
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Civil War Memoirs
by Ulysses S. Grant, W.T. Sherman, Mary D. McFeely (Editor), William S. McFeely (Editor),
Charles Royster (Editor)
Hardcover Boxed Set edition (September 1990)
Library of America; ISBN: 0940450690
Cigars, Whiskey & Winning: Leadership Lessons from Ulysses S. Grant
by Al Kaltman
"Ulysses S. Grant was a perceptive and surprisingly modern manager," writes Al Kaltman. "A pragmatist who learned from his own and others' successes and failures, he brought new dimensions to strategic planning. He was adept at seizing and exploiting opportunities as they presented themselves, and he boldly shattered paradigms long before the term paradigm had made its way into the management jargon." Kaltman uses Grant's military career, beginning with his enrollment at West Point through his early successes in the Civil War to his eventual command of the entire Union Army, to illustrate 250 basic principles of business success, from "Bureaucrats do the dumbest things" to "You can't stop the clock." In an afterword, Kaltman considers how President Grant failed to live up to the principles of teamwork and planning that led General Grant to victory, with a resultant career as chief executive whose legacy has been less than stellar. Amazon.com
Hardcover - 336 pages
Prentice Hall Trade; ISBN: 073520022X
by Jean Edward Smith
Recent history has been kinder to Grant than were the chroniclers of his day, not only for his undoubted abilities as a military leader, but also for his conduct as a president who sought to rebuild a shattered nation. Jean Edward Smith, the author of fine biographies of John Marshall and Lucius D. Clay, offers compelling reasons to accept this program of revision, while acknowledging the shortcomings of Grant's administration. Surely and thoughtfully written, this sprawling but swiftly moving book stands as a true hallmark in the literature that is devoted to Grant. --Gregory McNamee - Amazon.com
The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant (Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant)
Personal Memoirs (Modern Library War)
by Ulysses S. Grant, Geoffrey Perret (Introduction)
(Paperback -- May )
by John Simon (Editor), Julia Dent Grant
Listed under First Ladies
Grant Takes Command : 1863-1865
Grant : A Biography
by William S. McFeely
Paperback (November 1982)
W.W. Norton & Company; ISBN: 0393300463
by Bruce Catton
Paperback Rep edition (April 1990)
Little Brown & Co (Pap); ISBN: 0316132403Grant Moves South : 1861-1863
by Bruce Catton
Paperback Rep edition (April 1990)
Little Brown & Co (Pap); ISBN: 0316132446The General and the Journalists : Ulysses S. Grant, Horace Greeley, and Charles Dana
by Harry J. Maihafer
Hardcover - 320 pages (December )
Brasseys Inc; ISBN: 1574881051Grant and Lee: A Study in Personality and Generalship
by J. F. C. Fuller
(Paperback - September 1982)
Grant Rises in the West : From Iuka to Vicksburg, 1862-1863
The Generalship of Ulysses S. Grant
by J. F. C. Fuller
Synopsis An analysis of one of America's greatest soldiers which refutes the notion that Grant relied only on brute force to achieve his victories, demonstrating instead the mastery of mobility, surprise, judgement, and strategic co-ordination that made Grant the premier Civil War general.
Paperback - 446 pages Reprint edition (October 1991)
Da Capo Pr; ISBN: 0306804506
by Kenneth P. Williams, Brooks D. Simpson (Introduction), Clark Ray (Contributor)
Paperback - 654 pages
Univ of Nebraska Pr; ISBN: 0803297947
Grant Wins the War : Decision at Vicksburg
Grant Rises in the West : The First Year, 1861-1862
by Kenneth P. Williams
Paperback - 614 pages
Univ of Nebraska Pr; ISBN: 0803297939
by James R. Arnold
Paperback: 387 pages
ohn Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 047135063X; 1 edition (August 23, )Let Us Have Peace : Ulysses S. Grant and the Politics of War and Reconstruction, 1861-1868
Brooks D. Simpson
PaperbackThe Rise of U.S. Grant
by Brooks D. Simpson (Introduction), Arthus L. Conger
Paperback - 390 pages (April )
Da Capo Pr; ISBN: 0306806932Papers of Ulysses S. Grant : April 1-August 31, 1862 Vol 5
by J. Simon
Hardcover Vol 005 (June 1977)
Southern Illinois Univ Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0809306360Papers of Ulysses S. Grant September 1 December 8, 1862 (Vol 7)
by Ulysses S Grant
Southern Illinois Univ Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0809306948; (February 1977)
Special OrderThe Papers of Ulysses S. Grant : June 1, 1871-January 31, 1872 (Vol 22)
Ulysses Simpson Grant, et al
HardcoverThe Papers of Ulysses S. Grant : November 1, 1870-May 31, 1871 (Vol 21)
Ulysses Simpson Grant, et al
Ulysses S. Grant : Memoirs and Selected Letters : Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant / Selected Letters, 1839-1865 (Library of America)
by Ulysses S. Grant, Mary Drake McFeeley, William S. McFeeley, Mary D. McFeely, William S. McFeely
Hardcover from Library of America
Ulysses S. Grant: Triumph Over Adversity, 1822-1865
by Brooks D. Simpson, Brooks D. Simpson
Hardcover from Houghton Mifflin Co
» Ulysses S. Grant Biographies
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