
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
American First Ladies : Their Lives and Their Legacy
(Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol 1788)
by Lewis L. Gould (Editor)
Accounts of 38 women and their impact upon the institution of First Lady.
Library Binding - 704 pages 2nd edition
Garland Publishing; ISBN: 0415930219A Different Drummer: My Thirty Years with Ronald Reagan
by Michael K. Deaver, Nancy Reagan
Listed under Ronald ReaganSmithsonian Book of the First Ladies
by Doris Faber, Edith Mayo (Editor), Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hardcover - 352 pages (April )
Henry Holt & Company, Inc.; ISBN: 0805017518
Barbara Bush : A Memoir
by Barbara Bush
Hardcover - 575 pages
Scribner; ISBN: 0025196359Edith and Woodrow: The Wilson White House
by Phyllis Lee Levin
Listed under Woodrow WilsonFirst Ladies : The Saga of the Presidents' Wives and Their Power 1961-1990
by Carl Sferrazza Anthony
Paperback Rep edition Vol 002 (July 1993)
Quill; ISBN: 0688125751First Ladies : The Saga of the President's Wives and Their Power, 1789-1961
by Carl Sferrazza Anthony
Paperback - 685 pages Rep edition Vol 001 (March 1992)
Quill; ISBN: 0688112722Jacqueline Kennedy : The White House Years: Selections from the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum
by Hamish Bowles (Editor), Metropolitan Museum of Art
Listed under Jacqueline KennedyJackie: The Clothes of Camelot
by Jay Mulvaney, Dominick Dunne
Listed under Jacqueline KennedyThe Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt
by Eleanor Roosevelt
Listed under Eleanor RooseveltThe Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant (Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant)
by John Simon (Editor), Julia Dent Grant
Paperback - 346 pages Reprint edition (February 1988)
Southern Illinois Univ Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0809314436
Mrs. Ike - Memories and Reflections on the Life of Mamie Eisenhower
by Susan Eisenhower
Hardcover 1st niagar edition
Ulverscroft Large Print Books; ISBN: 0708958680
Out of Print - Try Used BooksMartha Washington : First Lady (Historical American Biographies)
Stephanie Sammartino McPherson
Library BindingDolley Madison : Courageous First Lady (Historical American Biographies)
by Lynda Pflueger
Library Binding
Enslow Publishers, Inc.; ISBN: 0766010929Barbara Bush (Library of Biography)
by Arlene McGrath Heiss, Arleen McGrath Heiss, Vito Perrone (Designer)
Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback - 127 pages (October 1992)
Chelsea House Pub Paperbacks; ISBN: 079101634X
Out of Print - Try Used BooksDolly Madison : Famous First Lady (A Discovery Biography)
by Mary R. Davidson, Erica Merkling (Illustrator)
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Library Binding - 80 pages 1st chelse edition (December 1992)
Chelsea House Pub (Library); ISBN: 0791014460
Out of Print - Try Used BooksFlorence Harding : The First Lady, the Jazz Age, and the Death of America's Most Scandalous President
by Carl Sferrazza Anthony
Hardcover - 544 pages 1 edition
William Morrow & Company; ISBN: 0688077943
Out of Print - Try Used BooksThe First Partner : Hillary Rodham Clinton
by Joyce Milton
Listed under Hillary ClintonSimply Barbara Bush : A Portrait of America's Candid First Lady
by Donnie Radcliffe
Paperback Reprint edition (May 1990)
Warner Books; ISBN: 0446360244
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