Brough's Books - Roman Empire

The Roman Empire

Books on the History of Ancient Rome and its Caesars
Home > History > Roman Empire
The Aeneid
by Virgil
Book Description Virgil's great epic transforms the Homeric tradition into a triumphal statement of the Roman civilizing mission. Translated by Robert Fitzgerald.
Paperback: 442 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.99 x 7.94 x 5.20
Publisher: Vintage Books; ; Reissue edition (June 1990)
ISBN: 0679729526

Aeneas Tacticus Asclepiodotus Onasander (Lcl, 156)
by Aeneas Tacticus
Hardcover from Harvard University Press

The Antonines : The Roman Empire in Transition
by Michael Grant 

As the Romans Did: A Sourcebook in Roman Social History
by Jo-Ann Shelton
Paperback from Oxford Press

At Empire`s Edge: Exploring Rome's Egyptian Frontier
by Robert B. Jackson

Atlas of the Roman World
by Tim Cornell, et al
(Hardcover -- March 1983)

Caesar's Legion: The Epic Saga of Julius Caesar's Elite Tenth Legion and the Armies of Rome
by Stephen Dando-Collins
Listed under Roman Wars

Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D. 100-400)
by Ramsay MacMullen
(Paperback -- February 1986)

Chronicle of the Roman Emperors : The Reign-By-Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial Rome
by Chris Scarre
Listed under Roman Emperors

Chronicle of the Roman Republic
Chronicle of the Roman Republic
by Philip Matyszak
Hardcover from Thames & Hudson
Cicero: The Life and Times of Rome's Greatest Politician
by Anthony Everitt
Hardcover: 368 pages
Random House; ISBN: 0375507469; 1st edition (June 4, )
The Classical Roman Reader: New Encounters With Ancient Rome
by Kenneth Atchity
Book Description: Western civilization is in many ways an outgrowth of the Roman Empire. The Classical Roman Reader, which contains a collection of some of the finest and most important writing of the Roman period, brings the modern reader into direct contact with the literature, political thought, science, art and architecture, and psychology of classical Rome.
Paperback: 480 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.27 x 9.14 x 7.42
Publisher: Oxford University Press; ; (December )
ISBN: 0195127404
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire : Volumes 1, 2, & 3
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire : Volumes 1, 2, & 3
by Edward Gibbon, Hugh Trevor-Roper (Introduction)
British parliamentarian and soldier Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) conceived of his plan for Decline and Fall while "musing amid the ruins of the Capitol" on a visit to Rome. For the next 10 years he worked away at his great history, which traces the decadence of the late empire from the time of the Antonines and the rise of Western Christianity. "The confusion of the times, and the scarcity of authentic memorials, pose equal difficulties to the historian, who attempts to preserve a clear and unbroken thread of narration," he writes. Despite these obstacles, Decline and Fall remains a model of historical exposition, and required reading for students of European history.
Hardcover: Knopf
ISBN: 0679423087; Boxed edition (October 1993)

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
by Edward Gibbon
Introduction by Hugh Trevor-Roper

Dictionary Of Roman Religion
by Lesley Adkins
Hardcover: 304 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.97 x 9.57 x 7.69
Publisher: Facts on File, Inc.; ; (December )
ISBN: 0816030057

A Dictionary of the Roman Empire
by Matthew E. Bunson
Book Description The extraordinarily rich cultural legacy of the Roman world has had a profound affect world civilization. Roman achievements in architecture, law, politics, literature, war, and philosophy serve as the foundation of modern Western society. Now, for the first time in an A-Z format, A Dictionary of the Roman Empire assembles the people, places, events, and ideas of this remarkable period in one easy-to-use source. With over 1,900 entries covering more than five hundred years of Roman history, from Julius Caesar and the Gallic Wars (59-51 B.C.) to the fall of Romulus Augustus, the last Roman emperor (476 A.D.), this accessible guide provides quick reference to one of the most studied periods of all antiquity. 

