Morning Glory 1999
1999 Morning Glory Expedition
Rob Thompson and myself had our G109 based in Burketown for about six weeks - from about mid September to late October. I flew up with John Levett of Tasmania - we arrived just in time to catch a couple of waves, and then John took an RPT back. I stayed on for a little while longer, but nothing much happened. Nigel Baker from South Australia took my place in the Grob shortly after I left (also by RPT), and I believe he and Rob had some nice soaring.
Ross Edwards and Jim, the manager of Keepit Soaring Club, brought the Keepit Grob up to Burketown.
Triple Pete was unable to come in '99, alas. He pranged on Saturday 18th April 1998. However, we're expecting him in 2000 - perhaps not in his own aircraft, but aloft nonetheless.
Ross Duncan of Newcastle turned up with his Mitchel Wing, and was one
of the group of four gliders which soared about halfway across the Gulf.
Ross may be contacted on 0249 42 5120
Rudi Gaismaier may come in 2000, he says. He's busy with the amazing Grob G520T

ARA: Airborne Research Australia

Accommodation may well be at a premium for the last two weeks of September.
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