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Fishing Oklahoma

Books on Fishing in Oklahoma
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Oklahoma Sportfishing: A Complete Sportsman s Guide (Backcountry Guides)
Oklahoma Sportfishing: A Complete Sportsman's Guide (Backcountry Guides)
by John Gifford
Paperback from Countryman Press
ISBN: 0881505528

Where and how to catch the biggest fish in a state with a surprising amount of waterfront. Oklahoma Sportfishing is the first and only fishing guide to some 51 lake, reservoir, and stream destinations in Oklahoma. Gifford covers casting, fly fishing, and spin fishing in pursuit of 12 popular species of fish, including largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, striped bass, hybrid striped bass, trout, bluegill, catfish, and carp. The heart of the book is its descriptions of dozens of destinations--including directions, special fee or permit requirements, specific seasonal information, and other inside tips. Gifford, a veteran of 30 years of Oklahoma fishing, shares his intimate knowledge and tips for fishing a region where success can mean catching a trophy bass, or landing an elusive trout on a remote mountain stream. 30 black and white photographs, 45 maps, index. · Oklahoma bass fishing draws large crowds from Texas and elsewhere. · Conservation efforts mean fishing continues to improve in Oklahoma. · Unique, detailed book with no competition.
Fishes of Oklahoma
Fishes of Oklahoma
by Rudolph J. Miller, Henry W. Robison
Paperback from University of Oklahoma Press
ISBN: 0806136103
Fishing is one of the most popular sports in Oklahoma, a state that boasts over 1,000 square miles of water. Now Fishes of Oklahoma, the only comprehensive handbook available for identifying fishes across the state of Oklahoma, is available to scientists and to anglers interested in knowing more about the fish they catch. Precise keys and clear black-and-white photos or drawings of every species allow for the ready identification of all Oklahoma fishes. Within each species account is a map showing where the fish can be found in the state, as well as information on its habitat and biology. Also included is a color section showcasing brilliant paintings by Rudolph J. Miller.

Noteworthy features:

· Common and scientific names

· Black-and-white photos or drawings of each species

· Detailed descriptions of each species

· Distribution maps of each species

· Habitat and biology information

· Recent research on endangered species

· Glossary of terms

· Color paintings of many species

Rivers and Rapids: Canoeing, Rafting and Fishing Guide; Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma
Rivers and Rapids: Canoeing, Rafting and Fishing Guide; Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma
by Ben Nolen, Bob Narramore
Paperback from Rivers & Rapids
ISBN: 0963240390
Fishing Oklahoma with Sam Powell
Fishing Oklahoma with Sam Powell

Spiral-bound from World Publishing Company

Ozark Blue-Ribbon Trout Streams
Ozark Blue-Ribbon Trout Streams
by Danny Hicks
Paperback from Frank Amato Publications
ISBN: 1571881638

Trout grow big in the Ozarks!

Even small streams contain food sufficient to grow and sustain 20-inch trout. The largest tailwater trout rivers hold rainbows of nearly 20 pounds, and brown trout of world-record size. This latest addition to the Blue-Ribbon series covers all the Ozarks year round, concentrating on the tailwaters and largest spring-fed rivers. With spectacular photography and informative text, Hicks explores this charming, trout filled region.

Grand Lake O the Cherokees Fishing Map (Oklahoma Fishing Map Series, A346)
Grand Lake O' the Cherokees Fishing Map (Oklahoma Fishing Map Series, A346)
by Fishing Hot Spots
Map from Fishing Hot Spots

Waterproof lake fishing map. The map includes depth contours, bottom structure, fishery information, GPS points, and much more. Grand Lake O' The Cherokees is GPS rated as the second best lake in the state for bass tournament success, and number one in average bass weight and winning weight. The largest population of paddlefish in the world swims in this water and attracts people from all over the globe.

Lake Texoma Fishing Map (Oklahoma Fishing Map Series, A353)
Lake Texoma Fishing Map (Oklahoma Fishing Map Series, A353)

Map from Fishing Hot Spots

Skiatook Lake Waterproof Fishing Map (Oklahoma Fishing Map Series, A351)
Skiatook Lake Waterproof Fishing Map (Oklahoma Fishing Map Series, A351)
by Fishing Hot Spots
Map from Fishing Hot Spots
ISBN: 7136550351

Waterproof lake fishing map, with lake-bottom contours, known fishing spots, boat ramp locations, and more. Filled in 1989, Skiatook is a relatively new and developing reservoir. It is best known for its quality largemouth bass and hybrid stripers. There are good numbers of 4- to 5-pound largemouth bass, and 8- to 9-pounders have been taken. Stripers in the 8- to 10-pound range have been reported.

Oklahoma Sportfishing: A Complete Sportsman's Guide
Oklahoma Sportfishing: A Complete Sportsman's Guide
by John Allen Gifford
Paperback from Countryman Pr
The Ouachita Mountains: A Guide for Fishermen, Hunters, and Travelers
by Milton D. Rafferty, John C. Catau
Hardcover from Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd)
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