Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) : Cavalry (Men at Arms Series, 181)
by Philip Haythornethwaite, Philip J. Haythornthwaite
(Paperback - November 1986)Axis Cavalry in World War II (Men-At-Arms, 361)
by Jeffrey T., Dr Fowler, Mike Chappell (Illustrator)
(Paperback)Bengal Cavalry Regiments 1857-1914 (Men-At-Arms Series No. 91)
R. G. Harris, C. Warner (Illustrator)
Listed under British Army UniformsBritish Cavalryman : 1792-1815 (Warrior, No 8)
by Richard Hook (Illustrator), Philip J. Haythornthwaite
Listed under British UniformsMegiddo 1918: The Last Great Cavalry Victory (Campaign Series 61)
The Horse Soldier 1851-1880: The Frontier, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Indian Wars
by Randy Steffen
Paperback from Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd)
1992Horse Sweat and Powder Smoke : The First Texas Cavalry in the Civil War (Texas A & M University Military History Series, 66)
by Stanley S. McGowen
(Hardcover)A History of the British Cavalry 1868 to 1919 : 1851-1871
Hardcover, 520 pages
Published by Combined BooksMarch 1997
ISBN: 0850521742The 4th North Carolina Cavalry in the Civil War: A History and Roster
by Neil Hunter Raiford
Listed under Civil War North Carolina
Head Dress of the British Heavy Cavalry (Dragoons) 1842-1922 : Dragoon Guards, Household, and Yeomanry Cavalry, 1842-1934 (Schiffer Military History)
by David J. Rowe
Listed under British Uniforms72 Days at Gettysburg : Organization of the Tenth Regiment, New York Volunteer Cavalry & Assignment to the Town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
George A., III Rummel
Published by White Mane PubDecember 1997
ISBN: 1572490861Frederick the Great's Army : Cavalry (Men-At-Arms, No 236)
Philip J. Haythornthwaite, Bryan Fosten (Illustrator)
Paperback / Published 1991Louis XV's Army (1) : Cavalry & Dragoons (Men-At-Arms , No 296)
Rene Chartrand, et al
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.17 x 9.77 x 7.27
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 1855326027;The Army of Gustavus Adolphus : Cavalry (Men-At-Arms No. 262)
Richard Brzezinski, et al
Paperback / Published 1993
Out of Print - Try Used BooksUnion Cavalryman 1861-65
by Philip Katcher
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 1841762571Union Cavalryman 1861-1865 (Warrior, No 13)
by Phillip Katcher, Richard Hook (Illustrator)
Paperback - 64 pages (November )
Osprey Pub Co; ISBN: 1855324628Officers and Soldiers of the American Civil War (The War of Secession) : Cavalry and Artillery
by Andre Jouineau, et al
(Paperback)The Horse Soldier 1851-1880 : The Frontier, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Indian Wars
by Randy Steffen
Paperback (October 1992)
Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0806123931Balaclava 1854 : The Charge of the Light Brigade (Campaign Series, No. 6)
Listed under Crimean WarThe Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. N. B. Forrest and of Forrest's Cavalry, : With Portraits, Maps, and Illustrations
by Thomson Jordan, et al
Listed under Confederate ArmyLee's Cavalrymen : A History of the Mounted Forces of the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865
by Edward G. Longacre
Listed under Confederate Army18th Virginia Cavalry (Virginia Regimental Hist Ser)
by Roger Delauter
Listed under Confederate ArmyTerrible Swift Sword : Union Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry, 1861-1865 (GI Series, 19)
by J. Phillip Langellier
Listed under Civil War UniformsSoldiers of the English Civil War (2) Elite 27
ISBN: 0850459400The Twilight of the U.S. Cavalry : Life in the Old Army, 1917-1942 (Modern War Studies)
by Lucian K. III Truscott (Editor), et al
(Hardcover)Kentucky Cavaliers in Dixie: Reminiscences of a Confederate Cavalryman
by George Dallas Mosgrove, James A. Ramage (Introduction)
Listed under Confederate ArmyNapoleon's Elite Cavalry: Cavalry of the Imperial Guard, 1804-1815
by Lucien Rousselot (Illustrator), Edward Ryan
Listed under Napoleonic UniformsNapoleon's Guard Cavalry (Men-At-Arms Series, No 83)
Emir Bukhari
Listed under Napoleonic UniformsPrussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars : 1807-15
(Men-At-Arms Series, No 172) Peter Hofschroer
Listed under Napoleonic UniformsFrench Foreign Legion : Infantry and Cavalry Since 1945 (Osprey Military Men-At-Arms, No 300)
by Martin Windrow, Mike Chappell (Illustrator)
Listed under Foreign LegionGalloping at Everything: The British Cavalry in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo, 1808-15
by Ian Fletcher
(Hardcover)Longknives : The U.S. Cavalry and Other Mounted Forces, 1845-1942 (G.I., 3)
by Kurt Hamilton Cox, J. Phillip Langellier
(Paperback)Riding East : The SS Cavalry Brigade in Poland & Russia 1939-1942
Mark C. Yerger
Listed under Waffen-SS
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