Flags of Our Fathers
by James Bradley and Ron Powers
The Battle of Iwo Jima, fought in the winter of 1945 on a rocky island south of Japan, brought a ferocious slice of hell to earth: in a month's time, more than 22,000 Japanese soldiers would die defending a patch of ground a third the size of Manhattan, while nearly 26,000 Americans fell taking it from them. The battle was a turning point in the war in the Pacific, and it produced one of World War II's enduring images: a photograph of six soldiers raising an American flag on the flank of Mount Suribachi, the island's commanding high point.
One of those young Americans was John Bradley, a Navy corpsman who a few days before had braved enemy mortar and machine-gun fire to administer first aid to a wounded Marine and then drag him to safety. For this act of heroism Bradley would receive the Navy Cross, an award second only to the Medal of Honor. Bradley, who died in 1994, never mentioned his feat to his family.
Only after his death did Bradley's son James begin to piece together the facts of his father's heroism, which was but one of countless acts of sacrifice made by the young men who fought at Iwo Jima. Flags of Our Fathers recounts the sometimes tragic life stories of the six men who raised the flag that February day--one an Arizona Indian who would die following an alcohol-soaked brawl, another a Kentucky hillbilly, still another a Pennsylvania steel-mill worker--and who became reluctant heroes in the bargain. A strongly felt and well-written entry in a spate of recent books on World War II, Flags gives a you-are-there depiction of that conflict's horrible arenas--and a moving homage to the men whom fate brought there. Gregory McNamee - Amazon.com
Hardcover: 384 pages (May 2, )
Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd); ISBN: 0553111337Iwo Jima : Legacy of Valor
by Bill D. Ross
Paperback - 380 pages (June 1986)
Random House
(Paper); ISBN: 0394742885Iwo Jima 1945 : The Marines Raise the Flag on Mount Suribachi (Campaign, 81)
by Derek Wright
(Paperback)Immortal Images : A Personal History of Two Photographers and the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima
by Tedd Thomey
(Hardcover)Hungry for Wood : An American Memoir from the Shores of Iwo Jima to the Tundra of Alaska
by Herb Rhodes
(Paperback)Texas Granite : Story of a World War II Hero
by Mary Hartman
Texas Granite is the story of Jack Lummus, winner of the Medal of Honor for his actions as a Marine in the storming of Iwo Jima in World War II.
(Paperback)The Bloody Battle for Suribachi (Bluejacket Books)
by Richard Wheeler
(Paperback)Nightmare on Iwo
by Patrick F. Caruso
(Hardcover)A Marine Remembers Iwo Jima : Dog Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Marines, Fifth Marine Division
by Alfred R. Stone
(Hardcover)The First Battalion of the 28th Marines on Iwo Jima : A Day-By-Day History from Personal Accounts and Official Reports, With Complete Muster Rolls
by Robert E. Allen
(Hardcover)Combat Surgeon : Up Front on Iwo Jima With the 27th Marines
by James S. Vedder
(Hardcover - August 1984)
Special OrderIwo Jima: Red Blood, Black Sand--Pacific Apocalypse
by Charles W. Tatum
Out of Print - Try Used BooksShadow of Suribachi: Raising the Flags on Iwo Jima
by Parker Bishop, Jr. Albee, Keller Cushing Freeman
Out of Print - Try Used Books
Iwo Jima on DVD
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