Every aspect of Roman life is included. Here are profiles of the great emperors, such as Marcus Aurelius, one of the most profoundly intellectual monarchs in western civilization, and the aberrant Gaius Caligula, who, after draining the Roman treasury with his eccentric behavior, made it a capital crime for citizens not to bequeath him their estates. Informative entries describe the complex workings of Roman government, such as census taking, the creation of civil service, coinage, and the venerable institution of the Senate, and offer insight into the various trends and cultural tastes that developed throughout Roman history. For example, a discussion on baths, the most common type of building in the Roman Empire, demonstrates the unique intermingling of luxury, community, recreation, and, in the provinces, an association with Rome, that served as the focus of any city aspiring to greatness. Other entries describe the practice of paganism, marriage and divorce, ludi (public games held to entertain the Roman populace), festivals of the Roman year, and gluttony (epitomized by famous gourmands such as the emperor Vitellius, who according to the historian Suetonius, lived for food, banqueting three or four times a day, routinely vomiting up his meal and starting over). Also featured are longer essays on such topics as art and architecture, gods and goddesses, and the military, as well as a chronology, a short glossary of Roman terms, and appendices listing the emperors of the Empire and diagram the often intertwined family trees of ruling dynasties. 

Comprehensive, authoritative, and illustrated with over sixty illustrations and maps, A Dictionary of the Roman Empire provides easy access to the remarkable civilization upon which Western society was built.
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.08 x 9.96 x 7.05
Publisher: Oxford University Press; ; (December )
ISBN: 0195102339

Empire of Honour: The Art of Government in the Roman World
by J. E. Lendon
Synopsis J. E. Lendon offers a new interpretation of how the Roman empire worked in the first four centuries AD. A despotism rooted in force and fear enjoyed widespread support among the ruling classes of the provinces on the basis of an aristocratic culture of honour shared by rulers and ruled. The competitive Roman and Greek aristocrats of the empire conceived of their relative standing in terms of public esteem or honour, and conceived of their cities - towards which they felt a warm patriotism - as entities locked in a parallel struggle for primacy in honour over rivals. Emperors and provincial governors exploited these rivalries to gain the indispensable co-operation of local magnates by granting honours to individuals and their cities. Since rulers strove for honour as well, their subjects manipulated them with honours in their turn. Honour - whose workings are also traced in the Roman army - served as a way of talking and thinking about Roman government: it was both a species of power, and a way - connived in by rulers and ruled - of concealing the terrible realities of imperial rule.
Paperback: 336 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.73 x 8.56 x 6.18
Publisher: Oxford Press; (March )
ISBN: 0199247633

Empire of Pleasures : Luxury and Indulgence in the Roman World
by Andrew Dalby 

Early History of Rome: Books I-V of the History of Rome from Its Foundation (Penguin Classics)
by Livy, et al
Paperback: Penguin USA (Paper)
ISBN: 0140441042; Reprint edition (September 1991)

Etruscan Art
by Nigel Spivey
The most powerful force in central Italy until Roman unification, the Etruscan civilization continues to fire the imagination. In this new book, the first survey of its kind in more than 20 years, Nigel Spivey brings the Etruscan world to life, illuminating the social, political, and cultural context of the art objects and artifacts that remain the singular achievement of these mysterious people.
Paperback: 216 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.59 x 8.26 x 5.88
Publisher: Thames & Hudson; ; (November )
ISBN: 0500203040

The Etruscan Cities and Rome
by Howard Scullard
Rome is known to us today as a mighty empire, but it emerged slowly, and in the face of a greater regional power: namely, the combined city-states of Etruria, in what are now the Italian provinces of Tuscany and Umbria. H.H. Scullard, the late University of London classicist, offers a comprehensive view of Etruscan culture and history in this survey, originally published in 1967 and regarded as a standard work. Scullard examines the controversial question of Etruscan origins, weighing the evidence for whether the Etruscans entered Italy as a distinct ethnic group or, instead - and more likely - they evolved from elements of local and foreign cultures. He describes the rise of commercial and political centers such as Perusia, Caere, Vulci, and Veii, pointing to impressive examples of Etruscan engineering and architecture that the Romans would later emulate. Along the way he considers aspects of Etruscan ritual and material culture, including the weapons and elaborate tombs for which the Etruscans were justly famous in ancient times. Scullard closes with a discussion of Etruria's relations with Rome, marked by a period of Etruscan rule over the city during the reign of the Tarquins in the 6th century, a reign that ended with the collapse of Etruscan power in Latium and the rise of republican government within Rome itself. --Gregory McNamee -

