcane; even beginners will be able to pick up the lessons taught here. The authors write in relatively easy-to-understand language (for a technical guide). Through this book and its arsenal of recipes, you will learn many new things about Perl to help you through your toughest projects. The next time you're working on a project at 2 a.m., you'll thank yourself for the guidance and direction The Perl Cookbook provides. --Doug Beaver - Amazon.com
Paperback - 794 pages 2 Ed edition
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596003137
by Tony Stubblebine
Paperback from O'Reilly & Associates
Programming Perl (3rd Edition)
by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant
Paperback from O'Reilly & Associates
Mastering Regular Expressions, Second Edition
by Jeffrey, E. F. Friedl
Paperback from O'Reilly & Associates
Computer Science & Perl Programming: Best of TPJ
by Jon Orwant
Paperback from O'Reilly & Associates
Learning Perl, Third Edition
by Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix
Paperback from O'Reilly & Associates
Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules
by Tom Phoenix, Randal L. Schwartz, Damian Conway
Paperback from O'Reilly & Associates
Perl/Tk Pocket Reference
by Steve Lidie, Stephen Lidie
Book Description: The Perl/Tk Pocket Reference is a companion volume to Learning Perl/Tk, an O'Reilly Animal Guide. Learning Perl/Tk is a tutorial for Perl/Tk, the extension to Perl for creating graphical user interfaces. With Tk, Perl programs can be window-based rather than command-line based, with buttons, entry fields, listboxes, menus, scrollbars, balloons, tables, dialogs, and more. And Perl/Tk programs run on UNIX and Windows-based computers.This small book is a handy reference guide geared toward the advanced Perl/Tk programmer. Novice Perl/Tk programmers will find that its compact size gives them a global view of Perl/Tk's capabilities; they can then turn to Learning Perl/Tk for details. The Perl/Tk Pocket Reference describes every Perl/Tk graphical element, including general widget and variable information, callbacks, geometry management, bindings, events, and window management, as well as composite widget, font, and image creation and manipulation commands.
Paperback - 100 pages Pocket edition (December )
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565925173Programming Web Graphics With Perl and Gnu Software
Perl in a Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference
by Ellen Siever, Stephen Spainhour, Nathan Patwardhan
Perl in a Nutshell strives to be a perfect set of socket tools for the active Perl programmer. By and large, it succeeds, providing endless and well-thought-out lists and tables on the language's modules, flags, and extensions. The authors briefly address basic learner's questions--such as the difference between a hash and an array--but these concepts are not the purpose of the book. (Those new to Perl would be better off with others in the O'Reilly Perl series, such as Learning Perl, while programmers making the switch to Perl can pick up the nuances of the language with Programming Perl.) This book is pure Perl reference, briefly covering Perl/Tk (for GUI Perl programs on Unix and Windows 95/NT) and Perl for Win 32.The authors do start at the very beginning, and even in a self-described "desktop quick reference" find the time to comment on less urgent--but still interesting--Perl-related matters (like how to find online help amidst the "Perl culture"). The format of the book makes sections on topics such as Perl debugging easily understandable, illustrating how to make an interactive and timesaving environment.
Of particular convenience is the outstanding section on the standard Perl modules. A four-page "quick look" allows you to easily scan through short definitions of all the modules and find the entry you're looking for. An index with full definitions for each module follows, showing you how to use each module and providing a more in-depth explanation (and often, examples). Perl in a Nutshell concludes--as you might expect--with an excellent and well-cross-referenced index. --Jennifer Buckendorff
Paperback: 800 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.39 x 9.00 x 6.04
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates; 2nd edition (June )
ISBN: 0596002416
by Shawn P. Wallace, Richard Koman (Editor)
Paperback - 454 pages 1 Ed edition (April )
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565924789Programming Perl (Nutshell Handbook)
Larry Wall (Editor), et al
PaperbackWriting Apache Modules With Perl and C
by Lincoln Stein, Doug MacEachern, Linda Mui (Editor)
Paperback - 724 pages 1 Ed edition (April )
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 156592567X
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