Morning Glory Clouds of the Gulf of Carpentaria

Sweers Island: changes over two hundred years since Flinders' visit

by P. Saenger

Centre for Coastal Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW 2480, psaenger at

Saenger, P., 2005. Sweers Island: changes over two hundred years since Flinders' visit. Gulf of Carpentaria Scientific Study Report, The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland, Brisbane, Geography Monograph Series 10:11-22.

Thanks also to the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland


It is a pleasure to thank Dr. Brett Stubbs, who provided considerable assistance, particularly on the historical documentation for this project, and for making his photographs available. Greg Luker is gratefully acknowl edged for his assistance with the remote sensing analysis. The owners of the Sweers Is land Resort are thanked for their hospitality over numerous visits, and the Royal Geograph ical Society of Queensland is acknowledged for facilitating my visit in November 2002. I am grateful for the useful comments on an earlier version of this account kindly offered by Drs M. Fogarty and P. West.


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