Meditation : The Western Tradition
by Robert R. Leichtman, Carl Japikse
Paperback - 512 pages (June 1990)
Ariel Press; ISBN: 0898040418
Wisdom : Nyingma Teachings on Dream Yoga, Meditation and Transformation
by Gyatrul Rinpoche
Paperback - 176 pages 1 Ed edition (August 1993)
Snow Lion Pubns; ISBN: 1559390182
of Time : Meditations in Conjunction with the Thirty-six Decans of the
Zodiac; A Book of Hours
by Eugenia Macer-Story
Hardcover - 87 pages (July 4, )
Magick Mirror Communications; ISBN: 187998010X
Art of Living : Vipassana Meditation As Taught by S.N. Goenka
by William Hart
Paperback - 176 pages (February 1987)
Harper San Francisco; ISBN: 0060637242
Heart of Buddhist Meditation : Satipatthna : A Handbook of Mental Training
Based on the Buddha's Way of Mindfulness.
by Nyanaponika, Nyanaponika Thera
Paperback - 223 pages (December 1976)
Samuel Weiser; ISBN: 0877280738
For Dummies®
by Stephan Bodian
With Breathing : A Manual for Serious Beginners
by Phra Thepwisutthimethi, Santikaro Bhikkhu (Editor), Santikaro, Ajahn
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
Paperback Revised edition (November )
Wisdom Publications; ISBN: 0861711114
in Plain English
by Venerable Henepola Gunaratana, Venerable Henepole, Henepola Gunaratana
Paperback - 191 pages (February 1993)
Wisdom Publications; ISBN: 0861710649 |
Book of Secrets : The Science of Meditation : A Contemporary Approach to
112 Meditations Described in the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
by Osho
Meditation : Waking Up from the Story of My Life
by Joan Tollifson
Paperback - 239 pages 1 edition
Bell Tower; ISBN: 0517887924
Sweeps Mind : A First Guide to Meditation Practice
by Jean Smith (Editor)
Paperback - 289 pages 1st riverh edition
Riverhead Books; ISBN: 157322653X
Art of Meditation
by Joel S. Goldsmith
Paperback - 160 pages Reprint edition (October 1990)
Harper San Francisco; ISBN: 0062503790
Art of the Bedchamber : The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics Including
Women's Solo Meditation Texts
by Douglas Wile
Listed under Yoga
Best Guide to Meditation
by Victor N. Davich
Paperback - 352 pages 1 edition
Audio Renaissance; ISBN: 1580630103
Blooming of a Lotus : Guided Meditation Exercises for Healing & Transformation
by Nhat Hanh, Annabel Laity (Translator), Thich Nhat Hanh
Paperback - 140 pages
Beacon Pr; ISBN: 0807012238
Meditation : A Japanese Way to Mind and Body Harmony
by H. E. Davey
Achieve lasting spiritual transformation through the classical Japanese
art of ink painting, better known as calligraphy or (shodo). Simple step-by-step
exercises instruct beginners and non-artists alike to work with the brush
and ink to reveal their mental and physical state through "moving meditations."
Exploring the intricate relationships of mind, body, and brush, this book
also delves into the mysteries of human life energy, or ki.
Paperback - 144 pages
Stone Bridge Press; ISBN: 1880656388 |
Adhidhamma : Meditation and Concentration
by U Kyaw Min, U. Kyaw Min
Paperback - 192 pages (April 1987)
Heian Intl Pub Co; ISBN: 089346287X
Long Road Turns to Joy : A Guide to Walking Meditation
by Nhat Hanh, Thich Nhat Hanh, Robert Aitken
Paperback - 74 pages Revised edition
Parallax Pr; ISBN: 093807783X
The Complete Guide to Prayer-Walking : A Simple Path to Body-And-Soul
by Linus Mundy
Crossroad Pub Co; ISBN: 0824515463
Out of Print - Try Used
Made Easy
by Lorin Roche
Paperback - 198 pages 1 Ed edition (December )
Harper San Francisco; ISBN: 006251542X
Still Forest Pool : The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chah
by Achaan. Chah, Paul Kornfield, Jack Kornfield
Paperback - 192 pages 1st Ed. edition (October 1985)
Theosophical Publishing House; ISBN: 0835605973