Fall of the Roman Republic: Six Lives: Marius, Sulla, Crassus, Pompey, Caesar, Cicero (Penguin Classics)
by Plutarch, et al
(Paperback -- February 1954)

Gladiators and Caesars: The Power of Spectacle in Ancient Rome
by Eckart Kohne (Editor), et al
Listed under Gladiators

Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire : From the First Century A.D. to the Third
by Edward N. Luttwak, J. F. Gilliam
Paperback from Johns Hopkins Univ Pr

Handbook To Life In Ancient Rome by Lesley Adkins
Archaeologists Lesley and Roy Adkins offer a sweeping overview of the Roman world in "Handbook To Life In Ancient Rome". The authors, whose previous books include Dictionary Of Roman Religion, An Introduction To Archaeology, and Handbook To Life In Ancient Greece, draw upon both archaeological and historical evidence to provide an authoritative and engaging look at an empire that lasted some 1,200 years and formed the basis for the development of Western jurisprudence and governmental systems.

The chapters are arranged thematically, and cover the republic, military affairs, geography, town and countryside, travel and trade, writing, religion, economy and industry, and everyday life. Within each chapter the authors cover an exhaustive range of subtopics. For instance, in the chapter on towns and countryside, one can find information that spans from the planning and construction of aqueducts to the furnishings found in the typical Roman apartment. Though each entry is fairly short, the authors include extensive bibliographies at the end of each chapter, as well as over 125 photographs, line drawings, and maps to round out the picture. Informative and entertaining, "Handbook To Life In Ancient Rome" is an illuminating guide to the Roman world.
Paperback: 416 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.05 x 9.22 x 7.42
Publisher: Oxford University Press; ; Reprint edition
ISBN: 0195123328

Handbook of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins
by Zander H. Klawans, Ken Bressett
Listed under Ancient Coins

A History of Rome: Down to the Reign of Constantine
by Max Cary, Howard H. Scullard
Paperback from Bedford/St. Martin's

Houses, Villas, and Palaces in the Roman World
by Alexander Gordon MacKay

Libya: The Lost Cities of the Roman Empire
by Antonio Di Vita, et al
An archeological text on the buried cities of the Libyan desert, 7th century B.C. to circa 4th century A.D., accompanied by some of the finest photographs of Roman ruins extant. Db.
Listed under Libya

Livy: The Early History of Rome (Books I-V)
Livy: The Early History of Rome (Books I-V)
by Titus Livy, Aubrey De Selincourt, Robert Ogilvie
Paperback from Penguin Books
by Niccolo Machiavelli
Paperback from Penguin Books

The Rise of Rome: Books One to Five (Oxford Worlds Classics)
The Rise of Rome: Books One to Five (Oxford World's Classics)
by Livy, T.J. Luce, T. James Luce
Paperback from Oxford University Press
Livy: Ab urbe condita Book VI (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
Livy: Ab urbe condita Book VI (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
by Livy, Christina Shuttleworth Kraus, P. E. Easterling, Philip Hardie, Richard Hunter, E. J. Kenney
Paperback from Cambridge University Press

A Commentary on Livy, Books Vi-X (Commentary on Livy)
by S. P. Oakley
Paperback from Oxford University Press

Special Order

Discourses on Livy
Discourses on Livy
by Niccolo Machiavelli, Harvey C. Mansfield, Nathan Tarcov
Hardcover from Press
Machiavellis New Modes and Orders : A Study of the Discourses on Livy
Machiavelli's New Modes and Orders : A Study of the Discourses on Livy
by Harvey C. Mansfield
Paperback from Press
The Sweetness of Power: Machiavellis Discourses  Guicciardinis Considerations
The Sweetness of Power: Machiavelli's Discourses & Guicciardini's Considerations
by Niccolo Machiavelli, James B. Atkinson, David Sices, Francesco Considerazioni Intorno Ai Discorsi Del Machia Guicciardini
Hardcover from Northern Illinois University Press
Looking at Lovemaking: Constructions of Sexuality in Roman Art, 100 B.C. - A.D. 250
by John R. Clarke
Paperback from University of California Press

