Brough's Books - Honduras


Books on History and Culture of Central America
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Don't Be Afraid, Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks From The Heart : The Story of Elvia Alvarado
by Medea Benjamin
The author, a peasant organizer, explains how she became involved with the politics of her country, and describes the repression of the poor in Honduras. 
Book Description: "Elvia Alvarado tells the story of her life and the life of the people of Honduras. Read it and understand the struggle against tyranny of the poor. Read it and act."--Alice Walker 
Paperback from Perennial
Mesoamerica's Ancient Cities: Aerial Views of Pre-Columbian Ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras
by William M. Ferguson, Richard E. W. Adams
Paperback from University of New Mexico Press
The United States, Honduras, and the Crisis in Central America (Thematic Studies in Latin America)
by Donald E. Schulz, Deborah Sundloff Schulz
Paperback from Westview Press
The United States in Honduras, 1980-1981: An Ambassador's Memoir
by Jack R. Binns
Paperback from McFarland & Company
Seven Names for the Bellbird: Conservation Geography in Honduras
by Mark Bonta
Paperback from Texas A&M University Press
Hinterland Households: Rural Agrarian Household Diversity in Northwest Honduras
by John G. Douglass
Hardcover from University Press of Colorado
Reinterpreting the Banana Republic: Region and State in Honduras, 1870-1972
by Dario A. Euraque
Paperback from Univ of North Carolina Pr
Formerly British Honduras: A Profile of a New Nation of Belize
by William David Stetzekorn, William David Setzekorn
Paperback from Ohio Univ Pr (Txt)
Special Order
Confederate Settlements in British Honduras
by Donald C., Jr. Simmons, William F. Winter
Paperback from McFarland & Company
Honduras: A Country Study
by Claitors Publishing Division
Hardcover from Claitor's Law Books and Publishing
Ceramics and Artifacts from Excavations in the Copan Residential Zone
by Gordon R. Wiley, Gordon Randolph Willey
Paperback from Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Trees of Paradise and Pillars of the World: The Serial Stelae Cycle of "18-Rabbit-God K," King of Copan (The Linda Schele Series in Maya and Pre-Columbian Studies)
by Elizabeth A. Newsome
Hardcover from Univ of Texas Press
The End of Empire : Dependencies Since 1948 Part 1: The West Indies, British Honduras, Hong Kong, Fiji, Cyprus, Gibraltar, and the Falklands Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the British Empire and Commonwealth Volume VIII
by Frederick Madden
Hardcover from Greenwood Publishing Group
Lighting the Mosquito Coast
by Barry Colman
Paperback from CMML
Special Order
Politics in Central America: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua; Revised Edition
by Thomas P. Anderson
Hardcover from Praeger Publishers
Dollar, Dove and Eagle: One Hundred Years of Palestinian Migration to Honduras
by Nancie L. Gonzalez
Paperback from University of Michigan Press
This Promised Land, El Salvador
by Beth Cagan, Steve Cagan, Segundo Montes
Hardcover from Rutgers University Press
The Southeast Classic Maya Zone: A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 6th and 7th October, 1984
by Gordon R. Willey, Elizabeth H. Boone
Hardcover from Dumbarton Oaks Center Studies
Honduras: A Country Study (Area Handbook Series)
by Tim Merrill
Hardcover from Government Printing Office
Flowers & Fruits from the Wilderness: Or Thirty-Six Years in Texas & Two Winters in Honduras
by Z. N. Morrell
Paperback from Texas A&M University Press
The Frontier Mission and Social Transformation in Western Honduras: The Order of Our Lady of Mercy, 1525-1773 (Studies in Christian Mission, Vol 14)
by Nancy Johnson Black
Hardcover from Brill Academic Publishers

Maya Indians Of Southern Yucatan And Northern British Honduras (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletins)
by Thomas W. F. Gann
Library Binding from Reprint Services Corp

The War of the Dispossessed: Honduras and El Salvador, 1969
by Thomas P. Anderson
Hardcover from Univ of Nebraska Pr
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