
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Ambling Into History: The Unlikely Odyssey of George W. Bush
by Frank Bruni
Hardcover: 288 pages
HarperCollins; ISBN: 0066213711; 1st edition (March 5, )The Accidental President: How 413 Lawyers, 9 Supreme Court Justices, and 5,963,110 Floridians (Give or Take a Few) Landed George W. Bush in the White House
by David A. Kaplan
Bush at War
by Bob Woodward
From the author of eight New York Times bestsellers comes an authoritative account of the first 18 months of the Bush White House, and perhaps the biggest story since the end of the Vietnam War. Based on hundreds of interviews throughout the Administration, Woodward's account will provide the first in-depth, behind-the-scenes story of the new, untested President as he responds to the worst acts of terror on American soil.
Hardcover: 400 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.23 x 9.04 x 6.88
Simon & Schuster; ISBN: 0743204735; (November 19, )A Charge to Keep
The Bush - Haters Handbook: A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency of the Past 100 Years
by Jack Huberman
Book Description: The Bush-Haters Handbook is a godsend to those looking for a concise, mordantly entertaining overview of the Bush record from a liberal perspective, or those who want to arm themselves with talking points, facts, and figures for debates with conservatives, and at those seeking the perfect holiday gift book for that certain, special Bush-hater in their lives-or for a Bush-lover they hope to rescue from the outer darkness. Summarizing, detailing, and bewailing all of the more important Bush administration outrages, and some of the more trivial ones, this book is the brainchild of Jack Huberman, a former Canadian who took up U.S. citizenship just so he could vote against Dubya in 2000. Topics range from abortion, AIDS, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and Ashcroft, to women and workplace safety. Other major topics include budget and taxes, civil liberties, death penalty, defense spending, education, environment, gun control, health care, homeland security, Iraq, judicial nominations, "nucular" weapons, patients' rights, privacy, public land, September 11 and the war on terror, and social security. In between are a variety of smaller topics, such as Bush's language abilities (featuring a selection of priceless Bushisms). The pages are also enlivened by sidebars, "boxed" lists, and political cartoons.
Paperback from Nation Books
by George W. Bush, Karen Hughes
...a puzzling exercise. It offers little more than his standard stump speech does to convey what a Bush presidency might be like. The New York Times Book Review, Adam Clymer
Hardcover - 253 pages 1 Ed edition (November 17, )
William Morrow & Co; ISBN: 0688174418Compassionate Conservatism by Dummys: The Wit and Wisdom of George W. Bush
by Marley Roberts, K. R. K. Ryden (Illustrator), Warren Hinckle (Introduction)
Paperback - 107 pages (October 1, )
Last Gasp of San Francisco; ISBN: 0867195029The Dirty Truth, The Oil and Chemical Dependency of George W. Bush
by Rick Abraham
Paperback - 200 pages (October 2, )
Mainstream Publishers; ISBN: 0970519001The Iran-Contra Scandal: The Declassified History
by Peter Kornbluh
Listed under Iran-Contra AffairFirst Son : George W. Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty
by Bill Minutaglio
Hardcover - 371 pages
Times Books; ISBN: 0812931394
George W. Bushisms2012Day-To-Day Calendar
Stupid White Men ...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!