The Lost World of Pompeii
The Lost World of Pompeii
by Colin Amery, Brian, Jr. Curran
Hardcover from Getty Trust Pubn
The Punic Wars
by Adrian Goldsworthy
Listed under Hannibal & Carthage
Roman Aqueducts and Water Supply
Roman Aqueducts and Water Supply
by A. Trevor Hodge
Paperback from Duckworth Publishing
Roman Roads and Aqueducts
Roman Roads and Aqueducts
by Don Nardo
Hardcover from Lucent Books
The Building of the Roman Aqueducts (Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, 423.)
by Esther Boise Van Deman
Hardcover from Martino Pub

The Roman Empire : From the Etruscans to the Decline of Roman Empire (World Architecture, Vol 1)
by Henri Stierlin, Anne Stierlin (Photographer)

The Rise of the Roman Empire
by Polybius, et al
Paperback: 574 pages
Penguin USA (Paper); ISBN: 0140443622; Reprint edition (February 1980)

Roman Britain: Outpost of the Empire
by Howard H. Scullard
Listed under Ancient Britain

Roman Sexualities
by Judith P. Hallett (Editor), Marilyn B. Skinner (Editor)
An academic treatise on sexual relations in the Roman Empire.
Paperback - 368 pages (December )
Princeton Univ Pr; ISBN: 0691011788

Rubicon : The Last Years of the Roman Republic
Hardcover from Doubleday

Storming the Heavens: Soldiers, Emperors, and Civilians in the Roman Empire
by Antonio Santosuosso

The Twelve Caesars (Penguin Classics)
by Suetonius, et al
Listed under Roman Emperors

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Roman World
by John Boardman (Editor), et al

The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine
by Pat Southern

Spartacus and the Slave Wars: A Brief History With Documents
by Brent D. Shaw (Translator)
Listed under Gladiators

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Roman Empire
by Eric Nelson, Ph.D.

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Roman World
edited by John Boardman, Jasper Griffin, and Oswyn Murray
Paperback: 470 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.99 x 9.63 x 7.43
Publisher: Oxford University Press;
ISBN: 0192854364

The Romans: An Introduction
by Antony Kamm
Book Description: This book provides a general, concise introduction to all aspects of Roman culture. Major developments in literature, art and architecture are dealt with and there are sections on the Caesars, the army, imperialism & religion. With photographs & maps, this book provides and excellent introduction to ancient Rome. 

The Roman Banquet : Images of Conviviality
by Katherine M. D. Dunbabin
Hardcover from Cambridge University Press

The Roman Empire by C.M. Wells
The Roman empire begins with Julius, the first Caesar, and ends five centuries later with the establishment of Christian rule in Western Europe. C.M. Wells chronicles the astonishing growth of the empire through military innovations that gave soldiers and colonists a tangible stake in Rome's success through the award of captured lands. He helps make sense out of complex episodes in Roman history, among them the so-called year of the four emperors and the rise of non-Roman rulers such as Maximinus. Wells also looks at the legacy of the Roman empire in modern governments, which derive much knowledge about administration, road building, hydrology and assorted other practical arts from their ancient forebears.
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.05 x 8.26 x 5.52
Publisher: Harvard Univ Pr; ; 2nd edition
ISBN: 0674777700

The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture (Omite British Commonwealth)
by Peter Garnsey, Richard P. Saller
Paperback from University of California Press

Works of Josephus : Complete and Unabridged
by Flavius Josephus, et al
Listed under Christian History

Hadrian's Villa and Its Legacy by William MacDonald
Paperback: 404 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.25 x 10.25 x 9.75
Publisher: Yale Univ Pr; ; Reprint edition (November )
ISBN: 0300068514
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Aineias the Tactician: How to Survive Under Siege (Clarendon Ancient History Series)
by Tacticus Aeneas, David Whitehead
Paperback from Oxford Univ Pr
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Roman Empire on DVD

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