
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
The Business of May Next : James Madison and the Founding
by William Lee Miller
Paperback Reprint edition
Univ Pr of Virginia; ISBN: 0813914906The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
by James Madison
Hardcover (March 1987)
Prometheus Books (Short Disc); ISBN: 0879753889Dolley Madison : Courageous First Lady (Historical American Biographies)
by Lynda Pflueger
Listed under First Ladies
From Parchment to Power : How James Madison Used the Bill of Rights to Save the Constitution
by Robert A. Goldwin
Book Description: In this book, renowned constitutional historian and AEI resident scholar Robert A. Goldwin tells the story of how and why Madison went from skeptic to advocate of a bill of rights, and how he single-handedly maneuvered his amendments through a reluctant Congress. Goldwin reveals how James Madison thought through, and then implemented, a design to put the Constitution on the firmest possible foundation, a foundation of popular support so solid that the Constitution of the United states has lasted incomparably longer than any other in the world.
Paperback - 213 pages 1 edition
AEI Press; ISBN: 0844740136If Men Were Angels : James Madison and the Heartless Empire of Reason (American Political Thought)
History of the United States of America During the Administrations of James Madison
(Library of America)
by Henry Adams, Earl Harbert (Editor)
Hardcover - 1436 pages (August 1986)
Library of America; ISBN: 0940450356
Richard K. Matthews
HardcoverJames Madison on Religious Liberty
by Robert S. Alley (Editor), Robert S. Madison
Paperback - 338 pages (July 1989)
Prometheus Books; ISBN: 0879755377James Madison's 'Advice to My Country'
by James Madison, David B. Mattern (Editor)
Hardcover - 144 pages (April )
Univ Pr of Virginia; ISBN: 0813917174James Madison and the Creation of the American Republic (2nd Edition)
by Jack Rakove
Paperback from Pearson Longman
James Madison: (The American Presidents Series)
by Garry Wills, Arthur M. Schlesinger
Hardcover from Times Books
James Madison: The Theory and Practice of Republican Government (Social Science History)
by Samuel Kernell
Hardcover from Stanford Univ Pr
The Last of the Fathers : James Madison and the Republican Legacy
by Drew R. McCoy
Paperback Reprint edition (July 1991)
Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt); ISBN: 0521407729
James Madison : A Biography
by Ralph Louis Ketcham
Paperback - 753 pages Reprint edition (May 1990)
Univ Pr of Virginia; ISBN: 0813912652The Republic of Letters : The Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison 1776-1826
James Madison : The Founding Father
by Robert Allen Rutland
Paperback - 312 pages Reprint edition
University of Missouri Press; ISBN: 0826211410
by James M. Smith (Editor)
Hardcover - 3 pages Boxed edition
W.W. Norton & Company; ISBN: 039303691XThe Papers of James Madison : Presidential Series : 3 November 1810-4 November 1811
(Presidential Series, Vol 3)
by James Madison, J. C. A. Stagg (Editor), Jeanne Kerr Cross (Editor), Susan Holbrook-Perdue (Editor)
Hardcover Vol 3
Univ Pr of Virginia; ISBN: 0813916321The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, 1 November 1803-31 March 1804 (Papers of James Madison, Secretary of State, Vol 6)
by Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Ellen J. Barber, Anne Mandeville Colony, Angela Kreider, James Madison
Hardcover from University of Virginia Press
James Madison (United States Presidents)
by Mary Malone
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Library Binding - 128 pages
Enslow Publishers, Inc.; ISBN: 0894908340The Mind of the Founder : Sources of the Political Thought of James Madison
by James Madison, Marvin Meyers (Editor)
Paperback - 449 pages Revised edition (November 1981)
University Press of New England; ISBN: 0874512018The Sacred Fire of Liberty: James Madison and the Founding of the Federal Republic
by Lance Banning
Book Description: A Choice Magazine "Outstanding Academic Book for 1996"
Co-winner of the 1997 Merle Curti Award in American Intellectual History from the Organization of American Historians"Brilliant and original. . . . The Sacred Fire of Liberty is a challenging book, bristling with ideas and filled with fine shades of emphasis and meaning. Yet there is . . . no jargon or academic obfuscation, and the attentive reader should have no trouble following the argument."--Evan Cornog, New York Times Book Review
"No one who has followed Banning's account of Madison's development . . . will read The Federalist or plot the trajectory of his career in quite the same way again. This is no small achievement."--Edmund S. Morgan, The New Republic
"Well researched and eloquently rendered. . . . An essential addition to the scholarship on the New Republic."--Library Journal
Paperback from Cornell Univ Pr
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