
There is no greater illustration of corporate America's moral decay than Amazon. Amazon fired manager protesting Covid-19 infections in warehous.e
Coolidge : An American Enigma
by Robert Sobel
Paperback - 462 pages 1 edition (October 1, )
Regnery Publishing, Inc.; ISBN: 0895262479The Presidency of Calvin Coolidge
(American Presidency Series)
by Robert H. Ferrell
Hardcover - 272 pages
Univ Pr of Kansas; ISBN: 0700608923Foundations of the Republic
by Calvin Coolidge
Hardcover (June 1926)
Ayer Co Pub; ISBN: 0836903331
Special OrderThe Quotable Calvin Coolidge: Sensible Words for a New Century
by Calvin Coolidge, Peter Hannaford (Editor)
Images from the Past; ISBN: 1884592333
Calvin Coolidge (Encyclopedia of Presidents)
Calvin Coolidge (Profiles of the Presidents)
by Robin Santos Doak
School & Library Binding from Compass Point Books
by Zachary Kent
Reading level: Ages 9-12
School & Library Binding - 100 pages (October 1988)
Children's Press; ISBN: 0516013629Calvin Coolidge: Our Thirtieth President (Our Presidents)
by Melissa Maupin
(School & Library Binding)The Price of Freedom: Speeches and Addresses
by Calvin Coolidge
Paperback: 420 pages
ISBN: 1589635388;A Puritan in Babylon: The Story of Calvin Coolidge
by William Allen White
(Paperback)Calvin Coolidge: A Biography (Signature Series)
by Donald McCoy, et al
Special OrderCalvin Coolidge
(Meckler Bibliographies of the Presidents of the United States 1789-1989 Series : No. 29)
by Carol B. Fitzgerald (Editor)
Hardcover (December 1988)
Meckler Publishing Corporation; ISBN: 0887361439
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One day the President and Mrs. Coolidge were visiting a government farm. Soon after their arrival they were taken off on separate tours. When Mrs. Coolidge passed the chicken pens she paused to ask the man in charge if the rooster copulates more than once each day. 'Dozens of times,' was the reply. 'Please, tell that to the President,' Mrs. Coolidge requested. When the President passed the pens and was told about the roosters, he asked, 'Same hen every time?' 'Oh no, Mr. President, a different one each time.' The President nodded slowly, then said, 'Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge.'
- G. Bermant
I have never been hurt by anything I didn't say. - Calvin Coolidge When large numbers of men are unable to find work, unemployment results. - Calvin Coolidge You can't know too much, but you can say too much.
- Calvin Coolidge