by Michael Moore
Stupid White Men, Michael Moore's screed against "Thief-in-Chief" George Bush's power elite, hit No. 1 at Amazon.com within days of publication. Why? It's as fulminating and crammed with infuriating facts as any right-wing bestseller, as irreverent as The Onion, and as noisily entertaining as a wrestling smackdown. Moore offers a more interesting critique of the 2000 election than Ralph Nader's Crashing the Party (he argued with Nader, his old boss, who sacked him), and he's serious when he advocates ousting Bush. But Moore's rage is outrageous, couched in shameless gags and madcap comedy: "Old white men wielding martinis and wearing dickies have occupied our nation's capital.... Launch the SCUD missiles! Bring us the head of Antonin Scalia!... We are no longer [able] to hold free and fair elections. We need U.N. observers, U.N. troops." Moore's ideas range from on-the-money (Arafat should beat Sharon with Gandhi's nonviolent shame tactics) to over-the-top: blacks should put inflatable white dolls in their cars so racist cops will think they're chauffeurs; the ever-more-Republicanesque Democratic Party should be sued for fraud; "no contributions toward advancing our civilization ever came out of the South [except Faulkner, Hellman, and R.J. Reynolds]," because it's too hot to think straight there; Korean dictator Kim Jong-il "has got to broaden himself beyond porn and John Wayne" by watching better movies, like Dude, Where's My Car? (which contains "all you need to know about America"). Whatever your politics, Stupid White Men should make you blow your stack. --Tim Appelo, Amazon.com
by Jacob Weisberg
Listed under Humor CalendarsIs Our Children Learning? : The Case Against George W. Bush
by Paul Begala
Paperback - 160 pages (September 1, )
Simon & Schuster (Paper); ISBN: 0743214781
Fortunate Son: George W. Bush And The Making Of An American President
The Betrayal of America : How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose Our President
by Vincent Bugliosi, Molly Ivins (Foreword), Gerry Spence (Foreword)
Thunder's Mouth Pr/Nation Books; ISBN: 156025355X
by J. H. Hatfield, Toby Rogers (Introduction), Nick Mamatas (Introduction)
Paperback - 440 pages 2nd edition (July 10, )
Soft Skull Press, Inc.; ISBN: 1887128751George W. Bushisms : The Slate Book of The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President
by George W. Bush, Jacob Weisberg (Editor)
Paperback - 96 pages 1 edition (January 8, )
Simon & Schuster; ISBN: 0743222229
My First Presidentiary : A Scrapbook by George W. Bush
The Bush Dyslexicon
by Mark Crispin Miller
A book on the mangled language of the 43rd President, and how the spin merchants and the media manoeuvred him into power. Db.
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by Kevin Guilfoile, Modern Humorist, John Warner
Paperback - 64 pages (March 27, )
Three Rivers Press; ISBN: 0609808184President George W. Bush : Our Forty-Third President
by Beatrice Gormley
(Paperback - February )Shrub : The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush
by Molly Ivins, Lou Dubose
Hardcover - 179 pages (February 15, )
Random House; ISBN: 0375503994The Immaculate Deception : The Bush Crime Family Exposed
by Russell S. Bowen
Listed under George Bush
Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush
by John W. Dean
The most facile presidential comparison one could make for George W. Bush would be his father, who presided over a war in Iraq and a struggling economy. Some "neocons" reject the parallel and compare Bush to his father's predecessor, Ronald Reagan, citing a plainspoken quality and a belief in deep tax cuts. But John Dean goes further back, seeing in Bush all the secrecy and scandal of Dean's former boss, the notorious Richard Nixon. The difference, as the title of Dean's book indicates, is that Bush is a heck of a lot worse. While the book provides insightful snippets of the way Nixon used to do business, it offers them to shed light on the practices of Bush. In Dean's estimation, the secrecy with which Bush and Dick Cheney govern is not merely a preferred system of management but an obsessive strategy meant to conceal a deeply troubling agenda of corporate favoritism and a dramatic growth in unchecked power for the executive branch that put at risk the lives of American citizens, civil liberties, and the Constitution. Dean sets out to make his point by drawing attention to several areas about which Bush and Cheney have been tight-lipped: the revealing by a "senior White House official" of the identity of an undercover CIA operative whose husband questioned the administration, the health of Cheney, the identity of Cheney's energy task force, the information requested by the bi-partisan 9/11 commission, Bush's business dealings early in his career, the creation of a "shadow government", wartime prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, and scores more. He theorizes that the truth about these and many other situations, including the decision to go to war in Iraq, will eventually surface and that Bush and Cheney's secrecy is a thus far effective means of keep a lid on a rapidly multiplying set of lies and scandals that far outstrip the misdeeds that led directly to Dean's former employer resigning in disgrace. Dean's charges are impassioned and more severe than many of Bush's most persistent critics. But those charges are realized only after careful reasoning and steady logic by a man who knows his way around scandal and corruption. --John Moe - Amazon.com
Hardcover from Little Brown & Company
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